- 한국애질런트 LCMS Application Chemist 채용
- 김지혜2008/06/11 조회수 : 3105
- LCMS AE JD.pdf (116.49K) 130회 다운로드
[[ LCMS Application Chemist in LSCA]]
- 근무지: 수원 (수원시 영통구 이의동, 나노소자특화팹센터 內)
** 한국애질런트테크놀로지스
* Agilent Technologies : 계측기/생명공학 분석기 분야 Market Share 1 위의 세계적인 회사로, Best
Company to work 에 다양하게 선정되었으며, 가장 최근에는 Woman Engineer Magazine 의 “2008 년
Top 50 Employers”에 34 위에 rank 되었습니다. (Business Week’s top performers in the tech industry
(June 2006), Global 100 List for the Second consecutive Year (January 2006))
한국애질런트테크놀로지스에서는 새로운 도약, 끊임없는 변화에 발맞춰 나갈 도전과 패기있는 유능한
인재를 찾습니다.
* 한국애질런트의 생명공학/화학 분석 사업부(LSCA)에서 LCMS (Liquid Chromatography Mass
Spectrometry)의 기술지원을 담당할 Application Engineer를 채용하고자 합니다*
Delivers technical expertise for chemical analysis solution implementation to customer
based on Agilent products and services primarily in the LC-Mass Spectrometry areas. Is
focused during various phases of the sales process including requirements analysis,
feature-by-feature demonstrations, benchmarks, competitive positioning, and
implementation/execution, generally allocated by project and engineering services. Have a
good understanding of MS technology and applications in target Markets (eg. BioPharma
industry) and able to integrates Agilent products and services (at the system/solutions
level) into customer’s environment solving customer's problems, recommends solutions to
meet their needs, and ensures customer satisfaction. Integrates Agilent products and
services (at the system/solutions level) into customer’s environment. Also ensures our
system solution platform is functioning properly and accordingly to analytical specifications
at the customer site. May be product and/or technology focused. May deliver post sales
consulting related to our application and solution, as well as assist in pre-sales, as part of
their tasks.
- Determines and develops approaches to system/application service assignments
- Leads assigned projects requiring coordination with other functions, customers, third
- Solves a broad range of problems of varying scope and complexity
- As a technical partner with sales development functions
- Is required to deliver technical seminars and presentations.
** Requirements **
- Bachelor or Master Degree or Higher in Chemistry or Biochemistry
- Focused on Biochemistry, Microbiology or chemistry fundamentals
- a minimum of 5 years relevant experience (University research labs with proteomics
studies, pharmaceuticals R&D lab, Central government departments for drugs control will
be plus)
- Experience in proteomics or metabolomics field will be advantage.
- Good understanding of LCMS applications in target markets (eg. the proteomics,
bio/pharma, environmental and/or food industry)
- Proficiency in English(Speaking/Writing)
- Customer Orientation mindset
>> 전형방법 :
1 차 서류전형
2~3 차 면접전형 (영어 인터뷰 포함)
4 차 신체검사
>> 제출서류 :
영문(국문) 이력서, 자기소개서 - 경력사항 및 본인이 다루었던 기기를 자세히 서술.
* 각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출
>> 마감일 : 채용시까지
>> 채용담당 : 김지혜 ( 02-2004-5654 /[email protected])
** 기타 자세한 내용은 한국애질런트 채용사이트 (http://www.jobs.agilent.com) 의 req.NO. 2019112를 참고 하세요.