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마이크로파 박리공정에 의한 비작용기화 그래핀 및 폴리프로필렌 카보네이트 기반의 나노 복합물질 오혁균, 김성우 Polymer(Korea), 41(5), 820, 2017 |
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Morphology, thermal, mechanical, and barrier properties of graphene oxide/poly(lactic acid) nanocomposite films Kim SW, Choi HM Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 33(1), 330, 2016 |
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생분해성 폴리우레탄/클레이 나노복합 필름의 제조 및 특성 연구 김성우 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(3), 382, 2013 |
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Low-voltage electrophoretic deposition of polyetherimide through quarternization and re-imidization reactions Kim S, Oh JS, Hwang TS, Cho M, Lee Y, Choi HR, Kim SW, Nam JD Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 25(4), 261, 2013 |
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마이크로 중공구를 이용한 자외선 경화 코팅 박막의 단열 특성 김남이, 장영욱, 김성우 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 50(4), 621, 2012 |
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실리카 다공체에 의한 발광다이오드 백라이트 유닛용 폴리카보네이트계 확산판의 광학 및 열-기계적 물성의 향상 연구 김효진, 김동원, 김성우 Polymer(Korea), 36(6), 761, 2012 |
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Biodegradable poly(lactic acid)-based hybrid coating materials for food packaging films with gas barrier properties Bang G, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(3), 1063, 2012 |
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Characterization of UV curable hybrid hard coating materials prepared by sol-gel method Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(1), 298, 2011 |
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Preparation and barrier property of poly(vinyl alcohol)/SiO2 hybrid coating films Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(5), 1195, 2008 |
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Barrier Property and Morphology of Polypropylene/Polyamide Blend Film Kim D, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(4), 776, 2003 |
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Study of Cure Kinetic Modeling of RSL-1895 Epoxy System using Composite Kinetic Methodology Kim SW, Nam JD Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 8(3), 212, 2002 |