
유복렬 공저 논문

No. Article
1 Deoxygenative silylation of aromatic carbonyl compounds with HSiCl3 in the presence of quaternary phosphonium chloride: A facile route to arylmethyltrichlorosilane
Han JS, Kang SH, Jung IN, Yoo BR
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 42, 157, 2016
2 Advanced metal oxide (supported) catalysts: Synthesis and applications
Lee DW, Yoo BR
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(6), 3947, 2014
3 Solid State Structures of Disiloxanediols. Hydrogen-Bonded Networked Structures
Kim JH, Han JS, Lim WC, Yoo BR
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(3), 480, 2007
4 실리콘(Silicone) 원료의 합성법 개발
유복렬, 정일남
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(2), 109, 2002