손성모 공저 논문
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Multiple effects of operating variables on heat transfer in three-phase slurry bubble columns Shin IS, Son SM, Lim DH, Kang Y, Jung H, Lee HT Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 1015, 2010 |
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가압 삼상슬러리 기포탑에서 직경변화에 따른 기체-액체 물질전달 특성 서명재, 임대호, 신익상, 손성모, 강용 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 47(4), 459, 2009 |
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Multiple effects of operating variables on the bubble properties in three-phase slurry bubble columns Shin IS, Son SM, Kim UY, Kang Y, Kim SD, Jung H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(2), 587, 2009 |
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Annular 유동층 반응기에서 최소유동화 속도 및 압력요동 특성 손성모, 김욱영, 신익상, 강용, 최명재 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(4), 707, 2008 |
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삼상 역 유동층의 수력학, 열전달 및 물질전달 특성 강용, 이경일, 신익상, 손성모, 김상돈, 정헌 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(3), 451, 2008 |
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삼상 Swirling 유동층에서 열전달 특성 손성모, 신익상, 강용, 조용준, 양희철 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(1), 56, 2008 |
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Effect of pressure fluctuations on the heat transfer characteristics in a pressurized slurry bubble column Kang SH, Son SM, Kang Y, Bae JW, Jun KW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(4), 897, 2008 |
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납사타르피치의 연소 및 수증기 가스화 반응특성 김욱영, 손성모, 강석환, 강용, 김상돈, 정헌 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(6), 604, 2007 |
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Pressure fluctuations and bubble size in viscous three-phase circulation fluidized bed bioreactors Son SM, Shin IS, Kang SH, Kang Y, Kim SD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(5), 866, 2007 |
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Residence time distribution and dispersion of gas phase in a wet gas scrubbing system Kim UY, Son SM, Kang SH, Kang Y, Kim SD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(5), 892, 2007 |
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Phase Holdup Characteristics of Viscous Three-Phase Inverse Fluidized Beds Shin IS, Son SM, Kang Y, Kang SH, Kim SD Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(6), 971, 2007 |
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Gas Holdup and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Three-Phase Circulating Fluidized-Bed Bioreactors Son SM, Kang SH, Kang TG, Song PS, Kim UY, Kang Y, Kang HK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(1), 14, 2007 |
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Heat Transfer Resistances in Three-Phase Circulating Fluidized Beds Kang SH, Son SM, Kim UY, Kang Y, Cho YJ, Kang HK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(1), 33, 2007 |
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액체-입자 Swirling 유동층에서 유동입자 흐름 및 열전달 특성 손성모, 강석환, 강용, 김상돈 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 44(5), 505, 2006 |
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기체-고체 유동층에서 Chaos 파라메타에 의한 흐름영역의 해석 송평섭, 최왕규, 정종헌, 오원진, 강석환, 손성모, 강용 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(1), 93, 2006 |
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기-액 향류 흐름 기포탑 생물 반응기에서 기포 흐름 거동 특성 손성모, 강석환, 이찬기, 정성현, 강용, 김상돈 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 43(2), 272, 2005 |
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유동층 전극반응기에서 기체의 유입이 산업폐수로부터 동입자의 회수에 미치는 영향 송평섭, 손성모, 강용, 김승재, 김상돈 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(4), 485, 2005 |
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Transient Flow Behavior of Particles and Pressure Fluctuations in Gas-Solid Fluid Beds Kang SH, Kim JS, Song PS, Lee CG, Son SM, Kang Y Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(1), 145, 2005 |
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기체-액체 향류흐름 유동층에서 유동입자의 분산 거동해석 손성모, 김현태, 강석환, 강용, 김상돈 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(3), 332, 2004 |
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기/액 향류흐름 유동층에서 기포특성의 축방향 변화 및 분포 손성모, 윤정호, 김현태, 송평섭, 강용, 김상돈 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(2), 235, 2004 |
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나선흐름(swirling) 삼상 유동층에서 상체류량 및 압력 요동 특성 손성모, 신호진, 강석환, 강용, 김상돈 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(6), 652, 2004 |
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삼상 기포탑 붕산 탈수 반응기에서 온도 요동 및 열전달 특성 심정섭, 손성모, 이찬기, 강용 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(3), 349, 2004 |
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기체-고체 나선흐름(Swirling) 유동층에서 기체의 혼합 및 압력 요동 특성 강석환, 이찬기, 손성모, 강용, 이동현, 김상돈, 최명재 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(3), 354, 2004 |
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삼상 순환유동층의 상승관에서 연속 액상의 축방향 혼합특성 유명선, 손성모, 강석환, 강용, 김상돈 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 120, 2004 |
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Sol-Gel법과 수열처리에 의한 Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) 나노분말 제조 김현태, 송평섭, 손성모, 김준식, 송기창, 강용 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(8), 1092, 2003 |
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액체-고체 유동층반응기에서 조작변수가 폐수로부터 회수되는 동분말의 크기에 미치는 영향 송평섭, 김현태, 손성모, 강용, 김승재, 김상돈 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(7), 903, 2003 |