연구자 : ()
No. Article
1 부분 용융 운전 조건에서 석탄슬러리 가스화 운전 특성
이진욱, 정석우, 이승종, 정우현, 변용수, 황상연, 전동환, 류상오, 이지은, 정기진, 김진호, 윤용승
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 52(5), 657, 2014
2 Operation characteristics of 1 ton/day-scale coal gasifier with additional stage
Yun Y, Lee SJ, Hong JP
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(5), 1188, 2011
3 CFD 해석을 통한 4종의 건식 분류층 석탄가스화기 설계개념 비교
윤용승, 주지선, 이승종
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 22(5), 566, 2011
4 Simulation of DME synthesis from coal syngas by kinetics model
Shim HM, Lee SJ, Yoo YD, Yun YS, Kim HT
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(3), 641, 2009
5 Development of a pilot-scale acid gas removal system for coal syngas
Lee SJ, Kim SH, Kang KH, Yoo YD, Yun Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(6), 1128, 2007
6 Synthesis of dimethyl ether from syngas obtained by coal gasification
Yoo YD, Lee SJ, Yun Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(2), 350, 2007
7 Effect of air separation unit integration on integrated gasification combined cycle performance and NOx emission characteristics
Lee C, Lee SJ, Yun Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(2), 368, 2007
8 폐유 및 폐유정제유의 가스화에서 주요 변수인 산소와 증기의 최적 공급비 예측
이승종, 윤용승
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(4), 372, 2002