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No. Article
1 폴리올레핀계 분리막의 친수화 처리방법에 따른 Ni-MH 2차 전지의 전기화학적 특성연구
송리규, 이윤성
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(2), 263, 2013
2 Preparation, electrochemical properties, and cycle mechanism of Li1-xFe0.8Ni0.2O2-LixMnO2 (Mn/(Fe+Ni+Mn)=0.8) materia
Park GJ, Heo JB, Cho SH, Park SH, Ahn HS, Lee YS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(6), 1389, 2008
3 Preparation and electrochemical properties of Li1.1Mn2O3.9F0.1 material for lithium secondary battery
Lee YS, Cho SJ, Yoshio M
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(4), 566, 2006