연구자 : 최왕규 (한국원자력연구원)
No. Article
1 Partition characteristics of radionuclides during a melt decontamination of a contaminated metal waste
Min BY, Choi WK, Oh WZ, Jung CH, Lee KW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 31, 2009
2 Characteristics of a nuclides distribution during a melt decontamination of radioactive aluminum wastes
Min BY, Choi WK, Oh WZ, Jung CH, Le KW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(6), 1344, 2008
3 방사성 금속폐기물의 용융시 방사성 핵종(60Co, 137Cs)의 분배특성
민병연, 최왕규, 오원진, 정종헌, 강용
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(6), 627, 2007
4 Study on the Vitrification of Mixed Radioactive Waste by Plasma Arc Melting
Min BY, Kang Y, Song PS, Choi WK, Jung CH, Oh WZ
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(1), 57, 2007
5 Development of a Washing System for Soil Contaminated with Radionuclides Around TRIGA Reactors
Kim GN, Choi WK, Jung CH, Moon JK
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(3), 406, 2007
6 기체-고체 유동층에서 Chaos 파라메타에 의한 흐름영역의 해석
송평섭, 최왕규, 정종헌, 오원진, 강석환, 손성모, 강용
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(1), 93, 2006
7 Characteristics of the Copper Recovery from Wastewater in Two and Three-Phase Fluidized-Bed Reactors
Song PS, Choi WK, Jung CH, Oh WZ, Kang SH, Kang Y
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(1), 98, 2006
8 Melting Characteristics of Metal Wastes in an Electric Arc Furnace
Song PS, Min BY, Choi WK, Jung CH, Oh WZ, Park JH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(2), 248, 2006
9 Separation of Hot Particulate from a PFC Decontamination Solution forReuse by Filtration Equipment
Kim GN, Narayan M, Won HJ, Choi WK, Jung CH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(4), 531, 2006
10 전기여과막 공정에 의한 오일에멀젼의 분리에 대한 염 및 계면활성제의 영향
방준환, 박소진, 최왕규, 이근우
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(8), 956, 2004
11 Removal of Cesium and Cobalt from Soil Around TRIGA Reactor using Electrokinetic Method
Kim GN, Oh WZ, Won HJ, Choi WK
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(3), 306, 2003
12 우라늄 오염 금속표면의 제염을 위한 UO2 용해특성 연구
이성열, 최왕규, 오원진, 유승곤
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(3), 348, 2003
13 Citric Acid 용액에 의한 Magnetite 용해반응
원휘준, 최왕규, 김계남, 정종헌, 오원진
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(5), 575, 2003
14 HEMA로 개질된 폴리프로필렌 정밀여과막에 의한 오일에멀젼의 분리특성
구병준, 이근우, 이재원, 최왕규, 박소진
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(8), 929, 2000