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The effect of operating parameters on the formation of fuel wall films as a basis for the reduction of engine particulate emissions Schulz F, Beyrau F Fuel, 238, 375, 2019 |
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Temperature measurement techniques for gas and liquid flows using thermographic phosphor tracer particles Abram C, Fond B, Beyrau F Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 64, 93, 2018 |
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Investigation of BAM:Eu2+ particles as a tracer for temperature imaging in flames Yin ZY, Fond B, Eckel G, Abram C, Meier W, Boxx I, Beyrau F Combustion and Flame, 184, 249, 2017 |
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The influence of flash-boiling on spray-targeting and fuel film formation Schulz F, Beyrau F Fuel, 208, 587, 2017 |
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Systematic LIF fuel wall film investigation Schulz F, Samenfink W, Schmidt J, Beyrau F Fuel, 172, 284, 2016 |
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Simultaneous kHz-rate temperature and velocity field measurements in the flow emanating from angled and trenched film cooling holes Schreivogel P, Abram C, Fond B, Strausswald M, Beyrau F, Pfitzner M International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 103, 390, 2016 |
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The structure of turbulent flames in fractal- and regular-grid-generated turbulence Sponfeldner T, Soulopoulos N, Beyrau F, Hardalupas Y, Taylor AMKP, Vassilicos JC Combustion and Flame, 162(9), 3379, 2015 |
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Reusable Thermal History Sensing via Oxidation of a Divalent Rare Earth Ion-Based Phosphor Synthesized by the Sol-Gel Process Gonzalez AY, Skinner S, Beyrau F, Heyes AL Heat Transfer Engineering, 36(14-15), 1275, 2015 |
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Thermal radiation from vapour cloud explosions Hadjipanayis MA, Beyrau F, Lindstedt RP, Atkinson G, Cusco L Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 94, 517, 2015 |
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Three-dimensional flame displacement speed and flame front curvature measurements using quad-plane PIV Kerl J, Lawn C, Beyrau F Combustion and Flame, 160(12), 2757, 2013 |