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Industrial crystallization of ammonium sulfate from its solution after flue gas desulfurization with ammonia water Synowiec PM, Bunikowska B Przemysl Chemiczny, 95(5), 953, 2016 |
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New technology of vacuum trioxane crystallization from water solutions Synowiec PM, Bunikowska B, Respondek A, Tynski P Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 88(9A), 1284, 2010 |
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Application of crystallization with chemical reaction in the process of waste brine purifying in evaporative sodium chloride production Synowiec PM, Bunikowska B Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44(7), 2273, 2005 |
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Utilization of a saltworks brine waste Bunikowska B, Synowiec P Przemysl Chemiczny, 84(1), 36, 2005 |
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Co-crystallization of calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate Bunikowska B, Synowiec P Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa, 25(3), 763, 2004 |
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Effect of the hydrodynamic conditions in a crystallizer on simultaneous calcium carbonate and calcium sulphate precipitation Synowiec P, Bunikowska B Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa, 24(4), 685, 2003 |
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The zirconia ion-exchange method as an alternative desulfation technique for brine solutions Bunikowska B, Synowiec P Przemysl Chemiczny, 81(1), 32, 2002 |
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Effect of the crystallization condition on the filtration rate of the monohydrate ferrous sulphate crystals in sulphuric acid solution Synowiec P, Bunikowska B Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa, 22(1), 123, 2001 |
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Utilization of spent sulphuric acid by crystallization Bunikowska B, Synowiec P Przemysl Chemiczny, 80(8), 334, 2001 |
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Effect of disodium pyrophosphate on iron phosphating process of steel surfaces in presence of chlorate accelerator Bunikowska B, Machej J, Trefler U Przemysl Chemiczny, 77(2), 61, 1998 |