검색결과 : 2건
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Seeing Citrulline: Development of a Phenylglyoxal-Based Probe To Visualize Protein Citrullination Bicker KL, Subramanian V, Chumanevich AA, Hofseth LJ, Thompson PR Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(41), 17015, 2012 |
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Antiferritin VL homodimer binds human spleen ferritin with high specificity Nymalm Y, Kravchuk Z, Salminen T, Chumanevich AA, Dubnovitsky AP, Kankare J, Pentikainen O, Lehtonen J, Arosio P, Martsev S, Johnson MS Journal of Structural Biology, 138(3), 171, 2002 |