검색결과 : 22건
No. | Article |
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Enhanced boiling heat transfer on binary surfaces Holguin R, Kota K, Wootton S, Chen RH, Ross S International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 114, 1105, 2017 |
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Quantum mechanical study of CO2 and CO hydrogenation on Cu(111) surfaces doped with Ga, Mg, and Ti Santiago-Rodriguez Y, Barreto-Rodriguez E, Curet-Arana MC Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, 423, 319, 2016 |
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A rapid one-step process for fabrication of superhydrophobic surface by electrodeposition method Chen Z, Hao LM, Chen AQ, Song QJ, Chen CL Electrochimica Acta, 59, 168, 2012 |
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Competing pathways for isocyanate loss from Cu(001) with co-adsorbed oxygen Ciftlikli EZ, Lallo J, Lee EYM, Rangan S, Senanayake SD, Hinch BJ Journal of Catalysis, 295, 269, 2012 |
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Survival of bacteria on metallic copper surfaces in a hospital trial Mikolay A, Huggett S, Tikana L, Grass G, Braun J, Nies DH Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 87(5), 1875, 2010 |
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Oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution-oxidation reactions on Cu(hkl) surfaces Brisard G, Bertrand N, Ross PN, Markovic NM Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 480(1-2), 219, 2000 |
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Underpotential deposition of zinc ions at single crystal electrodes and the effect of the adsorbed anions Aramata A, Taguchi S, Fukuda T, Nakamura M, Horanyi G Electrochimica Acta, 44(6-7), 999, 1998 |
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State-selective angular and velocity distributions of associatively desorbing CuF molecules determined by CCD imaging Li X, Wach T, Wanner J, Kompa KL Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 102(47), 9327, 1998 |
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Production of cuprous oxide, a solar cell material, by thermal oxidation and a study of its physical and electrical properties Musa AO, Akomolafe T, Carter MJ Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 51(3), 305, 1998 |
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Textured black brass spectrally selective coating Richharia P Thin Solid Films, 320(2), 211, 1998 |