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Microbial anodes: What actually occurs inside pores? Chong P, Erable B, Bergel A International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(9), 4484, 2019 |
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Coupled iron-microbial catalysis for CO2 hydrogenation with multispecies microbial communities Blanchet E, Vahlas Z, Etcheverry L, Rafrafi Y, Erable B, Delia ML, Bergel A Chemical Engineering Journal, 346, 307, 2018 |
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Iron-Nicarbazin derived platinum group metal-free electrocatalyst in scalable-size air-breathing cathodes for microbial fuel cells Erable B, Oliot M, Lacroix R, Bergel A, Serov A, Kodali M, Santoro C, Atanassov P Electrochimica Acta, 277, 127, 2018 |
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Catalysis of the hydrogen evolution reaction by hydrogen carbonate to decrease the voltage of microbial electrolysis cell fed with domestic wastewater Roubaud E, Lacroix R, Da Silva S, Bergel A, Basseguy R, Erable B Electrochimica Acta, 275, 32, 2018 |
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Influence of the electrode size on microbial anode performance Oliot M, Chong P, Erable B, Bergel A Chemical Engineering Journal, 327, 218, 2017 |
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Increasing the temperature is a relevant strategy to form microbial anodes intended to work at room temperature Oliot M, Erable B, De Solan ML, Bergel A Electrochimica Acta, 258, 134, 2017 |
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Single medium microbial fuel cell: Stainless steel and graphite electrode materials select bacterial communities resulting in opposite electrocatalytic activities Erable B, Byrne N, Etcheverry L, Achouak W, Bergel A International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(41), 26059, 2017 |
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Special Section: "Microbial fuel cells: From fundamentals to applications": Guest Editors' note Santoro C, Arbizzani C, Erable B, Ieropoulos I Journal of Power Sources, 356, 223, 2017 |
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Microbial fuel cells: From fundamentals to applications. A review Santoro C, Arbizzani C, Erable B, Ieropoulos I Journal of Power Sources, 356, 225, 2017 |
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Biocathodes reducing oxygen at high potential select biofilms dominated by Ectothiorhodospiraceae populations harboring a specific association of genes Desmond-Le Quemener E, Rimboud M, Bridier A, Madigou C, Erable B, Bergel A, Bouchez T Bioresource Technology, 214, 55, 2016 |