검색결과 : 4건
No. | Article |
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Pareto Fronts of the Set of Sustainable Thresholds for Constrained Control Systems Gajardo P, Hermosilla C Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 83(2), 1103, 2021 |
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Optimality of affine control system of several species in competition on a sequential batch reactor Rodriguez JC, Ramirez H, Gajardo P, Rapaport A International Journal of Control, 87(9), 1877, 2014 |
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Minimal time bioremediation of natural water resources Gajardo P, Harmand J, Ramirez H, Rapaport A Automatica, 47(8), 1764, 2011 |
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MINIMAL TIME SEQUENTIAL BATCH REACTORS WITH BOUNDED AND IMPULSE CONTROLS FOR ONE OR MORE SPECIES Gajardo P, Ramirez H, Rapaport A SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 47(6), 2827, 2008 |