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Impact of thermal plant cycling on the cost-optimal composition of a regional electricity generation system Goransson L, Goop J, Odenberger M, Johnsson F Applied Energy, 197, 230, 2017 |
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A novel inclusion of intermittent generation resources in long term energy auctions Marambio R, Rudnick H Energy Policy, 100, 29, 2017 |
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Impacts of intermittent renewable generation on electricity system costs Batalla-Bejerano J, Trujillo-Baute E Energy Policy, 94, 411, 2016 |
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How does market power affect the impact of large scale wind investment in'energy only' wholesale electricity markets? Browne O, Poletti S, Young D Energy Policy, 87, 17, 2015 |
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Comparative analysis of the variability of fixed and tracking photovoltaic systems Heslop S, MacGill I Solar Energy, 107, 351, 2014 |
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Determining the impact of wind on system costs via the temporal patterns of load and wind generation Davis CD, Gotham DJ, Preckel PV, Liu AL Energy Policy, 60, 122, 2013 |
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The role of large scale storage in a GB low carbon energy future: Issues and policy challenges Grunewald P, Cockerill T, Contestabile M, Pearson P Energy Policy, 39(9), 4807, 2011 |
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Regulatory road maps for the integration of intermittent electricity generation: Methodology development and the case of The Netherlands van der Welle AJ, de Joode J Energy Policy, 39(10), 5829, 2011 |
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A Monte Carlo approach to generator portfolio planning and carbon emissions assessments of systems with large penetrations of variable renewables Hart EK, Jacobson MZ Renewable Energy, 36(8), 2278, 2011 |
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Reducing the market impact of large shares of intermittent energy in Denmark Jacobsen HK, Zvingilaite E Energy Policy, 38(7), 3403, 2010 |