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Accessing Multiple Classes of 2H-Indazoles: Mechanistic Implications for the Cadogan and Davis-Beirut Reactions Zhu JS, Li CJ, Tsui KY, Kraemer N, Son JH, Haddadin MJ, Tantillo DJ, Kurth MJ Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(15), 6247, 2019 |
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Customized solid supports for small-molecule synthesis: effects of crosslinking structure and degree Price MD, Radosevich JL, Kurth MJ, Schore NE Reactive & Functional Polymers, 55(2), 131, 2003 |
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Synthesis and characterization of lactose based resorcinol resin Fan XD, Hsien YL, Kurth MJ, Krochta JM Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 86(10), 2581, 2002 |
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Carbon-carbon bond-forming solid-phase reactions. Part II Sammelson RE, Kurth MJ Chemical Reviews, 101(1), 137, 2001 |
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Study on molecular interaction behavior, and thermal and mechanical properties of polyacrylic acid and lactose blends Fan XD, Hsieh YL, Krochta JM, Kurth MJ Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 82(8), 1921, 2001 |
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Synthesis of a novel pH-responding polymer with pendant barbituric acid moieties Zhou WJ, Kurth MJ Polymer, 42(1), 345, 2001 |
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Swelling and protein absorption/desorption of thermo-sensitive lactitol-based polyether polyol hydrogels Chacon D, Hsieh YL, Kurth MJ, Krochta JM Polymer, 41(23), 8257, 2000 |
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Carbon-carbon bond forming solid-phase reactions Lorsbach BA, Kurth MJ Chemical Reviews, 99(6), 1549, 1999 |
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Synthesis and thermal properties of a novel lactose-containing poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylamidolactamine) hydrogel Zhou WJ, Kurth MJ, Hsieh YL, Krochta JM Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 37(10), 1393, 1999 |
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Synthesis and characterization of new styrene main-chain polymer with pendant lactose moiety through urea linkage Zhou WJ, Kurth MJ, Hsieh YL, Krochta JM Macromolecules, 32(17), 5507, 1999 |