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Nachweis und Verfolgung von Membran-FoulingDetection and Tracking of Membrane Fouling Arlt B, Luxbacher T Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 91(8), 1147, 2019 |
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MS2 bacteriophage inactivation using a N-doped TiO2-coated photocatalytic membrane reactor: Influence of water-quality parameters Horovitz I, Avisar D, Luster E, Lozzi L, Luxbacher T, Mamane H Chemical Engineering Journal, 354, 995, 2018 |
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Investigating the time-dependent zeta potential of wood surfaces Muff LF, Luxbacher T, Burgert I, Michen B Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 518, 165, 2018 |
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Organic fouling control through magnetic ion exchange-nanofiltration (MIEX-NF) in water treatment Imbrogno A, Tiraferri A, Abbenante S, Weyand S, Schwaiger R, Luxbacher T, Schafer AI Journal of Membrane Science, 549, 474, 2018 |
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Implications of humic acid, inorganic carbon and speciation on fluoride retention mechanisms in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis Owusu-Agyeman I, Jeihanipour A, Luxbacher T, Schafer AI Journal of Membrane Science, 528, 82, 2017 |
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Indirect determination of zeta potential at high ionic strength: Specific application to semipermeable polymeric membranes Coday BD, Luxbacher T, Childress AE, Almaraz N, Xu P, Cath TY Journal of Membrane Science, 478, 58, 2015 |
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Electrokinetics in undeveloped flows Yaroshchuk A, Bernal EEL, Luxbacher T Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 410, 195, 2013 |
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Interpretation of Electrokinetic Measurements with Porous Films: Role of Electric Conductance and Streaming Current within Porous Structure Yaroshchuk A, Luxbacher T Langmuir, 26(13), 10882, 2010 |
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Influence of membrane fouling by (pretreated) surface water on rejection of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) by nanofiltration membranes Verliefde ARD, Cornelissen ER, Heijman SGJ, Petrinic I, Luxbacher T, Amy GL, Van der Bruggen B, van Dijk JC Journal of Membrane Science, 330(1-2), 90, 2009 |
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Electrokinetic characterization of flat sheet membranes by streaming current measurement Luxbacher T Desalination, 199(1-3), 376, 2006 |