검색결과 : 7건
No. | Article |
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Phase growth control in low temperature PLD Co: TiO2 films by pressure Rout S, Popovici N, Dalui S, Parames ML, da Silva RC, Silvestre AJ, Conde O Current Applied Physics, 13(4), 670, 2013 |
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Magnetic properties of Fe3O4 thin films grown on different substrates by laser ablation Parames ML, Viskadourakis Z, Rogalski MS, Mariano J, Popovici N, Giapintzakis J, Conde O Applied Surface Science, 253(19), 8201, 2007 |
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Magnetoresistance of magnetite thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on GaAs(100) and Al2O3(0001) Parames ML, Viskadourakis Z, Giapintzakis J, Rogalski MS, Conde O Applied Surface Science, 254(4), 1255, 2007 |
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PLD of Fe3O4 thin films: Influence of background gas on surface morphology and magnetic properties Parames ML, Mariano J, Viskadourakis Z, Popovici N, Rogalski MS, Giapintzakis J, Conde O Applied Surface Science, 252(13), 4610, 2006 |
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KrP laser CVD of chromium oxide by photodissociation of Cr(CO)(6) Sousa PM, Silvestre AJ, Popovici N, Parames ML, Conde O Materials Science Forum, 455-456, 20, 2004 |
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UV pulsed laser deposition from Al2O3-TiC ceramic composites Conde O, Champeaux C, Parames ML, Catherinot A, Vilar R Applied Surface Science, 208, 522, 2003 |
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Investigation of the Microstructure, Chemical-Composition and Lateral Growth-Kinetics of Tin Films Deposited by Laser-Induced Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Silvestre AJ, Parames ML, Conde O Thin Solid Films, 241(1-2), 57, 1994 |