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Influence of extended crystallographic defects on the formation kinetics of oxygen-related thermal donors in multicrystalline silicon Bounab R, Veirman J, Albaric M, Bailly S, Marie B, Pihan E Journal of Crystal Growth, 510, 23, 2019 |
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Spatial distribution of structural defects in Cz-seeded directionally solidified silicon ingots: An etch pit study Lantreibecq A, Legros M, Plassat N, Monchoux JP, Pihan E Journal of Crystal Growth, 483, 183, 2018 |
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Kinetics modeling and growth of Si layers by Liquid Phase Epitaxy Driven by Solvent Evaporation (LPESE) Giraud S, Duffar T, Pihan E, Fave A Journal of Crystal Growth, 432, 83, 2015 |
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Advanced process for n-type mono-like silicon a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells with 21.5% efficiency Jay F, Munoz D, Desrues T, Pihan E, de Oliveira VA, Enjalbert N, Jouini A Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 130, 690, 2014 |
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Cytochrome P450-Catalyzed Degradation of Nicotine: Fundamental Parameters Determining Hydroxylation by Cytochrome P450 2A6 at the 5'-Carbon or the N-Methyl Carbon Kwiecien RA, Le Questel JY, Lebreton J, Delaforge M, Andre F, Pihan E, Roussel A, Fournial A, Paneth P, Robins RJ Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116(27), 7827, 2012 |
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Growth kinetics and crystallographic properties of polysilicon thin films formed by aluminium-induced crystallization Pihan E, Slaoui A, Maurice C Journal of Crystal Growth, 305(1), 88, 2007 |
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Thin-film silicon solar cells on mullite substrates Slaoui A, Pihan E, Focsa A Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90(10), 1542, 2006 |
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Passivation and etching of fine-grained polycrystalline silicon films by hydrogen treatment Slaoui A, Pihan E, Ka I, Mbow NA, Roques S, Koebel JM Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90(14), 2087, 2006 |
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Crystallographic analysis of polysilicon films formed on foreign substrates by aluminium induced crystallisation and epitaxy Pihan E, Focsa A, Slaoui A, Maurice C Thin Solid Films, 511, 15, 2006 |
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Poly-Si films prepared by rapid thermal CVD on boron and phosphorus silicate glass coated ceramic substrates Focsa A, Slaoui A, Pihan E, Snijkers F, Leempoel P, Beaucarne G, Poortmans J Thin Solid Films, 511, 404, 2006 |