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Solvation Free-Energy Calculations Using a Continuum Dielectric Model for the Solvent and Gradient-Corrected Density-Functional Theory for the Solute Tawa GJ, Martin RL, Pratt LR, Russo TV Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(5), 1515, 1996 |
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Application of Gradient-Corrected Density-Functional Theory to the Structures and Thermochemistries of ScF3, Tif4, Vf5, and Crf6 Russo TV, Martin RL, Hay PJ Journal of Chemical Physics, 102(20), 8023, 1995 |
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Vibrational Frequencies of Transition-Metal Chloride and Oxo Compounds Using Effective Core Potential Analytic 2nd-Derivatives Russo TV, Martin RL, Hay PJ, Rappe AK Journal of Chemical Physics, 102(23), 9315, 1995 |
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Effective Core Potentials for DFT Calculations Russo TV, Martin RL, Hay PJ Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99(47), 17085, 1995 |
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New Pseudospectral Algorithms for Electronic-Structure Calculations - Length Scale Separation and Analytical 2-Electron Integral Corrections Greeley BH, Russo TV, Mainz DT, Friesner RA, Langlois JM, Goddard WA, Donnelly RE, Ringnalda MN Journal of Chemical Physics, 101(5), 4028, 1994 |
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Density-Functional Calculations on First-Row Transition-Metals Russo TV, Martin RL, Hay PJ Journal of Chemical Physics, 101(9), 7729, 1994 |