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Trade-off on fuel economy, knock, and combustion stability for a stratified flame-ignited gasoline engine Song K, Wang XY, Xie H Applied Energy, 220, 437, 2018 |
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Effect of dilution strategies and direct injection ratios on stratified flame ignition (SFI) hybrid combustion in a PFI/DI gasoline engine Wang XY, Zhao H, Xie H Applied Energy, 165, 801, 2016 |
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Effects of Mixture Distribution on Localized Forced Ignition of Stratified Mixtures: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study Patel D, Chakraborty N Combustion Science and Technology, 188(11-12), 1904, 2016 |
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Exploring the performance limits of a stratified torch ignition engine using numerical simulation and detailed experimental approaches Baeta JGC, Rodrigues FA, Pontoppidan M, Valle RM, da Silva TRV Energy Conversion and Management, 126, 1093, 2016 |
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Effect of piston shapes and fuel injection strategies on stoichiometric stratified flame ignition (SFI) hybrid combustion in a PFI/DI gasoline engine by numerical simulations Wang XY, Zhao H, Xie H Energy Conversion and Management, 98, 387, 2015 |
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Medium-scale experiments on vented hydrogen deflagration Kuznetsov M, Friedrich A, Stern G, Kotchourko N, Jallais S, L'Hostis B Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, 36, 418, 2015 |
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Self-ignition scenarios after rapid compression of a turbulent mixture weakly-stratified in temperature Lodier G, Merlin C, Domingo P, Vervisch L, Ravet F Combustion and Flame, 159(11), 3358, 2012 |
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A PRIORI DNS MODELING OF THE TURBULENT SCALAR FLUXES FOR LOW DAMKOHLER NUMBER STRATIFIED FLAMES Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N Combustion Science and Technology, 184(10-11), 1680, 2012 |
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Flame inertia into lean region in stratified hydrogen mixture Kitagawa T, Kido H, Nakamura N, Aishima M International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 30(13-14), 1457, 2005 |