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Near-infrared time-resolved fluorescence lifetime determinations in poly(methylmethacrylate) microchip electrophoresis devices Llopis SD, Stryjewski W, Soper SA Electrophoresis, 25(21-22), 3810, 2004 |
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Colloidal crystals of silica-homopolypeptide composite particles Fong B, Turksen S, Russo PS, Stryjewski W Langmuir, 20(1), 266, 2004 |
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Approaching real-time molecular diagnostics: Single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer (spFRET) detection for the analysis of low abundant point mutations in K-ras oncogenes Wabuyele MB, Farquar H, Stryjewski W, Hammer RP, Soper SA, Cheng YW, Barany F Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(23), 6937, 2003 |
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Optimization of sequencing conditions using near-infrared lifetime identification methods in capillary gel electrophoresis Lassiter SJ, Stryjewski W, Owens CV, Flanagan JH, Hammer RP, Khan S, Soper SA Electrophoresis, 23(10), 1480, 2002 |
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Single molecule detection of double-stranded DNA in poly(methylmethacrylate) and polycarbonate microfluidic devices Wabuyele MB, Ford SM, Stryjewski W, Barrow J, Soper SA Electrophoresis, 22(18), 3939, 2001 |
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On the use of pattern fluorescence photobleaching recovery with modulation detection to obtain colloidal size distributions Fong B, Stryjewski W, Russo PS Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 239(2), 374, 2001 |
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Self-diffusion of a semiflexible polymer measured across the lyotropic liquid-crystalline-phase boundary Russo PS, Baylis M, Bu ZM, Stryjewski W, Doucet G, Temyanko E, Tipton D Journal of Chemical Physics, 111(4), 1746, 1999 |