검색결과 : 5건
No. | Article |
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Polystyrene-supported ionic liquid copper complex: A reusable catalyst for one-pot three-component click reaction Tavassoli M, Landarani-Isfahani A, Moghadam M, Tangestaninejad S, Mirkhani V, Mohammadpoor-Baltork I Applied Catalysis A: General, 503, 186, 2015 |
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Synthetic pH-Responsive Polymers for Protein Transduction Liechty WB, Chen RJ, Farzaneh F, Tavassoli M, Slater NKH Advanced Materials, 21(38-39), 3910, 2009 |
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Isolation of a novel mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by an ethyl methane sulfonate-induced mutagenesis approach as a high producer of bioethanol Mobini-Dehkordi M, Nahvi I, Zarkesh-Esfahani H, Ghaedi K, Tavassoli M, Akada R Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 105(4), 403, 2008 |
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A novel nitrogen-fixing cellulytic bacterium associated with root of corn is a candidate for production of single cell protein Emtiazi G, Etemadifar Z, Tavassoli M Biomass & Bioenergy, 25(4), 423, 2003 |
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Cross-contamination during ferroelectric nonvolatile memory fabrication Gilbert SR, Ritchey D, Tavassoli M, Amano J, Colombo L, Summerfelt SR Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 148(4), G195, 2001 |