검색결과 : 15건
No. | Article |
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Up-scalable sheet-to-sheet production of high efficiency perovskite module and solar cells on 6-in. substrate using slot die coating Di Giacomo F, Shanmugam S, Fledderus H, Bruijnaers BJ, Verhees WJH, Dorenkamper MS, Veenstra SC, Qiu WM, Gehlhaar R, Merckx T, Aernouts T, Andriessen R, Galagan Y Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 181, 53, 2018 |
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The use of polyurethane as encapsulating method for polymer solar cells-An inter laboratory study on outdoor stability in 8 countries Sondergaard RR, Makris T, Lianos P, Manor A, Katz EA, Gong W, Tuladhar SM, Nelson J, Toumi R, Sommeling P, Veenstra SC, Rivaton A, Dupuis A, Teran-Escobar G, Lira-Cantu M, Sapkota SB, Zimmermann B, Wurfel U, Matzarakis A, Krebs FC Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 99, 292, 2012 |
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Evaluation of ink-jet printed current collecting grids and busbars for ITO-free organic solar cells Galagan Y, Coenen EWC, Sabik S, Gorter HH, Barink M, Veenstra SC, Kroon JM, Andriessen R, Blom PWM Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 104, 32, 2012 |
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Technology development for roll-to-roll production of organic photovoltaics Galagan Y, de Vries IG, Langen AP, Andriessen R, Verhees WJH, Veenstra SC, Kroon JM Chemical Engineering and Processing, 50(5-6), 454, 2011 |
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ITO-free flexible organic solar cells with printed current collecting grids Galagan Y, Rubingh JEJM, Andriessen R, Fan CC, Blom PWM, Veenstra SC, Kroon JM Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95(5), 1339, 2011 |
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An inter-laboratory stability study of roll-to-roll coated flexible polymer solar modules Gevorgyan SA, Medford AJ, Bundgaard E, Sapkota SB, Schleiermacher HF, Zimmermann B, Wurfel U, Chafiq A, Lira-Cantu M, Swonke T, Wagner M, Brabec CJ, Haillant OO, Voroshazi E, Aernouts T, Steim R, Hauch JA, Elschner A, Pannone M, Xiao M, Langzettel A, Laird D, Lloyd MT, Rath T, Maier E, Trimmel G, Hermenau M, Menke T, Leo K, Rosch R, Seeland M, Hoppe H, Nagle TJ, Burke KB, Fell CJ, Vak D, Singh TB, Watkins SE, Galagan Y, Manor A, Katz EA, Kim T, Kim K, Sommeling PM, Verhees WJH, Veenstra SC, Riede M, Christoforo MG, Currier T, Shrotriya V, Schwartz G, Krebs FC Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95(5), 1398, 2011 |
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Fullerene bisadducts for enhanced open-circuit voltages and efficiencies in polymer solar cells Lenes M, Wetzelaer GJAH, Kooistra FB, Veenstra SC, Hummelen JC, Blom PWM Advanced Materials, 20(11), 2116, 2008 |
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Compositional and electric field dependence of the dissociation of charge transfer excitons in alternating polyfluorene copolymer/fullerene blends Veldman D, Ipek O, Meskers SCJ, Sweelssen J, Koetse MM, Veenstra SC, Kroon JM, van Bavel SS, Loos J, Janssen RAJ Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(24), 7721, 2008 |
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Optical modeling as optimization tool for single and double junction polymer solar cells Eerenstein W, Slooff LH, Veenstra SC, Kroon JM Thin Solid Films, 516(20), 7188, 2008 |
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The effect of annealing on the charge-carrier dynamics in a polymer/polymer bulk heterojunction for photovoltaic applications Quist PAC, Savenije TJ, Koetse MM, Veenstra SC, Kroon JM, Siebbeles LDA Advanced Functional Materials, 15(3), 469, 2005 |