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The influence of media type on removal of arsenic, iron and boron from acidic wastewater in horizontal flow wetland microcosms planted with Phragmites australis Allende KL, McCarthy DT, Fletcher TD Chemical Engineering Journal, 246, 217, 2014 |
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A phytotoxicity test of bulrush (Scirpus grossus) grown with diesel contamination in a free-flow reed bed system Al-Baldawi IA, Abdullah SRS, Anuar N, Suja F, Idris M Journal of Hazardous Materials, 252, 64, 2013 |
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The effect of substrate media on the removal of arsenic, boron and iron from an acidic wastewater in planted column reactors Allende KL, Fletcher TD, Sun G Chemical Engineering Journal, 179, 119, 2012 |
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Nitrogen removal and microbial community profiles in six wetland columns receiving high ammonia load Sun GZ, Zhu YF, Saeed T, Zhang GX, Lu XG Chemical Engineering Journal, 203, 326, 2012 |
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Dewatering of primary settled urban sludge in a vertical flow wetland Melidis P, Gikas GD, Akratos CS, Tsihrintzis VA Desalination, 250(1), 395, 2010 |
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Use of dewatered alum sludge as main substrate in treatment reed bed receiving agricultural wastewater: Long-term trial Zhao YQ, Zhao XH, Babatunde AO Bioresource Technology, 100(2), 644, 2009 |
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Short-term water content analysis for the optimization of sludge dewatering in dedicated constructed wetlands (reed bed systems) Giraldi D, Iannelli R Desalination, 246(1-3), 92, 2009 |
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Treatment of domestic wastewater in a pilot-scale HSFCW in West Iran Gholikandi GB, Moradhasseli M, Riahi R Desalination, 248(1-3), 977, 2009 |
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Soil microbial activities in a constructed soil reed-bed under cheese-dairy farm effluents Farnet AM, Prudent P, Cigna M, Gros R Bioresource Technology, 99(14), 6198, 2008 |
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Use of blast furnace granulated slag as a substrate in vertical flow reed beds: Field application Korkusuz EA, Beklioglu M, Demirer GN Bioresource Technology, 98(11), 2089, 2007 |