153 - 163 |
Novel distributed robust adaptive consensus protocols for linear multi-agent systems with directed graphs and external disturbances Lv YZ, Li ZK, Duan ZS, Feng G |
164 - 176 |
Signed consensus problems on networks of agents with fixed and switching topologies Li JT, Dong WP, Xiao HM |
177 - 183 |
The eXogenous Kalman Filter (XKF) Johansen TA, Fossen TI |
184 - 201 |
Closed-loop identification of unstable systems using noncausal FIR models Aljanaideh KF, Bernstein DS |
202 - 216 |
Structurally variable control of time-varying Lurie systems Gruyitch LT, Ribar ZB, Bucevac ZM, Jovanovic RZ |
217 - 233 |
A new decentralised controller design method for a class of strongly interconnected systems Duan ZS, Jiang ZP, Huang L |
234 - 246 |
Fault detection and isolation for nonlinear non-affine uncertain systems via sliding-mode techniques Rios H, Punta E, Fridman L |
247 - 254 |
Comments on'A new terminal sliding mode control for robotic manipulators' Su YX |
255 - 264 |
Adaptive output feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems with quantised input and output Li GQ, Lin Y |
265 - 290 |
Design and experimental evaluation of a dynamical adaptive backstepping-sliding mode control scheme for positioning of an antagonistically paired pneumatic artificial muscles driven actuating system Abd Rahman R, Sepehri N |
291 - 304 |
Sampled-data consensus of general linear multi-agent systems under switching topologies: averaging method Zhang XY, Zhang J |
305 - 313 |
A priori stability results for PFC Rossiter JA |
314 - 322 |
A numerical method for solving a nonlinear 2-D optimal control problem with the classical diffusion equation Mamehrashi K, Yousefi SA |
323 - 337 |
Probabilistic estimation of the reachable set of model reference adaptive controllers using the scenario approach Fravolini ML, Yucelen T, Ficola A, Napolitano MR |
338 - 349 |
Output tracking control for generalised high-order nonlinear system with serious uncertainties Li T, Sun ZY, Yang SH |
350 - 363 |
Robust adaptive control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with unmodelled dynamics and time-varying delays Shi XC, Xu SY, Li YM, Chen WM, Chu YM |
364 - 372 |
New control allocation algorithms in fixed point framework for overactuated systems with actuator saturation Naskar AK, Patra S, Sen S |
373 - 383 |
Stability and stabilisation for time-varying polytopic quadratic systems Chen F, Kang SG, Ji LX, Zhang XZ |
384 - 392 |
State unilateral tracking control of positive switched systems via designing a switching law Wang J, Zhao J |
393 - 408 |
A sliding-mode observer for high-performance sensorless control of PMSM with initial rotor position detection Saadaoui O, Khlaief A, Abassi M, Chaari A, Boussak M |