139 - 145 |
High-level expression and purification of the second transmembrane domain of wild-type and mutant human melanocortin-4 receptor for solid-state NMR structural studies Park TJ, Choi SS, Gang GA, Kim Y |
146 - 152 |
Expression and purification of human respiratory syncytial virus recombinant fusion protein Arcuri HA, Apponi LH, Valentini SR, Durigon EL, de Azevedo WF, Fossey MA, Rahal P, de Souza FP |
153 - 159 |
Extracellular production of active vibriolysin engineered by random mutagenesis in Escherichia coli Sonoda H, Sugimura A |
160 - 170 |
BacMam system for high-level expression of recombinant soluble and membrane glycoproteins for structural studies Dukkipati A, Park HH, Waghray D, Fischer S, Garcia KC |
171 - 178 |
Wheat germ cell-free translation, purification, and assembly of a functional human stearoyl-CoA desaturase complex Goren MA, Fox BG |
179 - 184 |
Extracellular secretion of Pseudoalteromonas sp cold-adapted esterase in Escherichia coli in the presence of Pseudoalteromonas sp components of ABC transport system Dlugolecka A, Cieslinski H, Turkiewicz M, Bialkowska AM, Kur J |
185 - 189 |
Expression and purification of the ligand-binding domain of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha) Muller MQ, Roth C, Strater N, Sinz A |
190 - 198 |
A human cell-derived in vitro coupled transcription/translation system optimized for production of recombinant proteins Mikami S, Kobayashi T, Masutani M, Yokoyama S, Imataka H |
199 - 205 |
A simple novel method for the preparation of noncovalent homodimeric, biologically active human interleukin 10 in Escherichia coli-Enhancing protein expression by degenerate PCR of 5' DNA in the open reading frame Klompus S, Solomon G, Gertler A |
206 - 215 |
Heterologous expression and purification of the infectious salmon anemia virus hemagglutinin esterase Mueller A, Solem ST, Karlsen CR, Jorgensen TO |
216 - 222 |
New strategies for the isolation and activity determination of naturally occurring type-4 glutathione peroxidase Kernstock RM, Girotti AW |
223 - 229 |
One-step isolation of plasma membrane proteins using magnetic beads with immobilized concanavalin A Lee YC, Block G, Chen H, Folch-Puy E, Foronjy R, Jalili R, Jendresen CB, Kimura M, Kraft E, Lindemose S, Lu J, McLain T, Nutt L, Ramon-Garcia S, Smith J, Spivak A, Wang ML, Zanic M, Lin SH |
230 - 234 |
Recombinant expression, purification, and characterization of XorKII: A restriction endonuclease from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Moon WJ, Cho JY, Chae YK |
235 - 243 |
High-yield expression in E-coli and refolding of the bZIP domain of activating transcription factor 5 Ciaccio NA, Moreno ML, Bauer RL, Laurence JS |
244 - 248 |
pTONA5: A hyperexpression vector in streptomycetes Hatanaka T, Onaka H, Arima J, Uraji M, Uesugi Y, Usuki H, Nishimoto Y, Iwabuchi M |