
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.80 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0017-9310 (Print) 

In this Issue (81 articles)

1 - 6 Enhancement of the critical heat flux in saturated pool boiling of water by nanoparticle-coating and a honeycomb porous plate
Mori S, Aznam SM, Okuyama K
7 - 15 Phase distributions of boiling flow in helical coils in high gravity
Xie LY, Xie YQ, Yu JZ
16 - 25 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection heat transfer of Al2O3-water nanofluid in a horizontal cylindrical enclosure with an inner triangular cylinder
Sheikholeslami M, Gorji-Bandpy M, Vajravelu K
26 - 37 Experimental investigation of spray cooling on micro-, nano- and hybrid-structured surfaces
Zhang Z, Jiang PX, Christopher DM, Liang XG
38 - 49 Buoyancy-thermocapillary convection of volatile fluids under their vapors
Qin TR, Tukovic Z, Grigoriev RO
50 - 57 Experimental study of condensing steam flow in nozzles and linear blade cascade
Dykas S, Majkut M, Strozik M, Smolka K
58 - 71 Efficiency of a volumetric receiver using aqueous suspensions of multi-walled carbon nanotubes for absorbing solar thermal energy
Lee SH, Jang SP
72 - 84 Large eddy simulations of turbulent circular wall jets
Zhang S, Law AWK, Zhao B
85 - 97 Local Nusselt number enhancements in liquid-liquid Taylor flows
Eain MMG, Egan V, Punch J
98 - 106 An inverse problem in determining the optimal filler shape of composite materials for maximum effective thermal conductivity
Huang CH, Hsu HM
107 - 114 Enhanced boiling heat transfer on composite porous surface
Xu PF, Li Q, Xuan YM
115 - 125 Experimental study on the heat transfer coefficient between a freely moving sphere and a fluidized bed of small particles
Chao JN, Lu JF, Yang HR, Zhang M, Liu Q
126 - 138 Convective heat transfer of a row of air jets impingement excited by triangular tabs in a confined crossflow channel
Yu YZ, Zhang JZ, Shan Y
139 - 149 Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic focusing of particles in straight channel flows with the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method
Sun DK, Bo Z
150 - 158 Rayleigh-Taylor instability for thin viscous gas films: Application to critical heat flux and minimum film boiling
Kim BJ, Lee JH, Kim KD
159 - 162 The two-phase closed tubular cryogenic thermosyphon
Bolozdynya AI, Dmitrenko VV, Efremenko YV, Khromov AV, Shafigullin RR, Shakirov AV, Sosnovtsev VV, Tolstukhin IA, Uteshev ZM, Vlasik KF
163 - 169 Gas flow in micro tree-shaped hierarchical network
Chen YP, Deng ZL
170 - 179 Simulation of heat pipe-assisted latent heat thermal energy storage with simultaneous charging and discharging
Sharifi N, Faghri A, Bergman TL, Andraka CE
180 - 191 Interfacial oxygen transport resistance in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell air channel with an array of water droplets
Koz M, Kandlikar SG
192 - 198 A simple model to predict mass transfer rates and kinetics of biochemical and biomedical Michaelis-Menten surface reactions
Pallares J, Ferre JA
199 - 205 On the critical thickness and wavelength of a condensing thin liquid film in a binary vapor mixture system
Kanatani K
206 - 216 Numerical simulation of pool boiling heat transfer on smooth surfaces with mixed wettability by lattice Boltzmann method
Gong S, Cheng P
217 - 226 Efficiency study of a gas turbine guide vane with a newly designed combined cooling structure
Wang W
227 - 235 Characteristics analysis and parametric study of a thermoelectric generator by considering variable material properties and heat losses
Meng JH, Zhang XX, Wang XD
236 - 242 On the multiple solutions of boiling fins with heat generation
Krikkis RN
243 - 255 Can natural convection alone explain the Mpemba effect?
Vynnycky M, Kimura S
256 - 265 Heat transfer characteristics and CHF prediction in nanofluid boiling
Bi JL, Vafai K, Christopher DM
266 - 273 Linear stability analysis of the convective flow in a spherical gap with eta=0.714
Travnikov V, Eckert K, Odenbach S
274 - 280 Entropy generation in MHD porous channel with hydrodynamic slip and convective boundary conditions
Ibanez G
281 - 287 An experimental study of the air-side performance of fin-and-tube heat exchangers having plain, louver, and semi-dimple vortex generator configuration
Wang CC, Chen KY, Liaw JS, Tseng CY
288 - 300 Numerical investigation and an effective modelling on the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) process with aluminium alloy 6061
Loh LE, Chua CK, Yeong WY, Song J, Mapar M, Sing SL, Liu ZH, Zhang DQ
301 - 308 Investigation of radiative and convective heat transfer in storage vaults for improving space efficiency
Kim D, Yook SJ, Lee KS
309 - 318 A multiscale nonequilibrium model for melting of metal powder bed subjected to constant heat flux
Wang J, Yang M, Zhang YW
319 - 328 Hybrid uncertain analysis for steady-state heat conduction with random and interval parameters
Wang C, Qiu ZP
329 - 343 CFD modeling and simulation of sulfur trioxide decomposition in ceramic plate-fin high temperature heat exchanger and decomposer
Nagarajan V, Chen YT, Wang QW, Ma T
344 - 352 Influence of electron and phonon temperature on the efficiency of thermoelectric conversion
Sellitto A, Cimmelli VA, Jou D
353 - 367 Development of new correlations for the Nusselt number and the friction factor under turbulent flow of nanofluids in flat tubes
Vajjha RS, Das DK, Ray DR
368 - 375 Conduction and convection heat transfer characteristics of water-Au nanofluid in a cubic enclosure with differentially heated side walls
Ternik P
376 - 385 Enhancement of phase change material (PCM) based latent heat storage system with nano fluid and wavy surface
Abdollahzadeh M, Esmaeilpour M
386 - 397 Study of melting mechanism of a solid material in a liquid
Ou J, Chatterjee A, Cockcroft SL, Maijer DM, Reilly C, Yao L
398 - 406 An improved model for predicting thermal contact resistance at liquid-solid interface
Yuan C, Duan B, Li L, Shang BF, Luo XB
407 - 410 Experimental investigation of high temperature thermal contact resistance between high thermal conductivity C/C material and Inconel 600
Liu DH, Luo Y, Shang XC
411 - 423 Combined convection and radiation heat transfer of the radially finned heat sink with a built-in motor fan and multiple vertical passages
Jeng TM
424 - 438 Convective heat transfer in diverging and converging microchannels
Duryodhan VS, Singh A, Singh SG, Agrawal A
439 - 447 Effects of different geometric structures on fluid flow and heat transfer performance in microchannel heat sinks
Xia GD, Jiang J, Wang J, Zhai YL, Ma DD
448 - 457 Experimental study on the direct contact condensation of steam jet in subcooled water flow in a rectangular mix chamber
Zong X, Liu JP, Yang XP, Yan JJ
458 - 468 An X-type lattice cored ventilated brake disc with enhanced cooling performance
Yan HB, Zhang QC, Lu TJ
469 - 493 Review of flow boiling and critical heat flux in microgravity
Konishi C, Mudawar I
494 - 512 Numerical predictions on fluid flow and heat transfer in U-shaped channel with the combination of ribs, dimples and protrusions under rotational effects
Shen ZY, Xie YH, Zhang D
513 - 528 Numerical model for non-equilibrium heat and mass exchange in conjugate fluid/solid/porous domains with application to evaporative cooling and drying
Khan FA, Fischer C, Straatman AG
529 - 538 Natural convection in a triangular enclosure heated from below and non-uniformly cooled from top
Saha SC, Gu YT
539 - 550 Simulation of jet impingement heat transfer onto a moving disc
Nasif G, Barron RM, Balachandar R
551 - 561 Natural convection heat transfer of supercritical binary fluid in a long closed vertical cylinder
Long ZQ, Zhang P, Shen B
562 - 569 A simple algorithm for solving Cauchy problem of nonlinear heat equation without initial value
Liu CS, Chang CW
570 - 596 Numerical study of iso-Q sample geometric effects on charring ablative materials
Weng HY, Bailey SCC, Martin A
597 - 604 An experimental investigation of flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop of R134a in a horizontal 2.168 mm tube under hypergravity. Part II: Heat transfer coefficient
Xu Y, Fang XD, Li GH, Li DK
605 - 613 Heat transfer performance of lotus-type porous copper heat sink with liquid GaInSn coolant
Liu Y, Chen HF, Zhang HW, Li YX
614 - 625 Magnetoconvection of a micropolar fluid in a vertical channel
Borrelli A, Giantesio G, Patria MC
626 - 635 Numerical investigation of gas flow rate in shale gas reservoirs with nanoporous media
Song HQ, Yu MX, Zhu WY, Wu P, Lou Y, Wang YH, Killough J
636 - 643 Modification and enhancement of cryogenic quenching heat transfer by a nanoporous surface
Hu H, Xu C, Zhao Y, Shaeffer R, Ziegler KJ, Chung JN
644 - 652 Three-dimensional simulation of an argon-hydrogen DC non-transferred arc plasma torch
Guo ZW, Yin S, Liao HL, Gu S
653 - 659 Preparation and enhanced heat capacity of nano-titania doped erythritol as phase change material
Luo ZC, Zhang Q, Wu GH
660 - 672 Effect of rainfall transients on thermal and moisture exposure of underground electric cables
Marshall JS, Fuhrmann AP
673 - 687 The extended Graetz problem for a gaseous slip flow in micropipe and parallel-plate microchannel with heating section of finite length: Effects of axial conduction, viscous dissipation and pressure work
Haddout Y, Lahjomri J
688 - 697 A novel numerical cubic filament model and method for the two-energy equation in porous media
Pan Y, Xu GL, Li WH, Zhong C
698 - 716 Determination of flow regimes and heat transfer coefficient for condensation in horizontal tubes
Park I, Lee H, Mudawar I
717 - 726 Short-pulsed laser propagation in a participating slab with Fresnel surfaces by lattice Boltzmann method
Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP
727 - 736 Effects of aspect ratio on natural convection of Bingham fluids in rectangular enclosures with differentially heated horizontal walls heated from below
Yigit S, Poole RJ, Chakraborty N
737 - 747 A mass transfer correlation for packed bed of lead oxide spheres in flowing lead-bismuth eutectic at high Peclet numbers
Marino A, Lim J, Keijers S, Vanmaercke S, Aerts A, Rosseel K, Deconinck J, Van den Bosch J
748 - 758 Turbulent convective heat transfer of CO2 in a helical tube at near-critical pressure
Xu JL, Yang CY, Zhang W, Sun DL
759 - 766 The effect of relative humidity on dropwise condensation dynamics
Castillo JE, Weibel JA, Garimella SV
767 - 780 Effect of inclination angle during melting and solidification of a phase change material using a combined heat pipe-metal foam or foil configuration
Allen MJ, Sharifi N, Faghri A, Bergman TL
781 - 788 Finite element analysis of transient ballistic-diffusive phonon heat transport in two-dimensional domains
Hamian S, Yamada T, Faghri M, Park K
789 - 801 Analysis of collimated irradiation under local thermal non-equilibrium condition in a packed bed
Wang P, Vafai K, Liu DY, Xu C
802 - 811 Analytical solution for combined heat and mass transfer in laminar falling film absorption with uniform film velocity - diabatic wall boundary
Meyer T
812 - 824 A unified coupling scheme between lattice Boltzmann method and finite volume method for unsteady fluid flow and heat transfer
Tong ZX, He YL
825 - 834 Heat transfer characteristics of impinging steady and synthetic jets over vertical flat surface
He X, Lustbader JA, Arik M, Sharma R
835 - 843 Numerical study of gas separation using a membrane
Alkhamis N, Oztekin DE, Anqi AE, Alsaiari A, Oztekin A
844 - 857 Investigation of a new helical flow distributor design to extract thermal energy from hot water storage tanks
Zachar A
858 - 864 Vascularization for cooling and reduced thermal stresses
Cetkin E, Lorente S, Bejan A
865 - 872 Optimal design of porous baffle to improve the flow distribution in the tube-side inlet of a shell and tube heat exchanger
Wang K, Tu XC, Bae CH, Kim HB