1 - 15 |
Floc size estimation in iron induced electrocoagulation and coagulation using sedimentation data Larue O, Vorobiev E |
17 - 30 |
Direct prediction of fall velocities in non-Newtonian materials Wilson KC, Horsley RR, Kealy T, Reizes JA, Horsley M |
31 - 44 |
Interaction of a hydrophobic bacterium strain in a hematite-quartz flotation system de Mesquita LMS, Lins FF, Torem ML |
45 - 54 |
Magnetic separation of ferrihydrite from wastewater by magnetic seeding and high-gradient magnetic separation Karapinar N |
55 - 71 |
Development of an alternative to magnetite for use as heavy media in coal washeries Sripriya R, Rao PVT, Bapat JP, Singh NP, Das P |
73 - 93 |
A review of computer simulation of tumbling mills by the discrete element method: Part I - contact mechanics Mishra BK |
95 - 112 |
A review of computer simulation of tumbling mills by the discrete element method - Part II - Practical applications Mishra BK |
113 - 129 |
Application of topochemical, topostructural, physicochemical and geometrical parameters to model the flotation efficiencies of N-arylhydroxamic acids Natarajan R, Nirdosh I |
131 - 145 |
The effect of reagents and reagent mixtures on froth flotation of coal fines Erol M, Colduroglu C, Aktas Z |
147 - 166 |
An energy-based model for swing hammer mills Shi FN, Kojovic T, Esterle JS, David D |
167 - 178 |
Overloading of gas bubbles in column flotation of coarse particles and effect upon recovery Uribe-Salas A, de Lira-Gomez P, Perez-Garibay R, Nava-Alonso F, Magallanes-Hernandez L, Lara-Valenzuela C |
179 - 199 |
Large-scale homogenization in mammoth silos: calculating homogenization efficiency and modeling input properties Schott DL, van Wijk LA, Kraaikamp C |
201 - 217 |
On the sodium-diisobutyl dithiophosphinate (Aerophine 3418A) interaction with activated and unactivated galena and pyrite Pecina-Trevino ET, Uribe-Salas A, Nava-Alonso F, Perez-Garibay R |
219 - 232 |
A study on spherical oil agglomeration of barite suspensions Sonmez I, Cebeci Y |
233 - 246 |
Metals recovery from multimetal sulphide concentrates (CuFeS2-PbS-ZnS): combination of thermal process and pressure leaching Akcil A, Ciftci H |
247 - 268 |
Investigation of the effect of polymer structure type on flocculation, rheology and dewatering behaviour of kaolinite dispersions Mpofu P, Addai-Mensah J, Ralston J |