7 - 9 |
Gad Hetsroni - A festschrift issue on the occasion of his 65th birthday - Editorial Yadigaroglu G |
9 - 12 |
A "postcard" for Professor Gad Hetsroni Banerjee S, Bankoff SG, Dhir V, Drahos J, Elias E, Olek S, Wacholder E, Fan LS, Giot M, Grace J, Kojasoy G, Maxey M, Nakoryakov VE, Serizawa A, Tsuji Y, Whalley P, Zun I |
945 - 955 |
Turbulence modification in annular gas/liquid flow Azzopardi BJ |
957 - 975 |
The relation between the Taylor bubble motion and the velocity field ahead of it Polonsky S, Shemer L, Barnea D |
977 - 1007 |
The interface configuration in two-phase stratified pipe flows Gorelik D, Brauner N |
1009 - 1032 |
Hydrodynamic interactions of spherical particles in quadratic Stokes flows Haber S, Brenner H |
1033 - 1052 |
Heat transfer enhancement by air injection in upward heated mixed-convection flow of water Celata GP, Chiaradia A, Cumo M, D'Annibale F |
1053 - 1072 |
Flow patterns and pressure drop in oil-air-water three-phase flow through helically coiled tubes Chen XJ, Guo LJ |
1073 - 1097 |
Modeling high-speed viscous liquid sheet atomization Senecal PK, Schmidt DP, Nouar I, Rutland CJ, Reitz RD, Corradini ML |
1099 - 1128 |
The local volumetric interfacial area transport equation: derivation and physical significance Morel C, Goreaud N, Delhaye JM |
1129 - 1160 |
Shape of long bubbles in horizontal slug flow Netto JRF, Fabre J, Peresson L |
1161 - 1180 |
Drop formation at the surface of plane turbulent liquid jets in still gases Sallam KA, Dai Z, Faeth GM |
1181 - 1194 |
Phase distribution and bubble velocity in two-phase slit flow Korner S, Friedel L |
1195 - 1223 |
Influence of Froude number on physical processes determining frequency of slugging in horizontal gas-liquid flows Woods BD, Hanratty TJ |
1225 - 1241 |
Pressure effects on the slug to churn transition Watson MJ, Hewitt GF |
1243 - 1262 |
Nonlinear rivulet dynamics during unstable wetting flows Moyle DT, Chen MS, Homsy GM |
1263 - 1303 |
Breakup of a liquid drop suddenly exposed to a high-speed airstream Joseph DD, Belanger J, Beavers GS |
1305 - 1319 |
Flow characteristics and circulatory motion in wavy falling films with and without counter-current gas flow Karimi G, Kawaji M |
1321 - 1372 |
Lateral forces on spheres in turbulent uniform shear flow Moraga FJ, Bonetto FJ, Lahey RT |
1373 - 1393 |
Oscillatory transient two-phase flows in single channels with reference to monolithic catalyst supports Reinecke N, Mews D |
1395 - 1429 |
Mixture pressure and stress in disperse two-phase flow Marchioro M, Tanksley M, Prosperetti A |
1431 - 1456 |
Fluidized bed in a confined volume Vainshtein P, Fichman M, Shapiro M, Moldavsky L, Gutfinger C |
1457 - 1489 |
Experimental analysis and modelling of particle-wall collisions Sommerfeld M, Huber N |
1491 - 1503 |
Two-phase flow in inclined parallel pipes Tshuva M, Barnea D, Taitel Y |
1505 - 1519 |
On the existence of multiphase thermal detonations Yuen WW, Theofanous TG |