
Nature Nanotechnology

Nature Nanotechnology, Vol.3, No.8 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 1748-3387 (Print) 

In this Issue (18 articles)

443 - 443 Physics in the nanoworld
444 - 447 Late lessons from early warnings for nanotechnology
Hansen SF, Maynard A, Baun A, Tickner JA
448 - 449 The production of knowledge
Jones R
450 - 451 Thailand resorts to nanotech
Sandhu A
455 - 457 Graphene - Nanoelectronics goes flat out
Freitag M
457 - 458 Nanomaterials - Let's twist again
Deppert K, Wallenberg LR
458 - 459 Smart textiles - Tough cotton
Avila AG, Hinestroza JP
459 - 460 Instrumentation - Astronomers look to nanotechnology
Prober DE
461 - 462 Probe microscopy - Scanning below the cell surface
Sahin O
465 - 475 Harnessing biological motors to engineer systems for nanoscale transport and assembly
Goel A, Vogel V
477 - 481 Formation of chiral branched nanowires by the Eshelby Twist
Zhu J, Peng HL, Marshall AF, Barnett DM, Nix WD, Cui Y
482 - 485 Ultrasonically driven nanomechanical single-electron shuttle
Koenig DR, Weig EM, Kotthaus JP
486 - 490 Contact and edge effects in graphene devices
Lee EJH, Balasubramanian K, Weitz RT, Burghard M, Kern K
491 - 495 Approaching ballistic transport in suspended graphene
Du X, Skachko I, Barker A, Andrei EY
496 - 500 Ultrasensitive hot-electron nanobolometers for terahertz astrophysics
Wei J, Olaya D, Karasik BS, Pereverzev SV, Sergeev AV, Gershenson ME
501 - 505 Imaging nanoparticles in cells by nanomechanical holography
Tetard L, Passian A, Venmar KT, Lynch RM, Voy BH, Shekhawat G, Dravid VP, Thundat T
506 - 511 Formation and enhanced biocidal activity of water-dispersable organic nanoparticles
Zhang HF, Wang D, Butler R, Campbell NL, Long J, Tan BE, Duncalf DJ, Foster AJ, Hopkinson A, Taylor D, Angus D, Cooper AI, Rannard SP
512 - 516 Engineered elastomeric proteins with dual elasticity can be controlled by a molecular regulator
Cao Y, Li HB