641 - 645 |
Getting ahead of IVR: A demonstration of mid-infrared induced molecular dissociation on a sub-statistical time scale Windhorn L, Yeston JS, Witte T, Fuss W, Motzkus M, Proch D, Kompa KL, Moore CB |
646 - 650 |
Normal-mode analysis without the Hessian: A driven molecular-dynamics approach Bowman JM, Zhang XB, Brown A |
651 - 660 |
Molecular gradients for the second-order generalized Van Vleck variant of multireference perturbation theory Dudley TJ, Khait YG, Hoffmann MR |
661 - 671 |
Non-Markovian effects on quantum optimal control of dissipative wave packet dynamics Ohtsuki Y |
672 - 679 |
Combined electronic and nuclear dynamics in a simple model system Erdmann M, Marquetand P, Engel V |
680 - 695 |
Quantum phase-space function formulation of reactive flux theory Barik D, Banik SK, Ray DS |
696 - 700 |
Accurate adiabatic connection curve beyond the physical interaction strength Magyar RJ, Terilla W, Burke K |
701 - 712 |
Relativistically corrected nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts calculated with the normalized elimination of the small component using an effective potential-NMR chemical shifts of molybdenum and tungsten Filatov M, Cremer D |
713 - 728 |
A new efficient approach to the direct restricted active space self-consistent field method Klene M, Robb MA, Blancafort L, Frisch MJ |
729 - 736 |
Computational method for calculating multidimensional Franck-Condon factors: Based on Sharp-Rosenstock's method Kikuchi H, Kubo M, Watanabe N, Suzuki H |
737 - 753 |
Theoretical study of the low-lying excited singlet states of furan Gromov EV, Trofimov AB, Vitkovskaya NM, Schirmer J, Koppel H |
754 - 764 |
Cluster dynamics in the range N=2-20: High resolution infrared spectra of He-N-CO Tang J, McKellar ARW |
765 - 770 |
Molecular simulation study of nanoscale friction between alkyl monolayers on Si(111) immersed in solvents Zhang LZ, Jiang SY |
771 - 780 |
Velocity-map imaging study of the O(P-3)+N-2 product channel following 193 nm photolysis of N2O Brouard M, Clark AP, Vallance C, Vasyutinskii OS |
781 - 793 |
Theoretical studies of photoelectron spectra of SO42-(H2O)(n) clusters and the extrapolation to bulk solution Zhan CG, Zheng F, Dixon DA |
794 - 797 |
Accurate dipole polarizabilities of small silicon clusters from ab initio and density functional theory calculations Maroulis G, Begue D, Pouchan C |
798 - 805 |
Relativistic and correlated calculations on the ground and excited states of ThO Paulovic J, Nakajima T, Hirao K, Lindh R, Malmqvist PA |
806 - 813 |
Shape dependent small cluster kinetics in the two-dimensional Ising model beyond the classical approximations Berim GO, Ruckenstein E |
814 - 819 |
Gas phase electronic spectra of the linear carbon chains HC2n+1H (n=3-6,9) Ding H, Schmidt TW, Pino T, Boguslavskiy AE, Guthe F, Maier JP |
820 - 826 |
Production of electronically excited CH via the vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of ethylene and the possible role of the ethylidene isomer O'Reilly J, Douin S, Boye S, Shafizadeh N, Gauyacq D |
827 - 838 |
Photodissociation dynamics of propene at 157.6 nm: Kinetic energy distributions and branching ratios Lee SH, Lee YY, Lee YT, Yang XM |
839 - 843 |
Dissociative recombination of dications Seiersen K, Heber O, Jensen MJ, Safvan CP, Andersen LH |
844 - 850 |
Accurate relativistic many-body calculations of van der Waals coefficients C-8 and C-10 for alkali-metal dimers Porsev SG, Derevianko A |
851 - 858 |
A quantitative theory and computational approach for the vibrational Stark effect Brewer SH, Franzen S |
859 - 865 |
Low-energy electron scattering by methylsilane Bettega MHF, Winstead C, McKoy V |
866 - 871 |
Fine-structure effects in vibrational relaxation at ultralow temperatures Volpi A, Bohn JL |
872 - 879 |
Anion photoelectron spectroscopy of solvated transition state precursors Gomez H, Meloni G, Madrid J, Neumark DM |
880 - 886 |
Pure rotational spectrum and model calculations of indole-water Blanco S, Lopez JC, Alonso JL, Ottaviani P, Caminati W |
887 - 901 |
Dissection of rovibronic band structure by polarization-resolved degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy Bracamonte AE, Vaccaro PH |
902 - 908 |
Electron detachment energies in high-symmetry alkali halide solvated-electron anions Anusiewicz I, Berdys J, Simons J, Skurski P |
909 - 920 |
Ab initio study of Rg-N-2 and Rg-C-2 van der Waals complexes (Rg=He, Ne, Ar) Patel K, Butler PR, Ellis AM, Wheeler MD |
921 - 927 |
Photoionization and ab initio study of trichloromethylsilane Lu KT, Ma CI, Chiang SY, Chen JM |
928 - 938 |
Intracluster superelastic scattering via sequential photodissociation in small HI clusters Chastaing D, Underwood J, Wittig C |
939 - 946 |
Elastic properties of two-dimensional hard disks in the close-packing limit Wojciechowski KW, Tretiakov KV, Branka AC, Kowalik M |
947 - 952 |
Prediction of thermodynamic properties of krypton by Monte Carlo simulation using ab initio interaction potentials Nasrabad AE, Deiters UK |
953 - 963 |
Molecular collective dynamics in solid para-hydrogen and ortho-deuterium: The Parrinello-Rahman-type path integral centroid molecular dynamics approach Saito H, Nagao H, Nishikawa K, Kinugawa K |
964 - 971 |
The fluid-solid equilibrium for a charged hard sphere model revisited Vega C, Abascal JLF, McBride C, Bresme F |
972 - 977 |
Variational mean spherical scaling approximation for nonspherical ions: The case of asymmetrical dimers Santana S, Velazquez ES |
978 - 987 |
USHER: An algorithm for particle insertion in dense fluids Delgado-Buscalioni R, Coveney PV |
988 - 1002 |
Electronic and vibrational coherence effects in broadband transient absorption spectroscopy with chirped supercontinuum probing Dobryakov AL, Kovalenko SA, Ernsting NP |
1003 - 1020 |
Optical response functions with semiclassical dynamics Noid WG, Ezra GS, Loring RF |
1021 - 1034 |
Theoretical study of the molecular motion of liquid water under high pressure Yamaguchi T, Chong SH, Hirata F |
1035 - 1044 |
Diffusion in dilute binary fluids confined in porous structures near the solvent critical point De S, Shapir Y, Chimowitz EH |
1045 - 1052 |
Structural, electronic, and vibrational properties of solid Sr(OH)(2), calculated with different Hamiltonians Merawa M, Civalleri B, Ugliengo P, Noel Y, Lichanot A |
1053 - 1065 |
Competitive adsorption in model charged protein mixtures: Equilibrium isotherms and kinetics behavior Fang F, Szleifer I |
1066 - 1069 |
Solitonic mechanism of structural transition in polymer-clay nanocomposites Gendelman OV, Manevitch LI, Manevitch OL |
1070 - 1077 |
On a reformulation of the theory of Lifshitz-van der Waals interactions in multilayered systems Podgornik R, Hansen PL, Parsegian VA |
1078 - 1084 |
High pressure x-ray study on anthracene Oehzelt M, Heimel G, Resel R, Puschnig P, Hummer K, Ambrosch-Draxl C, Takemura K, Nakayama A |
1085 - 1092 |
Adsorption of methylchloride on Si(100) from first principles Romero AH, Sbraccia C, Silvestrelli PL, Ancilotto F |
1093 - 1104 |
Combined effects of diffusion, nonuniform-gradient magnetic fields, and restriction on an arbitrary coherence pathway Zielinski LJ, Sen PN |
1105 - 1114 |
The monolayer structure of CO2 adsorbed on the NaCl(100) single crystal surface: A tensor low-energy electron diffraction analysis Vogt J, Weiss H |
1115 - 1126 |
Modeling the adsorption of norbornadiene on the Si(001) surface: The predominance of non-[2+2]-cycloaddition products Bilic A, Reimers JR, Hush NS |
1127 - 1135 |
Structural and thermal properties of silicon-doped fullerenes Marcos PA, Alonso JA, Molina LM, Rubio A, Lopez MJ |
1136 - 1147 |
A model metal potential exhibiting polytetrahedral clusters Doye JPK |
1148 - 1156 |
The use of molecular dynamics for the study of solution properties of guar gum Laguna MTR, Tarazona MP, Saiz E |
1157 - 1164 |
Phase behavior of charged lipid bilayer membranes with added electrolyte Komura S, Shirotori H, Kato T |
1165 - 1173 |
Effect of confinement on DNA dynamics in microfluidic devices Jendrejack RM, Schwartz DC, Graham MD, de Pablo JJ |
1174 - 1180 |
Finite size scaling of structural transitions in a simulated protein with secondary and tertiary structure Chapagain PP, Gerstman BS |
1181 - 1196 |
Entropic barriers, activated hopping, and the glass transition in colloidal suspensions Schweizer KS, Saltzman EJ |
1197 - 1203 |
Transport coefficients in glassy colloidal fluids Saltzman EJ, Schweizer KS |
1204 - 1207 |
Bond-length-alternation and the hyperpolarizabilities of a charged soliton in polyenic chains An Z, Wong KY |
1208 - 1213 |
Solvent effects on the electronic structure of a newly synthesized two-photon polymerization initiator Wang CK, Zhao K, Su Y, Ren Y, Zhao X, Luo Y |
1214 - 1222 |
Local structure in nematic and isotropic liquid crystals Phuong NH, Schmid F |
1223 - 1231 |
Conformation of a diblock or random square-well copolymer in dilute solution Cai J, Prausnitz JM |
1232 - 1247 |
Aggregation and counterion condensation in solution of charged proteinlike copolymers: A molecular-dynamics study Khalatur PG, Khokhlov AR, Mologin DA, Reineker P |
1248 - 1256 |
Mean-field approach for a statistical mechanical model of proteins Bruscolini P, Cecconi F |
1257 - 1270 |
A Monte Carlo study of effects of chain stiffness and chain ends on dilute solution behavior of polymers. II. Second virial coefficient Yamakawa H, Yoshizaki T |
1271 - 1278 |
Effect of tacticity on the local dynamics of polypropylene melts Arrighi V, Batt-Coutrot D, Zhang CH, Telling MTF, Triolo A |
1279 - 1280 |
Relativistic Gaussian basis sets for molecular calculations: Tl-Lr Koga T, Tatewaki H, Matsuoka O |
1281 - 1281 |
Bond-breaking bifurcation states in carbon nanotube fracture (vol 118, pg 9485, 2003) Dumitrica T, Belytschko T, Yakobson BI |
1282 - 1282 |
Ionization potentials and structures of small indium monoxide clusters (vol 118, pg 5862, 2003) Janssens E, Neukermans S, Vanhoutte F, Silverans RE, Lievens P, Navarro-Vazquez A, Schleyer PVR |