1793 - 1796 |
Site specificity in molecular hydrogen elimination from photodissociation of propane at 157 nm Wu SM, Lin JJ, Lee YT, Yang X |
1797 - 1800 |
Forces between surfaces immersed in polyelectrolyte solutions Yethiraj A |
1801 - 1808 |
Classical mechanics and the spreading of localized wave packets in condensed phase molecular systems Herman MF, Coker DF |
1809 - 1814 |
Recursion representation of gradient expansion for free fermion ground state in one dimension Samaj L, Percus JK |
1815 - 1822 |
A comparison of methods for the calculation of NMR chemical shifts Gregor T, Mauri F, Car R |
1823 - 1829 |
Ab initio calculation of anharmonic vibrational states of polyatomic systems: Electronic structure combined with vibrational self-consistent field Chaban GM, Jung JO, Gerber RB |
1830 - 1842 |
Classical flux integrals in transition state theory: Generalized reaction coordinates Smith SC |
1843 - 1856 |
Towards standard methods for benchmark quality ab initio thermochemistry - W1 and W2 theory Martin JML, de Oliveira G |
1857 - 1869 |
Unitary group based open-shell coupled cluster theory: Application to van der Waals interactions of high-spin systems Jankowski P, Jeziorski B |
1870 - 1874 |
Calculations of Argon broadening and shift for HCO+ rotational lines at 77 K Buffa G, Tarrini O, Cazzoli G, Dore L |
1875 - 1883 |
Vibrational and rotational collisional relaxation in CO2-Ar and CO2-He mixtures studied by stimulated Raman-infrared double resonance Deroussiaux A, Lavorel B |
1884 - 1889 |
Evidence of a perpendicular component in the photodissociation of BrCN at 213 nm Franks KJ, Li HZ, Kong W |
1890 - 1904 |
Evolution of the electronic structure and properties of neutral and charged aluminum clusters: A comprehensive analysis Rao BK, Jena P |
1905 - 1916 |
Rotationally resolved pulsed field ionization photoelectron bands of O-2(+)(X (2)Pi(1/2,3/2g), v(+)=0-38) in the energy range of 12.05-18.15 eV Song Y, Evans M, Ng CY, Hsu CW, Jarvis GK |
1917 - 1925 |
Polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilities of HF, Ne, and BH from full configuration interaction and coupled cluster calculations Larsen H, Olsen J, Hattig C, Jorgensen P, Christiansen O, Gauss J |
1926 - 1936 |
Tunneling through the potential barrier of the B-1 Pi(u) state of Li-7-Li-7 Bouloufa N, Cacciani P, Vetter R, Yiannopoulou A |
1937 - 1946 |
Rotational-resolved pulsed field ionization photoelectron study of NO+(a(3)Sigma(+),v(+)=0-16) in the energy range of 15.6-18.2 eV Jarvis GK, Song Y, Ng CY |
1947 - 1954 |
Mass analyzed threshold ionization of phenol center dot CO: Intermolecular binding energies of a hydrogen-bonded complex Haines SR, Dessent CEH, Muller-Dethlefs K |
1955 - 1963 |
A comparison of hydrogen-bonded and van der Waals isomers of phenol center dot center dot nitrogen and phenol center dot center dot carbon monoxide: An ab initio study Chapman DM, Muller-Dethlefs K, Peel JB |
1964 - 1971 |
Theoretical determination of the absolute electron impact ionization cross-section function for silver clusters Ag-n (n=2-7) Deutsch H, Pittner J, Bonacic-Koutecky V, Becker K, Matt S, Mark TD |
1972 - 1978 |
Quantum mechanical study of the vibrational relaxation of O-2(+) colliding with Kr Craimer M, Pogrebnya SK, Clary DC |
1979 - 1987 |
The application of complex absorbing potentials to an invariant embedding scattering method. II. Applications Huarte-Larranaga F, Gimenez X, Lucas JM, Aguilar A |
1988 - 1992 |
Vibrational spectrum of B2C in argon at 10 K Larson CW, Presilla-Marquez JD |
1993 - 2000 |
Molecular polarization in water chains Hermansson K, Alfredsson M |
2001 - 2007 |
Classical nucleation theory for the nucleation of the solid phase of spherical particles with a short-ranged attraction Sear RP |
2008 - 2018 |
On the role of dielectric friction in vibrational energy relaxation Ladanyi BM, Stratt RM |
2019 - 2027 |
Liquid-drop formalism and free-energy surfaces in binary homogeneous nucleation theory Laaksonen A, McGraw R, Vehkamaki H |
2028 - 2037 |
Structure of molten MCl3 systems from a polarizable ion simulation model Hutchinson F, Rowley AJ, Walters MK, Wilson M, Madden PA, Wasse JC, Salmon PS |
2038 - 2049 |
Dipole and quadrupole polarization in ionic systems: Ab initio studies Jemmer P, Wilson M, Madden PA, Fowler PW |
2050 - 2059 |
A lattice model for fluids with directional interactions Aranovich G, Donohue P, Donohue M |
2060 - 2070 |
Dynamics on statistical samples of potential energy surfaces Ball KD, Berry RS |
2071 - 2074 |
Ab initio calculation of elastic constants of SiO2 stishovite and alpha-quartz Holm B, Ahuja R |
2075 - 2085 |
Quantum consideration of electron transfer solvent control Frantsuzov PA |
2086 - 2094 |
The dynamics of proton transfer in a water chain Sadeghi RR, Cheng HP |
2095 - 2102 |
From molecular clusters to bulk matter. II. Crossover from icosahedral to crystalline structures in CO2 clusters Maillet JB, Boutin A, Fuchs AH |
2103 - 2108 |
Liquid vapor equilibria for an ab initio model for water Mackie AD, Hernandez-Cobos J, Vega LF |
2109 - 2114 |
Etching process of SiO2 by HF molecules Hoshino T, Nishioka Y |
2115 - 2122 |
Lateral interactions in coadsorbate layers: Vibrational frequency shifts Wang RLC, Kreuzer HJ, Jakob P, Menzel D |
2123 - 2132 |
Electron-lattice dynamics on Jahn-Teller surfaces in Ag : Xe crystals Bammel K, Dietrich P, Schwentner N |
2133 - 2142 |
Empirical Jahn-Teller potential surfaces for silver doped xenon matrices Dietrich P, Schwentner N |
2143 - 2150 |
Modeling of zeolite L crystallization using continuum time Monte Carlo simulations Nikolakis V, Vlachos DG, Tsapatsis M |
2151 - 2156 |
Hard core Yukawa fluid with temperature and density dependent interaction: Phase diagram of the AOT/water/decane microemulsion Bouaskarne M, Amokrane S, Regnaut C |
2157 - 2163 |
Electronic structure of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum thin films in the pristine and reduced states Johansson N, Osada T, Stafstrom S, Salaneck WR, Parente V, dos Santos DA, Crispin X, Bredas JL |
2164 - 2168 |
Ab initio study of dopant insertion into carbon nanotubes Farajian AA, Ohno K, Esfarjani K, Maruyama Y, Kawazoe Y |
2169 - 2175 |
Oxygen adsorption on Ag(111): X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), angular dependent x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ADXPS) and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) studies Bukhtiyarov VI, Kaichev VV, Prosvirin IP |
2176 - 2180 |
Melting thermodynamics of organic nanocrystals Jiang Q, Shi HX, Zhao M |
2181 - 2189 |
The structure of the liquid-vapor interface of a gallium-tin binary alloy Zhao MS, Rice SA |
2190 - 2199 |
A simulation study of the kinetics of passage of CO2 and N-2 through the liquid/vapor interface of water Somasundaram T, Panhuis MIH, Lynden-Bell RM, Patterson CH |
2200 - 2209 |
Photoconductivity and singlet oxygen generation in illuminated polymer in the air atmosphere Burshtein AI, Igoshin OA |
2210 - 2221 |
A consistent correlation approach to single file diffusion with reaction Okino MS, Snurr RQ, Kung HH, Ochs JE, Mavrovouniotis ML |
2222 - 2234 |
Soft-landed ion diffusion studies on vapor-deposited hydrocarbon films Tsekouras AA, Iedema MJ, Cowin JP |
2235 - 2241 |
Physical aging by periodic creep and interrupted creep experiments Bernatz KM, Giri L, Simon SL, Plazek DJ |
2242 - 2254 |
Hydrogen bond and cooperative effect in the reactions of HOCl with HCl on water clusters Xu SC |
2255 - 2258 |
Adsorption of polydisperse polymer chains Sear RP |
2259 - 2269 |
Phase separation of polymer blend films near patterned surfaces Kielhorn L, Muthukumar M |
2270 - 2282 |
Thermal and mass diffusion in a semidilute good solvent-polymer solution Zhang KJ, Briggs ME, Gammon RW, Sengers JV, Douglas JF |
2283 - 2294 |
Density functional investigation on the ferromagnetic coupling of spins in phenylenevinylene-bridged nitroxide radicals: Monomer and polymer cases Mitani M, Yamaki D, Yoshioka Y, Yamaguchi K |
2295 - 2300 |
Flow-induced swelling of poly(vinyl alcohol) gel Takigawa T, Uchida K, Takahashi K, Masuda T |
2301 - 2310 |
From polypeptide sequences to structures using Monte Carlo simulations and an optimized potential Derreumaux P |
2311 - 2321 |
Simplified model for the analysis of interaction types in two-stranded coiled-coils Gil MM, Rubio AM, Rey A |
2322 - 2328 |
The isotropic-nematic transition and the phase separation of the tobacco mosaic virus particles with polysaccharide Urakami N, Imai M, Sano Y, Takasu M |
2329 - 2339 |
Phase behavior of gradient copolymers Aksimentiev A, Holyst R |
2340 - 2344 |
Association of diphilic chains near the solvent critical region Velichko YS, Vasilevskaya VV, Khalatur PG, Khokhlov AR |
2345 - 2346 |
"Resonance Raman intensity analysis of a dicyanovinyl-azaadamantane: Mode-specific reorganization energies for charge-transfer and locally-excited states (vol 109, pg 10958, 1998) Lilichenko M, Kelley AM |
2347 - 2347 |
"Ab initio relativistic effective potentials with spin-orbit operators. VII. Am through element 118" (vol 106, pg 5133, 1997) Nash CS, Bursten BE, Ermler WC |