1 - 7 |
Electrochemical Studies of N-Phenylaza-15-Crown-5 Mortimer RJ, Weightman JS |
9 - 20 |
Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of Methanol Oxidation on a Pt(111) Surface in Alkaline Media Tripkovic AV, Popovic KD, Momcilovic JD, Drazic DM |
21 - 28 |
The Catalytic Action of Adsorbed Thiocyanate Ions and Thiourea in the Electron-Transfer from Glassy-Carbon to Solid Copper(I) Selenide and Copper(I) Sulfide Particles Lange B, Lovric M, Scholz F |
29 - 34 |
Use of Nafion(R) Coated Carbon Disk Microelectrodes in Solution Without and with Different Concentrations of Supporting Electrolyte Daniele S, Ugo P, Bragato C, Mazzocchin GA |
35 - 39 |
Electrooxidation of 1,5-Diaminonaphthalene and 1,8-Diaminonaphthalene - An Rde Study Jackowska K, Skompska M, Przyluska E |
41 - 46 |
The Reduction of Styrene at Microelectrodes in Toluene Plus N,N-Dimethylformamide Mixtures Geraldo MD, Montenegro MI, Pletcher D |
47 - 52 |
A Case of the Indirect Role of Traces of Water in the Electroreduction of Organic Substrates Arevalo MC, Maran F, Severin MG, Vianello E |
53 - 66 |
Spectroelectrochemical and Structural-Properties of Electrochromic Co(Al)-Oxide and Co(Al,Si)-Oxide Films Prepared by the Sol-Gel Route Svegl F, Orel B, Bukovec P, Kalcher K, Hutchins MG |
67 - 72 |
Amperometric Amplification of Antigen-Antibody Association at Monolayer Interfaces - Design of Immunosensor Electrodes Katz E, Willner I |
73 - 81 |
Photoelectrochemical Study of Thin-Film Semiconductor Heterostructures - Junction Formation Processes in CdS-Vertical-Bar-CdTe Solar-Cells Kampmann A, Lincot D |
83 - 89 |
Electrodeposition of In+as Thin-Film Alloys and Their Conversion to Inasxp1-X by PH3 Treatment Dalchiele E, Cattarin S, Musiani M, Casellato U, Guerriero P, Rossetto G |
91 - 97 |
Impedance of the Interface - Electrode-Vertical-Bar-Frozen Electrolyte Containing Redox-Active Ions Opallo M |
99 - 107 |
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (Secm) - Study of the Adsorption and Desorption of Hydrogen on Platinum-Electrodes in Na2SO4 Solution (Ph=7) Yang YF, Denuault G |
109 - 113 |
Study of pH Effect on the Relaxation Phenomenon of Polyaniline by Electrochemistry and XPS Fraoua K, Delamar M, Andrieux CP |
115 - 122 |
Electrogeneration and Solubilities of Oxidized Poly(2,5-di-(-2-Thienyl)-Thiophene) Carrasco J, Otero TF, Brillas E, Montilla M |
123 - 130 |
Electrochemical-Behavior of Poly(2,5-di-(-2-Thienyl)-Thiophene) - Properties of the Reduced Polymer Brillas E, Montilla M, Carrasco J, Otero TF |
131 - 137 |
A New Simple Voltammetric Analysis of the Kinetics of Homogeneous Reactions Following the EC Mechanism - Oxidation of Cu(I) by Hydrogen-Peroxide Kontturi AK, Kontturi K, Murtomaki L, Schiffrin DJ |
139 - 145 |
Voltammetric Behavior and Electronic Molecular-Structures of Several Azulenylketones Saitoh M, Yano J, Nakazawa T, Sugihara Y, Hashimoto K |
147 - 151 |
A New Amperometric Biosensor for Fructose Using a Carbon-Paste Electrode Modified with Silica-Gel Coated with Meldolas-Blue and Fructose 5-Dehydrogenase Garcia CA, Neto GD, Kubota LT, Grandin LA |
153 - 158 |
Photoelectrochemical Imaging of the Etching and Passivation of Silicon in Aqueous KOH Hutton RS, Port SN, Schiffrin DJ, Williams DE |
159 - 165 |
The Hanging Meniscus Rotating-Disk (Hmrd) .3. Application to a Charge-Transfer Preceded by a Chemical-Reaction in Equilibrium Villullas HM, Teijelo ML |
167 - 173 |
A Spectroelectrochemical Cell for Measurements in Highly Purified Solvents Geskes C, Heinze J |
175 - 183 |
The Scanning Microscope for Semiconductor Characterization (Smsc) - Study of the Influence of Surface-Morphology on the Photoelectrochemical Behavior of an N-Mose2 Single-Crystal Electrode by Photocurrent and Electrolyte Electroreflectance Imaging Chaparro AM, Salvador P, Mir A |
185 - 194 |
The Chronopotentiometric Reduction of Proteins Adsorbed on Mercury Honeychurch MJ, Ridd MJ |
195 - 198 |
The Harmony of Eqcm and Radiotracer Sorption Results Obtained in the Course of Voltammetric Study of a Rhodized Electrode Wasberg M, Bacskai J, Inzelt G, Horanyi G |
199 - 204 |
The Effect of Ultrasound on the Electrochemical Loading of Hydrogen in Palladium Wark A, Crouchbaker S, Mckubre MC, Tanzella FL |