2365 - 2370 |
Reaction of O(D-1) with Silane - Direct Production of SiO Okuda K, Yunoki K, Oguchi T, Murakami Y, Tezaki A, Koshi M, Matsui H |
2371 - 2378 |
Photodetachment of Singly Solvated Halide-Ions Yang YJ, Linnert HV, Riveros JM, Williams KR, Eyler JR |
2379 - 2383 |
Ab-Initio Study of the Mechanism of Photolytic Deazatization of 2,3-Diazabicyclo(2.2.2)Oct-2-Ene and 2,3-Diazabicyclo(2.2.1)Hept-2-Ene Roberson MJ, Simons J |
2384 - 2389 |
Cation Vibrational-Spectra of Indole and Indole-Argon Vanderwaals Complex - A Zero Kinetic-Energy Photoelectron Study Vondrak T, Sato S, Kimura K |
2390 - 2396 |
Radical-Cation of Naphthalene on H-ZSM-5 Zeolite and in Cfcl3 Matrix - A Theoretical and Experimental EPR, ENDOR, and ESEEM Study Erickson R, Benetis NP, Lund A, Lindgren M |
2397 - 2413 |
Matrix-Isolation FTIR Studies and Theoretical Calculations of Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes of Imidazole - A Comparison Between Experimental Results and Different Calculation Methods Vanbael MK, Smets J, Schone K, Houben L, Mccarthy W, Adamowicz L, Nowak MJ, Maes G |
2414 - 2422 |
Infrared-Spectra of Perdeuterated Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Chrysene, and Pyrene Bauschlicher CW, Langhoff SR, Sandford SA, Hudgins DM |
2423 - 2428 |
Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Benzophenone Ketyl Radical Wada S, Matsushita Y, Obi K |
2429 - 2435 |
Absolute Fluorescence Yields from Electron-Irradiated Gases .3. XeCl-Asterisk and Xei-Asterisk Mezyk SP, Cooper R, Young JG |
2436 - 2441 |
Rate Coefficients of Hydroxyl Radical Reaction with Dimethyl Ether and Methyl tert-Butyl Ether over an Extended Temperature-Range Arif M, Dellinger B, Taylor PH |
2442 - 2444 |
Muonium Reactions with Oxalic-Acid and Oxalate Ions in Water - Huge Kinetic Isotope Effects When Compared with H Stadlbauer JM, Barnabas MV, Walker DC |
2445 - 2450 |
Contribution of the Tail of a Biexponential Energy-Transfer Probability-Distribution to Thermal Unimolecular Rate Coefficients Bernshtein V, Oref I, Lendvay G |
2451 - 2458 |
Reaction Chemistry of ZnTe Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy Wilkerson KJ, Kappers MJ, Hicks RF |
2459 - 2464 |
Ab-Initio Study of Trimethyl Phosphate - Conformational-Analysis, Dipole-Moments, Vibrational Frequencies, and Barriers for Conformer Interconversion George L, Viswanathan KS, Singh S |
2465 - 2470 |
Theoretical-Study on the Stability of Low-Spin Hydridomethyl Complexes of the First-Row Transition-Metal Cations Hendrickx M, Ceulemans M, Gong K, Vanquickenborne L |
2471 - 2477 |
Thermodynamic Parameters and Group Additivity Ring Corrections for 3-Membered to 6-Membered Oxygen Heterocyclic Hydrocarbons Lay TH, Yamada T, Tsai PL, Bozzelli JW |
2478 - 2488 |
Development of a Hybrid Quantum-Chemical and Molecular Mechanics Method with Application to Solvent Effects on the Electronic-Spectra of Uracil and Uracil Derivatives Broo A, Pearl G, Zerner MC |
2489 - 2495 |
Acetamidine-X(+) and Guanidine-X(+) (X=li, Na, Mg, Al) Complexes in the Gas-Phase - A Theoretical-Study Leon E, Amekraz B, Tortajada J, Morizur JP, Gonzalez AI, Mo O, Yanez M |
2496 - 2501 |
Valence-Bond and Molecular-Orbital Descriptions of the 3-Electron Bond Harcourt RD |
2502 - 2508 |
Comparison of the Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr and Becke-Perdew-Wang Exchange-Correlation Functionals for Geometrics of Cyclopentadienyl Transition-Metal Complexes Mccullough EA, Apra E, Nichols J |
2509 - 2513 |
Origin of the Stereoselectivity of the Intramolecular 1,2-Hydrogen Shift in Singlet Chlorocarbenes - A Theoretical-Study Shustov GV, Liu MT, Rauk A |
2514 - 2517 |
NMR Chemical-Shifts of Zr-at-C-28 - How Shielded Can Zr-91 Get Buhl M |
2518 - 2518 |
Ab-Initio Characterization of Hoclo3 and Ho4Cl - Implications for Atmospheric Chemistry - Comment Karelin AI |