11455 - 11456 |
A Tribute to Walter Thiel Buhl M, Kumar D |
11457 - 11464 |
Autobiography of Walter Thiel Thiel W |
11483 - 11486 |
Toward a Wave-Function-Based Treatment of Metals: Extrapolation from Finite Clusters Stoll H |
11487 - 11494 |
Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Polystyrene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Studied by Reverse Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations Algaer EA, Alaghemandi M, Bohm MC, Muller-Plathe F |
11495 - 11500 |
Implementation of a Hybrid DFT Method for Calculating NMR Shieldings Using Slater-Type Orbitals with Spin-Orbital Coupling Included. Applications to (OS)-O-187, Pt-195, and C-13 in Heavy-Metal Complexes Krykunov M, Ziegler T, van Lenthe E |
11501 - 11508 |
Quantum Tunneling in Testosterone 6 beta-Hydroxylation by Cytochrome P450: Reaction Dynamics Calculations Employing Multiconfiguration Molecular-Mechanical Potential Energy Surfaces Zhang Y, Lin H |
11509 - 11516 |
Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock Adjusted Energy-Consistent Pseudopotential for Uranium: Spin-Orbit Configuration Interaction and Fock-Space Coupled-Cluster Study of U4+ and U5+ Weigand A, Cao XY, Vallet V, Flament JP, Dolg M |
11517 - 11534 |
Ab Initio Thermochemistry with High-Level Isodesmic Corrections: Validation of the ATOMIC Protocol for a Large Set of Compounds with First-Row Atoms (H, C, N, O, F) Bakowies D |
11535 - 11540 |
Broken Symmetry Approach to Density Functional Calculation of Magnetic Anisotropy or Zero Field Splittings for Multinuclear Complexes with Antiferromagnetic Coupling van Wullen C |
11541 - 11549 |
Calculation of Electronic g-Tensors using Coupled Cluster Theory Gauss J, Kallay M, Neese F |
11550 - 11559 |
AM1 Parameters for the Prediction of H-1 and C-13 NMR Chemical Shifts in Proteins Williams DE, Peters MB, Wang B, Roitberg AE, Merz KM |
11560 - 11569 |
Valence Bond Perturbation Theory. A Valence Bond Method That Incorporates Perturbation Theory Chen ZH, Song JS, Shaik S, Hiberty PC, Wu W |
11570 - 11579 |
Development of a Nonlinear Classical Polarization Model for Liquid Water and Aqueous Solutions: COS/D Kunz APE, van Gunsteren WF |
11580 - 11585 |
Accurate Calculations of Intermolecular Interaction Energies Using Explicitly Correlated Coupled Cluster Wave Functions and a Dispersion-Weighted MP2 Method Marchetti O, Werner HJ |
11586 - 11594 |
Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Hydrocarbons by V3O7+ Compared to Other Vanadium Oxide Species Rozanska X, Sauer J |
11595 - 11603 |
Broad Substrate Specificity and Catalytic Mechanism of Pseudomonas stutzeri L-Rhamnose Isomerase: Insights from QM/MM Molecular Dynamics Simulations Wu RB, Xie HJ, Mo YR, Cao ZX |
11604 - 11612 |
Axial Bonding in Alkylcobalamins: DFT Analysis of the Inverse Versus Normal Trans Influence Kuta J, Wuerges J, Randaccio L, Kozlowski PM |
11613 - 11618 |
Endohedral Metalloborofullerenes La-2@B-80 and Sc3N@B-80: A Density Functional Theory Prediction Jin P, Hao C, Gao ZX, Zhang SBB, Chen ZF |
11619 - 11629 |
The Geometry and Electronic Topology of Higher-Order Charged Mobius Annulenes Wannere CS, Rzepa HS, Rinderspacher BC, Paul A, Allan CSM, Schaefer HF, Schleyer PVR |
11630 - 11634 |
Density Functional Study of the Ground and Excited State Potential Energy Surfaces of a Light-Driven Rotary Molecular Motor (3R,3' R)-(P,P)-trans-1,1',2,2',3,3',4,4'-Octahydro-3,3'-dimethyl-4,4'-biphenanthrylidene Kazaryan A, Filatov M |
11635 - 11642 |
Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Studies on the Sulfoxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide by Compound I and Compound 0 of Cytochrome P450: Which Is the Better Oxidant? Porro CS, Sutcliffe MJ, de Visser SP |
11643 - 11650 |
Barrier To Linearity and Anharmonic Force Field of the Ketenyl Radical Simmonett AC, Stibrich NJ, Papas BN, Schaefer HF, Allen WD |
11651 - 11655 |
Comparative Studies of Cation Doping of ZnO with Mn, Fe, and Co Jug K, Tikhomirov VA |
11656 - 11664 |
Explicit Polarization (X-Pol) Potential Using ab Initio Molecular Orbital Theory and Density Functional Theory Song LC, Han JB, Lin YL, Xie WS, Gao JL |
11665 - 11678 |
Bridging Theory with Experiment: A Benchmark Study of Thermally Averaged Structural and Effective Spectroscopic Parameters of the Water Molecule Czako G, Matyus E, Csaszar AG |
11679 - 11684 |
Accurate Coupled Cluster Calculations of the Reaction Barrier Heights of Two CH3 center dot + CH4 Reactions Klopper W, Bachorz RA, Tew DP, Aguilera-Iparraguirre J, Carissan Y, Hattig C |
11685 - 11692 |
Color Tuning in Short Wavelength-Sensitive Human and Mouse Visual Pigments: Ab initio Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Studies Altun A, Yokoyama S, Morokuma K |
11693 - 11698 |
Molecules with All Triple Bonds: OCBBCO, N2BBN2, and [OBBBBO](2-) Ducati LC, Takagi N, Frenking G |
11699 - 11705 |
Tabu Search Based Strategies for Conformational Search Stepanenko S, Engels B |
11706 - 11712 |
Kinetic C-H Oxidative Addition vs Thermodynamic C-X Oxidative Addition of Chlorobenzene by a Neutral Rh(I) System. A Density Functional Theory Study Wu H, Hall MB |
11713 - 11722 |
Effect of Porphyrin Ligands on the Regioselective Dehydrogenation versus Epoxidation of Olefins by Oxoiron(IV) Mimics of Cytochrome P450 Kumar D, Tahsini L, de Visser SP, Kang HY, Kim SJ, Nam W |
11723 - 11733 |
Averaging Semiempirical NMR Chemical Shifts: Dynamic Effects on the Subpicosecond Time Scale Tuttle T |
11734 - 11741 |
A Convergence Study of QM/MM Isomerization Energies with the Selected Size of the QM Region for Peptidic Systems Sumowski CV, Ochsenfeld C |
11742 - 11749 |
Evaluation of Range-Separated Hybrid and Other Density Functional Approaches on Test Sets Relevant for Transition Metal-Based Homogeneous Catalysts Jimenez-Hoyos CA, Janesko BG, Scuseria GE |
11750 - 11757 |
Non-Kekule N-Substituted m-Phenylenes: N-Centered Diradicals versus Zwitterions Amiri S, Schreiner PR |
11758 - 11762 |
Vinyl Acetate Synthesis on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Pd-Based Catalysts: A Theoretical Analysis on the Reaction Mechanisms Plata JJ, Garcia-Mota M, Braga AAC, Lopez N, Maseras F |
11763 - 11771 |
Effects of Substrate, Protein Environment, and Proximal Ligand Mutation on Compound I and Compound 0 of Chloroperoxidase Lai WZ, Chen H, Cho KB, Shaik S |
11772 - 11782 |
Accurate Potential Energy Surface and Calculated Spectroscopic Properties for CdH2 Isotopomers Sebald P, Oswald R, Botschwina P, Stoll H, Figgen D |
11783 - 11792 |
Challenges in pK(a) Predictions for Proteins: The case of Asp213 in Human Proteinase 3 Hajjar E, Dejaegere A, Reuter N |
11793 - 11800 |
Do Quantum Mechanical Energies Calculated for Small Models of Protein-Active Sites Converge? Hu LH, Eliasson J, Heimdal J, Ryde U |
11801 - 11808 |
Thermochemistry of Pt-Fullerene Complexes: Semiempirical Study Voityuk AA |
11809 - 11816 |
Intersystem Crossing and Characterization of Dark States in the Pyrimidine Nucleobases Uracil, Thymine, and 1-Methylthymine Etinski M, Fleig T, Marian CA |
11817 - 11832 |
Hydrogen Abstraction by Chlorine Atom from Small Organic Molecules Containing Amino Acid Functionalities: An Assessment of Theoretical Procedures Taylor MS, Ivanic SA, Wood GPF, Easton CJ, Bacskay GB, Radom L |
11833 - 11844 |
Metal-Phosphine Bond Strengths of the Transition Metals: A Challenge for DFT Minenkov Y, Occhipinti G, Jensen VR |
11845 - 11855 |
A Variationally Computed T=300 K Line List for NH3 Yurchenko SN, Barber RJ, Yachmenev A, Thiel W, Jensen P, Tennyson J |
11856 - 11865 |
DL-FIND: An Open-Source Geometry Optimizer for Atomistic Simulations Kastner J, Carr JM, Keal TW, Thiel W, Wander A, Sherwood P |
11866 - 11881 |
Automatized Parametrization of SCC-DFTB Repulsive Potentials: Application to Hydrocarbons Gaus M, Chou CP, Witek H, Elstner M |
11882 - 11887 |
Molecular Mechanism of the Z/E-Photoisomerization of Hemithioindigo Hemistilbene Plotner J, Dreuw A |
11888 - 11897 |
Binding of Organometallic Ruthenium(II) Anticancer Compounds to Nucleobases: A Computational Study Gossens C, Tavernelli I, Rothlisberger U |
11898 - 11906 |
Local Hybrid Functionals with an Explicit Dependence on Spin Polarization Arbuznikov AV, Bahmann H, Kaupp M |
11907 - 11918 |
Is the Photoinduced Isomerization in Retinal Protonated Schiff Bases a Single- or Double-Torsional Process? Szymczak JJ, Barbatti M, Lischka H |
11919 - 11925 |
Direct Dynamics Study of Hydrogen-Transfer Isomerization of 1-Pentyl and 1-Hexyl Radicals Zheng JJ, Truhlar DG |
11926 - 11937 |
O-2 Activation in a Dinuclear Fe(II)/EDTA Complex: Spin Surface Crossing As a Route to Highly Reactive Fe(IV)oxo Species Belanzoni P, Bernasconi L, Baerends EJ |
11938 - 11948 |
Are Current Semiempirical Methods Better Than Force Fields? A Study from the Thermodynamics Perspective Seabra GD, Walker RC, Roitberg AE |
11949 - 11953 |
The Accuracy of Geometries for Iron Porphyrin Complexes from Density Functional Theory Rydberg P, Olsen L |
11954 - 11962 |
An Approach to Include the Effects of Diffuse Functions in Potential Energy Surface Calculations Huang XC, Schwenke DW, Lee TJ |
11963 - 11973 |
Carbon on Platinum Substrates: From Carbidic to Graphitic Phases on the (111) Surface and on Nanoparticles Vines F, Neyman KM, Gorling A |
11974 - 11983 |
Performance of Ab Initio and Density Functional Methods for Conformational Equilibria of CnH2n+2 Alkane Isomers (n=4-8) Gruzman D, Karton A, Martin JML |
11984 - 11994 |
High Level QM/MM Modeling of the Formation of the Tetrahedral Intermediate in the Acylation of Wild Type and K73A Mutant TEM-1 Class A beta-Lactamase Hermann JC, Pradon J, Harvey JN, Mulholland AJ |
11995 - 12012 |
Benchmarking Second Order Methods for the Calculation of Vertical Electronic Excitation Energies: Valence and Rydberg States in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Falden HH, Falster-Hansen KR, Bak KL, Rettrup S, Sauer SPA |
12013 - 12021 |
Estimating Regio and Stereoselectivity in [4+2] Cycloadditions of Vinyl-Substituted Cyclic Dienes with Maleic Anhydride Gayatri G, Sastry GN |
12022 - 12027 |
alpha-CrCl2 under Pressure: Prediction of a Metallic Phase Transition Hermann A, Schwerdtfeger P |
12028 - 12034 |
Parameterization and Validation of Solvation Corrected Atomic Radii Zuo CS, Wiest O, Wu YD |
12035 - 12043 |
H/Br Exchange in BBr3 by HSiR3 (R = H, CH3, C2H5): Origin of DFT Failures to Describe a Seemingly Innocuous Reaction Barrier Rakow JR, Tullmann S, Holthausen MC |
12044 - 12044 |
Calculated Raman Optical Activity Spectra of 1,6-Anhydro-beta-D-glucopyranose (vol 113, pg 8268, 2009) Luber S, Reiher M |