5037 - 5038 |
Tribute to Shaul Mukamel Chernyak VY, Knoester J, Tretiak S |
5039 - 5046 |
Shaul Mukamel Mukamel S |
5071 - 5082 |
Fluorescence Intermittency from the Main Plant Light-Harvesting Complex: Resolving Shifts between Intensity Levels Kruger TPJ, Ilioaia C, van Grondelle R |
5083 - 5095 |
Fluorescence Intermittency from the Main Plant Light-Harvesting Complex: Sensitivity to the Local Environment Kruger TPJ, Ilioaia C, Valkunas L, van Grondelle R |
5096 - 5102 |
Complex Polarization Propagator Approach in the Restricted Open-Shell, Self-Consistent Field Approximation: The Near K-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectra of Allyl and Copper Phthalocyanine Linares M, Stafstrom S, Rinkevicius Z, Agren H, Norman P |
5103 - 5112 |
Multimode Resonant Auger Scattering from the Ethene Molecule Liu JC, Nicolas C, Sun YP, Flammini R, O'Keeffe P, Avaldi L, Morin P, Kimberg V, Kosugi N, Gel'mukhanov F, Miron C |
5113 - 5120 |
Electronic Structures and Charge Transport of Stacked Annelated beta-Trithiophenes Liu HG, Kang SW, Lee JY |
5121 - 5132 |
Anharmonic Electron-Phonon Coupling in Condensed Media: 1. Formalism Toutounji M |
5133 - 5143 |
Vibronic Coupling in J-Aggregates and Beyond: A Direct Means of Determining the Exciton Coherence Length from the Photoluminescence Spectrum Spano FC, Yamagata H |
5144 - 5147 |
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Nose-Hoover Dynamics Esposito M, Monnai T |
5148 - 5156 |
Semiclassical Quantization in Liouville Space for Vibrational Dynamics Gruenbaum SM, Loring RF |
5157 - 5167 |
Influence of Vibronic Coupling on Band Structure and Exciton Self-Trapping in alpha-Perylene West BA, Womick JM, McNeil LE, Tan KJ, Moran AM |
5168 - 5182 |
Linear and Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Amide I and II Modes in Fully Extended Peptide Chains Maekawa H, Ballano G, Toniolo C, Ge NH |
5183 - 5190 |
Effect of Medium Chirality on the Rate of Resonance Energy Transfer Rodriguez JJ, Salam A |
5191 - 5200 |
Signature of Nonadiabatic Transitions on the Pump-Probe Infrared Spectra of a Hydrogen-Bonded Complex Dissolved in a Polar Solvent: A Computational Study Hanna G, Geva E |
5201 - 5211 |
Exciton Dynamics in Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes Graham MW, Chmeliov J, Ma YZ, Shinohara H, Green AA, Hersam MC, Valkunas L, Fleming GR |
5212 - 5218 |
Experimental System for One-Dimensional Rotational Brownian Motion McNaughton BH, Kinnunen P, Shlomi M, Cionca C, Pei SN, Clarke R, Argyrakis P, Kopelman R |
5219 - 5226 |
Folding and Unfolding of Light-Triggered beta-Hairpin Model Peptides Schrader TE, Cordes T, Schreier WJ, Koller FO, Dong SL, Moroder L, Zinth W |
5227 - 5233 |
Laser-Controlled Fluorescence in Two-Level Systems Leeder JM, Bradshaw DS, Andrews DL |
5234 - 5242 |
Tunneling under Coherent Control by Sequences of Unitary Pulses Saha R, Batista VS |
5243 - 5253 |
Delocalization-Enhanced Long-Range Energy Transfer between Cryptophyte Algae PE545 Antenna Proteins Hossein-Nejad H, Curutchet C, Kubica A, Scholes GD |
5254 - 5259 |
Unraveling the Correlated Dynamics of the Double Hydrogen Bonds of Nucleic Acid Base Pairs in Solution Yan YA, Kuhn O |
5260 - 5267 |
Vibrational Energy Transfer between Carbon Nanotubes and Nonaqueous Solvents: A Molecular Dynamics Study Nelson TR, Chaban VV, Prezhdo VV, Prezhdo OV |
5268 - 5277 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Water in Narrow Nanopores Weinwurm M, Dellago C |
5278 - 5288 |
Generation of Random Numbers on Graphics Processors: Forced Indentation In Silico of the Bacteriophage HK97 Zhmurov A, Rybnikov K, Kholodov Y, Barsegov V |
5289 - 5293 |
Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of Supercooled Water Perakis F, Hamm P |
5294 - 5303 |
Structural Properties of a Membrane Associated Anchor Dipeptide Volkov VV, Chelli R, Muniz-Miranda F, Righini R |
5304 - 5311 |
Local Geometry of Electromagnetic Fields and Its Role in Molecular Multipole Transitions Yang N, Cohen AE |
5312 - 5321 |
On the Munn-Silbey Approach to Polaron Transport with Off-Diagonal Coupling and Temperature-Dependent Canonical Transformations Chen DM, Ye J, Zhang HJ, Zhao Y |
5322 - 5339 |
Molecular Theory and Simulation of Coherence Transfer in Metal Carbonyls and Its Signature on Multidimensional Infrared Spectra Baiz CR, Kubarych KJ, Geva E |
5340 - 5346 |
Dynamics of Relaxation and Fluctuations of the Equilibrium State in an Incompletely Chaotic System Yurovsky VA, Ben-Reuven A, Olshanii M |
5347 - 5353 |
Method for Determining Small Anharmonicity Values from 2DIR Spectra Using Thermally Induced Shifts of Frequencies of High-Frequency Modes Lin ZW, Keiffer P, Rubtsov IV |
5354 - 5364 |
Quantum Electron Tunneling in Respiratory Complex I Hayashi T, Stuchebrukhov AA |
5365 - 5371 |
Separating Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Line Widths of Heavy- and Light-Hole Excitons in Weakly Disordered Semiconductor Quantum Wells Bristow AD, Zhang TH, Siemens ME, Cundiff ST, Mirin RP |
5372 - 5382 |
Probing Interband Coulomb Interactions in Semiconductor Nanostructures with 2D Double-Quantum Coherence Spectroscopy Velizhanin KA, Piryatinski A |
5383 - 5391 |
High Frequency Vibrational Modulations in Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectra and Their Resemblance to Electronic Coherence Signatures Christensson N, Milota F, Hauer J, Sperling J, Bixner O, Nemeth A, Kauffmann HF |
5392 - 5401 |
Modeling the Vibrational Dynamics and Nonlinear Infrared Spectra of Coupled Amide I and II Modes in Peptides Dijkstra AG, Jansen TL, Knoester J |
5402 - 5414 |
Nonadiabatic Excited-State Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Photoinduced Dynamics in Conjugated Molecules Nelson T, Fernandez-Alberti S, Chernyak V, Roitberg AE, Tretiak S |
5415 - 5424 |
Simulating the T-Jump-Triggered Unfolding Dynamics of trpzip2 Peptide and Its Time-Resolved IR and Two-Dimensional IR Signals Using the Markov State Model Approach Zhuang W, Cui RZ, Silva DA, Huang XH |
5425 - 5430 |
Toward Far-field Vibrational Spectroscopy of Single Molecules at Room Temperature Winterhalder MJ, Zumbusch A, Lippitz M, Orrit M |
5431 - 5440 |
Analysis of 2D CS Spectra for Systems with Non-Gaussian Dynamics Roy S, Pshenichnikov MS, Jansen TLC |
5441 - 5447 |
Non local Effects in the Core Ionization and Auger Spectra of Small Ammonia Clusters Kryzhevoi NV, Cederbaum LS |
5448 - 5455 |
Two-Dimensional Terahertz Correlation Spectra of Electronic Excitations in Semiconductor Quantum Wells Kuehn W, Reimann K, Woerner M, Elsaesser T, Hey R |
5456 - 5464 |
Polarization-Angle-Scanning 2DIR Spectroscopy of Coupled Anharmonic Oscillators: A Polarization Null Angle Method Lee KK, Park KH, Park S, Jeon SJ, Cho M |
5465 - 5475 |
Exciton Scattering on Symmetric Branching Centers in Conjugated Molecules Li H, Wu C, Malinin SV, Tretiak S, Chernyak VY |
5476 - 5483 |
Electronic Quantum Fluxes during Pericyclic Reactions Exemplified for the Cope Rearrangement of Semibullvalene Andrae D, Barth I, Bredtmann T, Hege HC, Manz J, Marquardt F, Paulus B |
5484 - 5492 |
Dynamics and Couplings of N-H Stretching Excitations of Guanosine-Cytidine Base Pairs in Solution Yang M, Szyc L, Rottger K, Fidder H, Nibbering ETJ, Elsaesser T, Temps F |
5493 - 5498 |
Michaelis-Menten Equation and Detailed Balance in Enzymatic Networks Cao JS |
5499 - 5509 |
Excitation Energy Transfer in a Non-Markovian Dynamical Disordered Environment: Localization, Narrowing, and Transfer Efficiency Chen X, Silbey RJ |
5510 - 5518 |
Floquet Analysis for Vibronically Modulated Electron Tunneling Carias H, Beratan DN, Skourtis SS |
5519 - 5525 |
Time-Dependent Current Distributions of a Two-Terminal Carbon Nanotube-Based Electronic Device Wen SZ, Koo SK, Yam CY, Zheng X, Yan YJ, Su ZM, Fan KN, Cao L, Wang WP, Chen GH |
5526 - 5535 |
Modeling the Infrared and Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of a Bridged Cyclic Diamide Gaigeot MP, Besley NA, Hirst JD |
5536 - 5544 |
Quantum Chemical Simulations of Excited-State Absorption Spectra of Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center and Antenna Complexes Linnanto J, Freiberg A, Korppi-Tommola J |
5545 - 5553 |
A Polarizable Water Model for Intramolecular and Intermolecular Vibrational Spectroscopies Hasegawa T, Tanimura Y |
5554 - 5563 |
Impact of Pulse Polarization on Coherent Vibrational Ladder Climbing Signals Nuernberger P, Vieille T, Ventalon C, Joffre M |
5564 - 5573 |
Multiresonant Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy of the Vibrationally Induced Decarboxylation of AOT: Deuterium Oxide Reverse Micelles Penwell SB, Wright JC |
5574 - 5581 |
Optical Heterodyne-Detected Raman-Induced Kerr Effect (OHD-RIKE) Microscopy Freudiger CW, Roeffaers MBJ, Zhang X, Saar BG, Min W, Xie XS |
5582 - 5592 |
A Time-Dependent Approach to Electronic Transmission in Model Molecular Junctions Renaud N, Ratner MA, Joachim C |
5593 - 5603 |
Supramolecular Organization and Charge Transport Properties of Self-Assembled pi-pi Stacks of Perylene Diimide Dyes Ide J, Mereau R, Ducasse L, Castet F, Olivier Y, Martinelli N, Cornil J, Beljonne D |
5604 - 5616 |
Collective Hydrogen Bond Reorganization in Water Studied with Temperature-Dependent Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopy Nicodemus RA, Corcelli SA, Skinner JL, Tokmakoff A |
5617 - 5624 |
New Insights into Response Functions of Liquids by Electric Field-Resolved Polarization Emission Time Measurements Hershberger MA, Moran AM, Scherer NF |
5625 - 5633 |
Bimolecular Recombination Reactions: Low Pressure Rates in Terms of Time-Dependent Survival Probabilities, Total J Phase Space Sampling of Trajectories, and Comparison with RRKM Theory Ghaderi N, Marcus RA |
5634 - 5647 |
lStrong Electronic Correlation Effects in Coherent Multidimensional Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy Karadimitriou ME, Kavousanaki EG, Dani KM, Fromer NA, Perakis IE |
5648 - 5658 |
Optical N-Wave-Mixing Spectroscopy with Strong and Temporally Well-Separated Pulses: The Doorway-Window Representation Gelin MF, Egorova D, Domcke W |
5659 - 5664 |
UV Resonance Raman Finds Peptide Bond-Arg Side Chain Electronic Interactions Sharma B, Asher SA |
5665 - 5677 |
Investigation of the Low Frequency Dynamics of Heme Proteins: Native and Mutant Cytochrome P450(cam) and Redox Partner Complexes Karunakaran V, Denisov I, Sligar SG, Champion PM |
5678 - 5684 |
Hierarchical Dynamics of Correlated System-Environment Coherence and Optical Spectroscopy Zhu KB, Xu RX, Zhang HY, Hu J, Yan YJ |
5685 - 5692 |
pi-Conjugation of Two Nitronyl Nitroxides-Attached Diarylethenes Yokojima S, Kobayashi T, Shinoda K, Matsuda K, Higashiguchi K, Nakamura S |