
Journal of Process Control

Journal of Process Control, Vol.35 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0959-1524 (Print) 

In this Issue (17 articles)

1 - 10 Functional diagnosability and detectability of nonlinear models based on analytical redundancy relations
Verdiere N, Jauberthie C, Trave-Massuyes L
11 - 20 Optimization and control of one dimensional packed bed model of underground coal gasification
Uppal AA, Bhatti AI, Aamir E, Samar R, Khan SA
21 - 29 False alarm classification for multivariate manufacturing processes of thin film transistor-liquid crystal displays
Kang JH, Kim SB
30 - 40 Multivariate fault isolation via variable selection in discriminant analysis
Kuang TH, Yan ZB, Yao Y
41 - 49 Super-twisting estimation of a virtual output for extremum-seeking output feedback control of bioreactors
Vargas A, Moreno JA, Vande Wouwer A
50 - 58 Data-driven model reduction-based nonlinear MPC for large-scale distributed parameter systems
Xie WG, Bonis I, Theodoropoulos C
59 - 64 On-line monitoring of microbial fuel cells operated with pulse-width modulated electrical load
Coronado J, Tartakovsky B, Perrier M
65 - 79 A brief review and a first application of time-frequency-based analysis methods for monitoring of strip rolling mills
Rothera A, Jelali M, Soffker D
80 - 88 Fault detection for networked systems with random delays and packet losses
Qiao CM, Sun SL
89 - 100 Predictive control of an activated sludge process: An application to the Viikinmaki wastewater treatment plant
Mulas M, Tronci S, Corona F, Haimi H, Lindell P, Heinonen M, Vahala R, Baratti R
101 - 112 Heuristic-based multi-scale control procedure of simultaneous multi-loop PID tuning for multivariable processes
Nandong J
113 - 126 Development and monitoring of an integrated bioprocess for production of a potential malaria vaccine with Pichia pastoris
Borchert SO, Voss T, Schuetzmeier F, Paul J, Cornelissen G, Luttmann R
127 - 142 Optimal continuous-time state estimation for linear finite and infinite-dimensional chemical process systems with state constraints
Xu XD, Huang B, Dubljevic S
143 - 153 Minimal unknown-input functional observers for multi-input multi-output LTI systems
Mohajerpoor R, Abdi H, Nahavandi S
154 - 168 Auxiliary model-based interval-varying multi-innovation least squares identification for multivariable OE-like systems with scarce measurements
Jin QB, Wang Z, Liu XP
169 - 177 A Two-stage Clustered Multi-Task Learning method for operational optimization in Chemical Mechanical Polishing
Duan YQ, Liu M, Dong MY, Wu C
178 - 200 Nonlinear Gaussian Belief Network based fault diagnosis for industrial processes
Yu HY, Khan F, Garaniya V