
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of The ASME

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of The ASME, Vol.127, No.2 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0199-6231 (Print) 

In this Issue (17 articles)

169 - 169 Notes from the Associate Editors
Berg DE, Chaviaropoulos PT
170 - 176 Ten years of meteorological measurements for offshore wind farms
Barthelmie R, Hansen OF, Enevoldsen K, Hojstrup J, Frandsen S, Pryor S, Larsen S, Motta M, Sanderhoff P
177 - 184 On the uncertainty of wind power predictions - Analysis of the forecast accuracy and statistical distribution of errors
Lange M
185 - 191 Surface pressure distribution on a blade of a 10 m diameter HAWT (field measurements versus wind tunnel measurements)
Maeda T, Ismaili E, Kawabuchi H, Kamada Y
192 - 199 Peak and post-peak power aerodynamics from phase VINASA Ames wind turbine data
Gerber BS, Tangler JL, Duque EPN, Kocurek JD
200 - 208 Wind turbine performance predictions using a differential actuator-lifting disk model
Leclerc C, Masson C
209 - 213 Tip loss correction for Actuator/Navier-Stokes computations
Shen WZ, Sorensen JN, Mikkelsen R
214 - 222 New insight into the flow around a wind turbine airfoil section
Bertagnolio F, Sorensen NN, Rasmussen F
223 - 233 Modelling the flow around airfoils equipped with vortex generators using a modified 2D Navier-Stokes solver
Nikolaou IG, Politis ES, Chaviaropoulos PK
234 - 241 Noise propagation issues in wind energy applications
Prospathopoulos JM, Voutsinas SG
242 - 252 Partial safety factors and characteristic values for combined extreme wind and wave load effects
Tarp-Johansen NJ
253 - 261 Rotor condition monitoring for improved operational safety of offshore wind energy converters
Caselitz P, Giebhardt J
262 - 269 Optical durability of candidate solar reflectors
Kennedy CE, Terwilliger K
270 - 276 Cost analysis of solar reflective hard-coat materials deposited by ion-beam-assisted deposition
Kennedy CE, Swisher RL
277 - 286 Effect of refrigerant flow control on the heating performance of a variable-speed heat pump operating at low outdoor temperature
Kim BH, O'Neal DL
287 - 293 Development of in situ fan curve measurement for VAV AHU systems
Liu M, Liu G, Joo I, Song L, Wang G
294 - 301 Development of a new model of single-speed air conditioners at part-load conditions for hourly simulations
Mara TA, Fock E, Garde F, Lucas F