7046 - 7051 |
Multiple Click-Selective tRNA Synthetases Expand Mammalian Cell-Specific Proteomics Yang AC, Du Bois H, Olsson N, Gate D, Lehallier B, Berdnik D, Brewer KD, Bertozzi CR, Elias JE, Wyss-Coray T |
7052 - 7055 |
Desymmetrization of meso-Dibromocycloalkenes through Copper(I)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitution with Organolithium Reagents Goh SS, Guduguntla S, Kikuchi T, Lutz M, Otten E, Fujita M, Feringa BL |
7056 - 7060 |
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Construction of Axially Chiral Sulfone-Containing Styrenes Jia SQ, Chen ZL, Zhang N, Tan Y, Liu YD, Deng J, Yan HL |
7061 - 7064 |
CO Oxidation by N2O Homogeneously Catalyzed by Ruthenium Hydride Pincer Complexes Indicating a New Mechanism Zeng R, Feller M, Diskin-Posner Y, Shimon LJW, Ben-David Y, Milstein D |
7065 - 7069 |
Organometallic Gold(III) Reagents for Cysteine Arylation Messina MS, Stauber JM, Waddington MA, Rheingold AL, Maynard HD, Spokoyny AM |
7070 - 7073 |
Rhodium Complexes Bearing PAIP Pincer Ligands Hara N, Saito T, Semba K, Kuriakose N, Zheng H, Sakaki S, Nakao Y |
7074 - 7078 |
Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes by Tandem Metallacycle Formation/Cross-Electrophile Coupling Shimkin KW, Montgomery J |
7079 - 7082 |
Reversible Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Vesicles and Nanofibers Driven by Chalcogen-Bonding Interactions Chen L, Xiang J, Zhao Y, Yan Q |
7083 - 7087 |
Enantioselective Synthesis of anti-1,2-Diamines by Cu-Catalyzed Reductive Couplings of Azadienes with Aldimines and Ketimines Shao XX, Li KN, Malcolmson SJ |
7088 - 7091 |
Structure and Reactivity of Chromium(VI) Alkylidenes Wu PC, Yap GPA, Theopold KH |
7092 - 7100 |
The Metabolic Chemical Reporter 6-Azido-6-deoxy-glucose Further Reveals the Substrate Promiscuity of O-GlcNAc Transferase and Catalyzes the Discovery of Intracellular Protein Modification by O-Glucose Darabedian N, Gao JX, Chuh KN, Woo CM, Pratt MR |
7101 - 7107 |
Nanocage-Confined Synthesis of Fluorescent Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Zeolite Ko SH, Lee T, Park H, Ahn DS, Kim K, Kwon Y, Cho SJ, Ryoo R |
7108 - 7115 |
Biomimetic Artificial Epigenetic Code for Targeted Acetylation of Histones Taniguchi J, Feng YH, Pandian GN, Hashiya F, Hidaka T, Hashiya K, Park S, Bando T, Ito S, Sugiyama H |
7116 - 7126 |
Two Distinct Mechanisms for C-C Desaturation by Iron(II)- and 2-(Oxo)glutarate-Dependent Oxygenases: Importance of alpha-Heteroatom Assistance Dunham NP, Chang WC, Mitchell AJ, Martinie RJ, Zhang B, Bergman JA, Rajakovich LJ, Wang B, Silakov A, Krebs C, Boal AK, Bollinger JM |
7127 - 7134 |
Engineering Hollow Carbon Architecture for High-Performance K-Ion Battery Anode Bin DS, Lin XJ, Sun YG, Xu YS, Zhang K, Cao AM, Wan LJ |
7135 - 7143 |
nniCLIP-MaPseq, a Substrate Identification Approach for Radical SAM RNA Methylating Enzymes Stojkovic V, Chu TY, Therizols G, Weinberg DE, Fujimori DG |
7144 - 7151 |
Protein Self-Assemblies That Can Generate, Hold, and Discharge Electric Potential in Response to Changes in Relative Humidity Carter NA, Grove TZ |
7152 - 7158 |
Hash-Mark-Shaped Azaacene Tetramers with Axial Chirality Inoue Y, Sakamaki D, Tsutsui Y, Gon M, Chujo Y, Seki S |
7159 - 7167 |
A Wide Band Gap Polymer with a Deep Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital Level Enables 14.2% Efficiency in Polymer Solar Cells Li SS, Ye L, Zhao WC, Yan HP, Yang B, Liu DL, Li WN, Ade H, Hou JH |
7168 - 7175 |
Supramolecular Block Copolymers under Thermodynamic Control Adelizzi B, Aloi A, Markvoort AJ, Ten Eikelder HMM, Voets IK, Palmans ARA, Meijer EW |
7176 - 7186 |
Optical Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Opposite Directions through the Same Bridge That Follows Different Pathways Piechota EJ, Troian-Gautier L, Sampaio RN, Brennaman MK, Hu K, Berlinguette CP, Meyer GJ |
7187 - 7198 |
Linearly Two-Coordinated Silicon: Transition Metal Complexes with the Functional Groups M Si-M and M=Si=M Ghana P, Arz MI, Chakraborty U, Schnakenburg G, Filippou AC |
7199 - 7205 |
Stereoelectronic Effects on the Binding of Neutral Lewis Bases to CdSe Nanocrystals Anderson NC, Chen PE, Buckley AK, De Roo J, Owen JS |
7206 - 7212 |
ExTzBox: A Glowing Cyclophane for Live-Cell Imaging Roy I, Bobbala S, Zhou J, Nguyen MT, Nalluri SKM, Wu Y, Ferris DP, Scott EA, Wasielewski MR, Stoddart JF |
7213 - 7221 |
Windowless Observation of Evaporation-Induced Coarsening of Au-Pt Nanoparticles in Polymer Nanoreactors Du JSS, Chen PC, Meckes B, Kluender EJ, Xie Z, Dravid VP, Mirkin CA |
7222 - 7231 |
Chiral Transmission to Cationic Polycobaltocenes over Multiple Length Scales Using Anionic Surfactants Musgrave RA, Choi P, Harniman RL, Richardson RM, Shen CS, Whittell GR, Crassous J, Qiu HB, Manners I |
7232 - 7238 |
Phase Segregation in Potassium-Doped Lead Halide Perovskites from K-39 Solid-State NMR at 21.1 T Kubicki DJ, Prochowicz D, Hofstetter A, Zakeeruddin SM, Gratzel M, Emsley L |
7239 - 7247 |
Internal Electric Field Modulation in Molecular Electronic Devices by Atmosphere and Mobile Ions Mondal PC, Tefashe UM, McCreery RL |
7248 - 7255 |
Pt-Decorated Composition-Tunable Pd-Fe@Pd/C Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity toward the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Xiong Y, Yang Y, DiSalvo FJ, Abruna HD |
7256 - 7266 |
Directed Evolution Mimics Allosteric Activation by Stepwise Tuning of the Conformational Ensemble Buller AR, van Roye P, Cahn JKB, Scheele RA, Herger M, Arnold FH |
7267 - 7281 |
Mechanism of Ti-Catalyzed Oxidative Nitrene Transfer in [2+2+1] Pyrrole Synthesis from Alkynes and Azobenzene Davis-Gilbert ZW, Wen XL, Goodpaster JD, Tonks IA |
7282 - 7291 |
Self-Assembly of Extracellular Vesicle-like Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles for Protection and Intracellular Delivery of Biofunctional Proteins Cheng G, Li WQ, Ha L, Han XH, Hao SJ, Wan Y, Wang ZG, Dong FP, Zou X, Mao YW, Zheng SY |
7292 - 7300 |
Main-Group-Catalyzed Reductive Alkylation of Multiply Substituted Amines with Aldehydes Using H-2 Hoshimoto Y, Kinoshita T, Hazra S, Ohashi M, Ogoshi S |
7301 - 7312 |
Proline and Water Stabilization of a Universal Two-Step Folding Mechanism for beta-Turn Formation in Solution Steinke N, Genina A, Gillams RJ, Lorenz CD, McLain SE |
7313 - 7323 |
Enhanced Out-of-Plane Conductivity and Photovoltaic Performance in n=1 Layered Perovskites through Organic Cation Design Passarelli JV, Fairfield DJ, Sather NA, Hendricks MP, Sai H, Stern CL, Stupp SI |
7324 - 7331 |
Human Cytochrome CYP17A1: The Structural Basis for Compromised Lyase Activity with 17-Hydroxyprogesterone Mak PJ, Duggal R, Denisov IG, Gregory MC, Sligar SG, Kincaid JR |
7332 - 7342 |
Direct ortho-C-H Aminoalkylation of 2-Substituted Pyridine Derivatives Catalyzed by Yttrium Complexes with N,N '-Diarylethylenediamido Ligands Kundu A, Inoue M, Nagae H, Tsurugi H, Mashima K |
7343 - 7346 |
Family of BODIPY Photocages Cleaved by Single Photons of Visible/ Near-Infrared Light Peterson JA, Wijesooriya C, Gehrmann EJ, Mahoney KM, Goswami PP, Albright TR, Syed A, Dutton AS, Smith EA, Winter AH |
7347 - 7357 |
Rh(DPEPhos)-Catalyzed Alkyne Hydroacylation Using beta-Carbonyl-Substituted Aldehydes: Mechanistic Insight Leads to Low Catalyst Loadings that Enables Selective Catalysis on Gram-Scale Barwick-Silk J, Hardy S, Willis MC, Weller AS |
7358 - 7370 |
Viologen-Based Rotaxanes from Dibenzo-30-crown-10 Wessels HR, Slebodnick C, Gibson HW |