
Kunststoffe-Plast Europe

Kunststoffe-Plast Europe, Vol.92, No.11 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0945-0084 (Print) 

In this Issue (18 articles)

3 - 3 Medium-sized businesses - Poor cousins of economy?
Sambale H
28 - 28 Strategies for cooling moulds - An overview with practical insights
Koch M
38 - 38 Open-heart operations - All-in systems and new combination systems compared with "Hot halves"
Gauler K
42 - 42 A demanding body care set - Injection moulds for a 4-part skin cleansing set
Obermayr H
46 - 46 Process reliability through full automation - "Simultaneous engineering" in plant construction
Heining H, Ott H, Baumann M, Taiber K
52 - 52 Shorter cycle times with pulsed cooling? FEA simulations fail to reveal any significant difference from continuous cooling
Kessler A, Pitz HJ
62 - 62 Babylonian confusion? Compatibility problems in the CAD environment
Schmachtenberg E, Janssen C, Seul T
70 - 70 Expert knowledge is requested - Injection moulded parts for sight optics require high precision and strength
Mittner F
83 - 83 Homogeneous compounds - Intermeshing spindles improve the mixing action of planetary-gear extruders
Limper A, Seibel S, Wefelmeier CJ, Roth M
88 - 88 Means of process control Regulating the melt bank distribution can improve film quality
Michaeli W, Peters R, Schmitz T
92 - 92 Resin separation in a centrifuge - Centrifugal force extracts thermoplastic melt from material composites
Hoffmann W, Diegmann W, Tiedeck A, Tiedeck R
96 - 96 Laser microperforation Predefined weakening points open up new design and production options
Steinhauser F
98 - 98 Fast and reliable - Welding three-dimensional parts by laser
Haberstroh E, Lutzeler R, Zur Heide JS
101 - 101 Laser direct structuring of plastics - A new addition to MID technologies
Wissbrock H
106 - 106 A keep-fit programme for machines - Software for planning and control of preventive maintenance
Schwab E, Marzineak R
110 - 110 Strong joint between plastic and metal - Assembly technology for plastic-metal hybrid structures
Endemann U, Glaser S, Volker M
115 - 115 Cost-effective modifier for tailor-made properties
Hausmann K, Rioux B, Schinken M
119 - 119 Which way is the wind blowing for GRP? Materials and processes for manufacturing rotor blades
Bittmann E