4243 - 4246 |
Submillimeter-Scale Surface Gradients of Immobilized Protein Ligands Walker RA, Cunliffe VT, Whittle JD, Steele DA, Short RD |
4247 - 4250 |
Colloidal Attraction Induced by a Temperature Gradient Di Leonardo R, Ianni F, Ruocco G |
4251 - 4255 |
Evidence of the Substrate Effect in Hydrogen Electroinsertion into Palladium Atomic Layers by Means of in Situ Surface X-ray Diffraction Lebouin C, Soldo-Olivier Y, Sibert E, De Santis M, Maillard F, Faure R |
4256 - 4261 |
In Situ Orientation-Sensitive Observation of Molecular Adsorption on a Liquid/Zeolite Interface by Second-Harmonic Generation van der Veen MA, Valev VK, Verbiest T, De Vos DE |
4262 - 4265 |
Peptide Nanotube Nematic Phase Bucak S, Cenker C, Nasir I, Olsson U, Zackrisson M |
4266 - 4270 |
From Spherical to Polymorphous Dispersed Phase Transition in Water/Oil Emulsions Schmitt-Rozieres M, Kragel J, Grigoriev DO, Liggieri L, Miller R, Vincent-Bonnieu S, Antoni M |
4271 - 4273 |
Molecular Recognition by Contact Angle: Proof of Concept with DNA Hybridization Bergese P, Oliviero G, Colombo I, Depero LE |
4274 - 4278 |
Resistive Switching Memory Devices Composed of Binary Transition Metal Oxides Using Sol-Gel Chemistry Lee C, Kim I, Choi W, Shin H, Cho J |
4279 - 4283 |
Effect of Serum on an RNA Aptamer-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Theophylline Ferapontova EE, Gothelf KV |
4284 - 4287 |
Cracking in Drying Colloidal Films of Flocculated Dispersions Singh KB, Bhosale LR, Tirumkudulu MS |
4288 - 4292 |
Anomalous Vapor Sensor Response of a Fluorinated Alkylthiol-Protected Gold Nanoparticle Film Im J, Chandekar A, Whitten JE |
4293 - 4297 |
Random Number Generation by a Two-Dimensional Crystal of Protein Molecules Ikezoe Y, Kim SJ, Yamashita I, Hara M |
4298 - 4301 |
Using Light to Guide the Self-Sustained Motion of Active Gels Dayal P, Kuksenok O, Balazs AC |
4302 - 4305 |
Capillary Spreading Dynamics of Electrowetted Sessile Droplets in Air Sen P, Kim CJ |
4306 - 4310 |
Proton Absorption in As-Synthesized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as a Structure-Function Relationship Probing Mechanism Stromme M, Atluri R, Brohede U, Frenning G, Garcia-Bennettt AE |
4311 - 4313 |
Superhydrophobic Conductive Carbon Nanotube Coatings for Steel Sethi S, Dhinojwala A |
4314 - 4319 |
On the Strength of the Hydrogen-Carbon Interaction as Deduced from Physisorption Nguyen TX, Bae JS, Wang Y, Bhatia SK |
4320 - 4323 |
Janus Particles Templated from Double Emulsion Droplets Generated Using Mcrofluidics Chen CH, Shah RK, Abate AR, Weitz DA |
4324 - 4327 |
Molecular Mapping of Lipoarabinomannans on Mycobacteria Verbelen C, Christiaens N, Alsteens D, Dupres V, Baulard AR, Dufrene YF |
4328 - 4330 |
Reduced Sterol-Phospholipid Recognition in Curved Fluid Bilayers Mitomo H, Chen WH, Regen SL |
4331 - 4335 |
Fabrication of Hierarchical Structures by Wetting Porous Templates with Polymer Microspheres Chen JT, Chen D, Russell TP |
4336 - 4338 |
Useful Modified Cellulose Polymers as New Emulsifiers of Cubosomes Uyama M, Nakano M, Yamashita J, Handa T |
4339 - 4342 |
Hydrophobic Interaction Microscopy: Mapping the Solid/Liquid Interface Using Amphiphilic Probe Molecules Honciuc A, Baptiste DJ, Schwartz DK |
4343 - 4346 |
Rectifying and Sorting of Regenerating Axons by Free-Standing Nanowire Patterns: A Highway for Nerve Fibers Hallstrom W, Prinz CN, Suyatin D, Samuelson L, Montelius L, Kanje M |
4347 - 4351 |
Transfer Printing of Metal Nanoparticles with Controllable Dimensions, Placement, and Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Effects Xue MQ, Zhang Z, Zhu N, Wang FF, Zhao XS, Cao TB |
4352 - 4355 |
Color Tuning via Adjusting the Dye-Loading Capacity of a Polymer Hu W, Lu N, Shi SL, Wang YD, Wang Y, Cui ZC, Huang XH, Liu Y, Xu MJ, Chi LF |
4356 - 4360 |
Hierarchical Micellar Structures from Amphiphilic Invertible Polyesters: H-1 NMR Spectroscopic Study Kohut A, Voronov A |
4361 - 4364 |
Concentric Hollow Nanospheres of Mesoporous Silica Shell-Titania Core from Combined Inorganic and Polymer Syntheses Li GL, Kang ET, Neoh KG, Yang XL |
4365 - 4369 |
Mimicking Biological Structured Surfaces by Phase-Separation Micromolding Gao J, Liu YL, Xu HP, Wang ZQ, Zhang X |
4370 - 4376 |
Functionalization of Polymer Microspheres Using Click Chemistry Breed DR, Thibault R, Xie F, Wang Q, Hawker CJ, Pine DJ |
4377 - 4383 |
Thermodynamics of Micellization of Aqueous Solutions of Binary Mixtures of Two Anionic Surfactants Szymczyk K, Janczuk B |
4384 - 4392 |
Silica Nanoparticle Layer-by-Layer Assembly on Gold Wang F, Peters S, Guzda J, Blunk RH, Angelopoulos AP |
4393 - 4401 |
Modeling the Micellization Behavior of Mixed and Pure n-Alkyl-Maltosides Tsamaloukas AD, Beck A, Heerklotz H |
4402 - 4411 |
Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Study of Octadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide/DNA Surfoplexes Rodriguez-Pulido A, Aicart E, Junquera E |
4412 - 4420 |
Controlled Jamming of Particle-Laden Interfaces Using a Spinning Drop Tensiometer Cheng HL, Velankar SS |
4421 - 4428 |
Superior Activity of Structurally Deprived Enzyme-Carbon Nanotube Hybrids in Cationic Reverse Micelles Das D, Das PK |
4429 - 4434 |
Membrane Stabilization of Biodegradable Polymersomes Katz JS, Levine DH, Davis KP, Bates FS, Hammer DA, Burdick JA |
4435 - 4442 |
Tunable Parameters for the Structural Control of Reverse Micelles in Glycerol Monoisostearate/Oil Systems: A SAXS Study Shrestha LK, Shrestha RG, Varade D, Aramaki K |
4443 - 4449 |
Fabrication of Polymer Microspheres Using Titania as a Photocatalyst and Pickering Stabilizer Song XM, Zhao YL, Wang HT, Do QG |
4450 - 4461 |
The Maximum of Phosphate Adsorption at pH 4.0: Why It Appears on Aluminum Oxides but Not on Iron Oxides Huang X, Foster GD, Honeychuck RV, Schreifels JA |
4462 - 4468 |
Capillary and Surface Effects in the Formation of Nanosharp Tungsten Tips by Electropolishing Kulakov M, Luzinov I, Kornev KG |
4469 - 4477 |
Structural Transitions in Polydiacetylene Langmuir Films Lifshitz Y, Golan Y, Konovalov O, Berman A |
4478 - 4483 |
Miscibility and Hydrolytic Behavior of Poly(trimethylene carbonate) and Poly(L-lactide) and Their Blends in Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface Moon HK, Choi YS, Lee JK, Ha CS, Lee WK, Gardella JA |
4484 - 4489 |
Complex Adsorption Behavior of Rodlike Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Aggregates Hodges CS, Biggs S, Walker L |
4490 - 4497 |
The Production of PEO Polymer Brushes via Langmuir-Blodgett and Langmuir-Schaeffer Methods: Incomplete Transfer and Its Consequences de Vos WM, de Keizer A, Kleijn JM, Stuart MAC |
4498 - 4509 |
Flow-Based Multiadsorbate Ellipsometric Porosimetry for the Characterization of Mesoporous Pt-TiO2 and Au-TiO2 Nanocomposites May RA, Patel MN, Johnston KP, Stevenson KJ |
4510 - 4513 |
Reversible Structural Change of Cu-MOF on Exposure to Water and Its CO2 Adsorptivity Cheng Y, Kondo A, Noguchi H, Kajiro H, Urita K, Ohba T, Kaneko K, Kanoh H |
4514 - 4521 |
The Influence of Surface Hydrophobicity on Polyacrylamide Adsorption Sedeva IG, Fornasiero D, Ralston J, Beattie DA |
4522 - 4525 |
Molecular Wires Self-Assembled on a Graphite Surface Riemann A, Nelson B |
4526 - 4534 |
Protein Nanopatterning on Self-Organized Poly(styrene-b-isoprene) Thin Film Templates Liu D, Wang T, Keddie JL |
4535 - 4542 |
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Water Confined between Matched Pairs of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Self-Assembled Monolayers Lorenz CD |
4543 - 4555 |
Acetone Reactions over the Surfaces of Polycrystalline UO2: A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study King R, Idriss H |
4556 - 4563 |
Comparison of Diazonium Salt Derived and Thiol Derived Nitrobenzene Layers on Gold Shewchuk DM, McDermott MT |
4564 - 4570 |
Chemical and Biological Characterization of Thiol SAMs for Neuronal Cell Attachment Jans K, Van Meerbergen B, Reekmans G, Bonroy K, Annaert W, Maes G, Engelborghs Y, Borghs G, Bartic C |
4571 - 4578 |
Tertiary Structure Changes in Albumin upon Surface Adsorption Observed via Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Smith JR, Cicerone MT, Meuse CW |
4579 - 4587 |
Beneficial Effect of Solubility Enhancers on Protein Crystal Nucleation and Growth Gosavi RA, Bhamidi V, Varanasi S, Schall CA |
4588 - 4594 |
Bacteria Survive Multiple Puncturings of Their Cell Walls Suo ZY, Avci R, Deliorman M, Yang XH, Pascual DW |
4595 - 4600 |
Lipid Domain Morphologies in Phosphatidylcholine-Ceramide Monolayers Karttunen M, Haataja MP, Saily M, Vattulainen I, Holopainen JM |
4601 - 4606 |
Formation of Supported Lipid Bilayers on Silica Particles Studied Using Flow Cytometry Nordlund G, Lonneborg R, Brzezinski P |
4607 - 4614 |
Surface Rigidity Change of Escherichia coli after Filamentous Bacteriophage Infection Chen YY, Wu CC, Hsu JL, Peng HL, Chang HY, Yew TR |
4615 - 4620 |
Single-Cell Patterning and Adhesion on Chemically Engineered Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Surface Leong K, Boardman AK, Ma H, Jen AKY |
4621 - 4627 |
Ultrastructural Insights in the Interface between Generated Renal Tubules and a Polyester Interstitium Minuth WW, Denk L, Meese C, Rachel R, Roessger A |
4628 - 4634 |
Living Fungi Cells Encapsulated in Polyelectrolyte Shells Doped with Metal Nanoparticles Fakhrullin RF, Zamaleeva AI, Morozov MV, Tazetdinova DI, Alimova FK, Hilmutdinov AK, Zhdanov RI, Kahraman M, Culha M |
4635 - 4642 |
Force Pulling of Single Cellulose Chains at the Crystalline Cellulose-Liquid Interface: A Molecular Dynamics Study Bergenstrahle M, Thormann E, Nordgren N, Berglund LA |
4643 - 4654 |
Fabrication of Microbial Biofilm Arrays by Geometric Control of Cell Adhesion Eun YJ, Weibel DB |
4655 - 4658 |
Large-Area Patterning of Carbon Nanotube Ring Arrays Motavas S, Omrane B, Papadopoulos C |
4659 - 4667 |
Multiresponsive Hybrid Microgels and Hollow Capsules with a Layered Structure Lapeyre V, Renaudie N, Dechezelles JF, Saadaoui H, Ravaine S, Ravaine V |
4668 - 4677 |
Scattering Study of the Conformational Structure and Aggregation Behavior of a Conjugated Polymer Solution Li YC, Chen CY, Chang YX, Chuang PY, Chen JH, Chen HL, Hsu CS, Ivanov VA, Khalatur PG, Chen SA |
4678 - 4684 |
Uniform Carbon-Coated ZnO Nanorods: Microwave-Assisted Preparation, Cytotoxicity, and Photocatalytic Activity Guo Y, Wang HS, He CL, Qiu LJ, Cao XB |
4685 - 4691 |
In Situ Observation of the Genesis of Mesoporous Silica SBA-15: Dynamics on Length Scales from 1 nm to 1 mu m Linton P, Rennie AR, Zackrisson M, Alfredsson V |
4692 - 4707 |
How Do Colloidal Aggregates Yield to Compressive Stress? Parneix C, Persello J, Schweins R, Cabane B |
4708 - 4714 |
Gold Nanorod Arrays with Good Reproducibility for High-Performance Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Liao Q, Mu C, Xu DS, Ai XC, Yao JN, Zhang JP |
4715 - 4723 |
High Shear-Induced Gelation of Charge-Stabilized Colloids in a Microchannel without Adding Electrolytes Wu H, Zaccone A, Tsoutsoura A, Lattuada M, Morbidelli M |
4724 - 4734 |
pH-Responsive Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Well-Defined Zwitterionic ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymers Liu H, Li CH, Liu HW, Liu SY |
4735 - 4742 |
Hierarchically Ordered Microstructures Self-Assembled from Comb-Coil Block Copolymers Wang LQ, Lin JP, Zhang LS |
4743 - 4750 |
Photoactive Perylenediimide-Bridged Silsesquioxane Functionalized Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica Thin Films (PMO-SBA15): Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Photoluminescent and Enhanced Mechanical Properties Wahab MA, Hussain H, He C |
4751 - 4758 |
Defects in Graphene-Based Twisted Nanoribbons: Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties Caetano EWS, Freire VN, dos Santos SG, Albuquerque EL, Galvao DS, Sato F |
4759 - 4766 |
Multiresponsive Hybrid Microgels and Hollow Capsules with a Layered Structure Lapeyre V, Renaudie N, Dechezelles JF, Saadaoui H, Ravaine S, Ravaine V |
4767 - 4773 |
Sensing Proteins with Luminescent Silica Nanoparticles Latterini L, Amelia M |
4774 - 4779 |
Dissociation Behavior of Weak Polyelectrolyte Brushes on a Planar Surface Dong R, Lindau M, Ober CK |
4780 - 4786 |
Hollow Polypyrrole Containers with Regulated Uptake/Release Properties Parakhonskiy B, Andreeva D, Mohwald H, Shchukin DG |
4787 - 4791 |
Stability of Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Architecture under High Pressure Conditions: Pressure-Induced Amorphization in Melamine-Boric Acid Adduct Wang K, Duan DF, Wang R, Lin AL, Cui QL, Liu BB, Cui T, Zou B, Zhang X, Hu JZ, Zou GT, Mao HK |
4792 - 4798 |
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Pillars: A Superhydrophobic Surface Zhang L, Resasco DE |
4799 - 4803 |
Nucleation and Growth of Thin Films of the Organic Conductor TTF-Iodide over Glassy Carbon. Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Study Gomez L, Rodriguez-Amaro R |
4804 - 4807 |
Electrophoretic Mobility of Colloidal Gold Particles in Electrolyte Solutions Agnihotri SM, Ohshima H, Terada H, Tomoda K, Makino K |
4808 - 4814 |
Application of a New Cyclic Guanidinium Ionic Liquid on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSCs) Li DM, Wang MY, Wu JF, Zhang QX, Luo YH, Yu ZX, Meng QB, Wu ZJ |
4815 - 4820 |
Preventing the Cassie-Wenzel Transition Using Surfaces with Noncommunicating Roughness Elements Bahadur V, Garimella SV |
4821 - 4827 |
Patterned Superhydrophobic Metallic Surfaces Kietzig AM, Hatzikiriakos SG, Englezos P |
4828 - 4828 |
The Reversible Giant Change in the Contact Angle on the Polysulfone and Polyethersulfone Films Exposed to UV Irradiation (vol 24, pg 5977, 2008) Bormashenko E, Pogreb R, Whyman G, Bormashenko Y, Jager R, Stein T, Schechter A, Aurbach D |