1 - 16 |
Three-dimensional structure of a vertebrate muscle Z-band: Implications for titin and alpha-actinin binding Luther PK |
17 - 29 |
Complementary visualization of mitotic barley chromatin by field-emission scanning electron microscopy and scanning force microscopy Schaper A, Rossle M, Formanek H, Jovin TM, Wanner G |
30 - 37 |
Structural organization of posterior midgut muscles in mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae Park SS, Shahabuddin M |
38 - 47 |
Structure of abnormal molecular assemblies (collagen VI) associated with human full thickness macular holes Knupp C, Munro PMG, Luther PK, Ezra E, Squire JM |
48 - 56 |
Cryo-electron tomography of Neurospora mitochondria Nicastro D, Frangakis AS, Typke D, Baumeister W |
57 - 68 |
Quantitative microscopy of fluorescent adenovirus entry Nakano MY, Greber UF |
69 - 79 |
The crystal structure of beta-glucosidase from Bacillus circulans sp alkalophilus: Ability to form long polymeric assemblies Hakulinen N, Paavilainen S, Korpela T, Rouvinen J |
80 - 95 |
Cryoelectron microscopy of protein-lipid complexes of human myelin basic protein charge isomers differing in degree of citrullination Beniac DR, Wood DD, Palaniyar N, Ottensmeyer FP, Moscarello MA, Harauz G |
96 - 99 |
Crystallization and 1.1-angstrom diffraction of chorismate lyase from Escherichia coli Stover C, Mayhew MP, Holden MJ, Howard A, Gallagher DT |
100 - 100 |
Recollections of the electron crystallographic heavy atom derivative search of purple membrane: The quest for EM structure determination (vol 127, pg 135, 1999) Ceska TA |