

Nature, Vol.377, No.6544 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0028-0836 (Print) 

In this Issue (63 articles)

1 - 1 More Conviction on HIV and AIDS
2 - 2 British Schools Fantasy
3 - 3 Gupta Associates Feel the Reflected Heat
Jayaraman KS
3 - 3 Industry Backs Downsizing Public Research, But Not Joint Projects
Macilwain C
4 - 4 France Still Follows in Vernes Footsteps
4 - 4 San-Diego Research Body Put Under Microscope on Costs
Dalton R
4 - 4 Us Report Raises Fears over Nitrate Levels in Water
Macilwain C
5 - 5 Biologists Challenge Museum Shake-Up Plan
Cherry M
5 - 5 Butterfly Smugglers Take to the Wing
Jayaraman KS
6 - 6 Greenpeace Under Fire on Brent-Spar Coverage
6 - 6 Can Osprey Rise Up from Its Watery Grave
Masood E
7 - 7 Rule Change Curbs Grants to European Labs
Abbott A
7 - 7 Chinese Agree to Eugenics Discussion
Masood E
8 - 8 Europe Agrees Closer Research Links with Israel
8 - 8 Internet Expo Provides Boost to Asia Computer-Networks
Johnstone B
8 - 8 Republicans Challenge Misuse of Scientific-Data by Us Agencies
Macilwain C
9 - 9 Patent Row Splits Fish Identity Researchers
Butler D
10 - 10 Eradicating Nuclear-Weapons
Oelering JH
10 - 10 Justifiable Discrimination
Malcolm AD
10 - 10 Marine Marinades
Heinze B
10 - 10 Marine Marinades
Hansen J
10 - 10 Fewer Notes
Heyworth MF
10 - 10 Eradicating Nuclear-Weapons
Juckes M
11 - 11 More Precise Solar-Limb Light-Bending
Maddox J
12 - 13 Materials Science - First Steps on the Ladder
Scalapino DJ
13 - 13 Large-Scale Structure - Evolution of Galaxy Clusters
Henry JP
14 - 15 Experimental-Psychology - Race to Explain Procrastination
Schall JD
14 - 14 Atom in a Cage
15 - 16 Climate-Change - Warm Days, Hot Nights
Harvey LD
16 - 17 Pharmacology - Redirecting T-Cell Function
Shearer GM
17 - 18 Signal-Transduction - Zapping Tandem Sh2 Domains
Weiss A
18 - 18 Daedalus - Deep Heat
Jones D
19 - 20 Olfactory Receptors Guide Axons
Singer MS, Shepherd GM, Greer CA
19 - 19 A Shopping Trolley Seismograph
Kikuchi M
20 - 21 Cell-Damage by Near-Ir Microbeams
Konig K, Liang H, Berns MW, Tromberg BJ
21 - 21 Kaposis-Sarcoma in Pregnant-Women
Rabkin CS, Chibwe G, Muyunda K, Musaba E
21 - 22 Kaposis-Sarcoma in Pregnant-Women
Berger P, Dirnhofer S
22 - 22 Noninvasive Bird Tagging (Vol 376, Pg 649, 1995)
Michard D, Ancel A, Gendner JP, Lage J, Lemaho Y, Zorn T, Gangloff L, Schierer A, Struyf K, Wey G
22 - 22 Kaposis-Sarcoma in Pregnant-Women - Reply
Lunardiiskandar Y, Zeman RA, Lam VH, Samaniego F, Thierry AR, Gallo RC, Bryant JL, Besnier JM, Hermans P, Gill P
23 - 24 Drugs and Narcotics in History, by P. Porter, M. Teich
Huxtable RJ
23 - 24 Consuming Habits - Drugs in History and Anthropology, by J. Goodman, P.E. Lovejoy, A. Sherratt
Huxtable RJ
24 - 25 Metapatterns - Across Space, Time, and Mind, by T. Volk
Casti JL
25 - 25 Triumph of Discovery, by A, Chronicle, Of, Great, Adventures, In, Science
Browne MW
26 - 26 Investigating Disease Patterns - The Science of Epidemiology, by P. Stolley, T. Lasky
Kinlen LJ
26 - 26 Ecology and Evolution in Anoxic Worlds, by T. Fenchel, B.J. Finlay
Postgate J
27 - 31 Determination of the Hubble Constant from Observations of Cepheid Variables in the Galaxy M96
Tanvir NR, Shanks T, Ferguson HC, Robinson DR
32 - 38 Molecular-Basis for Interaction of the Protein-Tyrosine Kinase Zap-70 with the T-Cell Receptor
Hatada MH, Lu XD, Laird ER, Green J, Morgenstern JP, Lou MZ, Marr CS, Phillips TB, Ram MK, Theriault K, Zoller MJ, Karas JL
39 - 41 Deficit of Distant X-Ray Emitting Galaxy Clusters and Implications for Cluster Evolution
Castander FJ, Bower RG, Ellis RS, Aragonsalamanca A, Mason KO, Hasinger G, Mcmahon RG, Carrera FJ, Mittaz JP, Perezfournon I, Lehto HJ
41 - 43 Absence of Superconductivity in the Doped Antiferromagnetic Spin Ladder Compound (La,Sr)CuO2.5
Hiroi Z, Takano M
43 - 46 Continuous Gray-Scale Image Storage Using Optically Aligned Nematic Liquid-Crystals
Gibbons WM, Kosa T, Palffymuhoray P, Shannon PJ, Sun ST
46 - 49 Confirmation by X-Ray-Diffraction of the Endohedral Nature of the Metallofullerene Y-at-C-82
Takata M, Umeda B, Nishibori E, Sakata M, Saito Y, Ohno M, Shinohara H
49 - 52 An Early Jurassic Jumping Frog
Shubin NH, Jenkins FA
52 - 55 Patterning of the Caenorhabditis-Elegans Head Region by the Pax-6 Family Member Vab-3
Chisholm AD, Horvitz HR
55 - 59 Specification of Sense-Organ Identity by a Caenorhabditis-Elegans Pax-6 Homolog
Zhang YH, Emmons SW
59 - 62 Neural Computation of Log Likelihood in Control of Saccadic Eye-Movements
Carpenter RH, Williams ML
62 - 65 Real-Time Measurement of Transmitter Release from Single Synaptic Vesicles
Bruns D, Jahn R
65 - 68 Mutations of Jak-3 Gene in Patients with Autosomal Severe Combined Immune-Deficiency (SCID)
Macchi P, Villa A, Giliani S, Sacco MG, Frattini A, Porta F, Ugazio AG, Johnston JA, Candotti F, Oshea JJ, Vezzoni P, Notarangelo LD
68 - 71 MIF as a Glucocorticoid-Induced Modulator of Cytokine Production
Calandra T, Bernhagen J, Metz CN, Spiegel LA, Bacher M, Donnelly T, Cerami A, Bucala R
71 - 75 Therapeutic Potentiation of the Immune-System by Costimulatory Schiff-Base-Forming Drugs
Rhodes J, Chen H, Hall SR, Beesley JE, Jenkins DC, Collins P, Zheng B
75 - 79 Ca2+ and Calcineurin-Dependent Recycling of an Integrin to the Front of Migrating Neutrophils
Lawson MA, Maxfield FR
79 - 82 Mortality Before and After HIV-Infection in the Complete UK Population of Hemophiliacs
Darby SC, Ewart DW, Giangrande PL, Dolin PJ, Spooner RJ, Rizza CR
83 - 86 Requirement of Pointed-End Capping by Tropomodulin to Maintain Actin Filament Length in Embryonic Chick Cardiac Myocytes
Gregorio CC, Weber A, Bondad M, Pennise CR, Fowler VM
86 - 86 Lifetime of the P-Selectin-Carbohydrate Bond and Its Response to Tensile Force in Hydrodynamic Flow (Vol 374, Pg 539, 1995)
Alon R, Hammer DA, Springer TA