1 - 1 |
When Is a White List Another Blacklist |
2 - 2 |
Earth-Science Museum Goes into Orbit |
2 - 2 |
Genomics Boosted as Japan Unveils Plans for State-Funded Companies Barker S |
3 - 3 |
Science-for-Peace Offers Hope to Areas of Political-Conflict Butler D |
3 - 3 |
Cost-Cutting and Downsizing Take Their Toll on Us R-and-D Macilwain C |
4 - 4 |
Chernomyrdin Promises Significant Increase for Science Levitin C |
4 - 4 |
Us Fusion Researchers Brace for Major Cuts Macilwain C |
5 - 5 |
France Faces Large Bill over Its Space Station Agreement Butler D |
5 - 5 |
Safety Protocol Due for a Rough Ride in Biodiversity Talks Masood E |
6 - 7 |
Optimism Returns to Biotech Market as Stocks Recover |
6 - 6 |
Industry Slow to Invest in German Biotech Unterhuber R |
7 - 7 |
But Seeks Practical Gene-Therapy Deals Lehrman S |
8 - 8 |
Aaas Calls for End to Ex-Communists Ban |
8 - 8 |
Research Funds New Friends in Japan Diet Barker S |
8 - 8 |
But CERN Fails to Gain Extra Money Swinbanks D |
9 - 9 |
HIV-Blood Scientist Defends Reporting Delay Appel A |
9 - 9 |
Accidental Contamination Unlikely Macilwain C |
10 - 10 |
HIV and AIDS Sullivan JS, Learmont JC, Geczy AF, Dyer W |
10 - 10 |
Contamination Dricks V |
10 - 10 |
Good Manners Koehn RK |
10 - 10 |
Deterioration of Down-House Sweetnam R |
11 - 11 |
Radioastronomy and the Unquiet Radio Sky Maddox J |
12 - 12 |
Climate System - Perspectives Past and Present Newton P |
13 - 14 |
Somatosensory Cortex - Maps of Time and Space Sur M |
14 - 15 |
High-Pressure Chemistry - Turning Off the Water Hemley RJ |
15 - 16 |
Sexuality - Another Important Organ Breedlove SM |
16 - 16 |
Developmental Biology - Rooting the Meristem Jurgens G |
17 - 18 |
Meteorite Impacts - Diamonds Everywhere Koeberl C |
17 - 17 |
The Natural Way to Leave an Impression Ball P |
18 - 19 |
Meteoritics - Parental Paradoxes Grady MM |
19 - 20 |
Geophysics - A Wayward Plume Sleep NH |
20 - 20 |
Daedalus - Spectral Shifts Jones D |
21 - 21 |
Geodesic Surfactant Structures Stemberg B, Moody MF, Yoshioka T, Florence AT |
21 - 22 |
Hot and the North Pacific Gyre Mcgowan J |
22 - 22 |
Geodesic Surfactant Structures - Reply Karl DM |
22 - 23 |
Evolution of Deuterium on Venus Gurwell MA |
23 - 24 |
Ice Cores and Mammoth Extinction Lister AM, Sher AV |
24 - 24 |
ESR Ages for Krapina Hominids Rink WJ, Schwarcz HP, Smith FH, Radovcic J |
25 - 31 |
Seismic Evidence for a Fossil Mantle Plume Beneath South-America and Implications for Plate Driving Forces Vandecar JC, James DE, Assumpcao M |
32 - 38 |
Structure of the Fiber-Forming Protein Pilin at 2.6-Angstrom Resolution Parge HE, Forest KT, Hickey MJ, Christensen DA, Getzoff ED, Tainer JA |
39 - 41 |
An Ultraviolet Flare at the Center of the Elliptic Galaxy Ngc4552 Renzini A, Greggio L, Alighieri SD, Cappellari M, Burstein D, Bertola F |
41 - 44 |
Diamond and Silicon-Carbide in Impact Melt Rock from the Ries Impact Crater Hough RM, Gilmour I, Pillinger CT, Arden JW, Gilkes KW, Yuan J, Milledge HJ |
44 - 46 |
Stability of O-2/H-2 Mixtures at High-Pressure Loubeyre P, Letoullec R |
47 - 50 |
Lamellar Aluminophosphates with Surface Patterns That Mimic Diatom and Radiolarian Microskeletons Oliver S, Kuperman A, Coombs N, Lough A, Ozin GA |
50 - 54 |
High-Concentrations and Photochemical Fate of Oxygenated Hydrocarbons in the Global Troposphere Singh HB, Kanakidou M, Crutzen PJ, Jacob DJ |
54 - 56 |
Experimental-Evidence for the Origin of Lead Enrichment in Convergent-Margin Magmas Brenan JM, Shaw HF, Ryerson FJ |
56 - 59 |
Scaling of Elastic Strain-Energy in Kangaroos and the Benefits of Being Big Bennett MB, Taylor GC |
59 - 62 |
Genetic Polymorphism for Alternative Mating-Behavior in Lekking Male Ruff Philomachus-Pugnax Lank DB, Smith CM, Hanotte O, Burke T, Cooke F |
62 - 65 |
Cell Fate in the Arabidopsis Root-Meristem Determined by Directional Signaling Vandenberg C, Willemsen V, Hage W, Weisbeek P, Scheres B |
65 - 68 |
Salt-Resistant Hypertension in Mice Lacking the Guanylyl Cyclase-A Receptor for Atrial-Natriuretic-Peptide Lopez MJ, Wong SK, Kishimoto I, Dubois S, Mach V, Friesen J, Garbers DL, Beuve A |
68 - 70 |
A Sex Difference in the Human Brain and Its Relation to Transsexuality Zhou JN, Hofman MA, Gooren LJ, Swaab DF |
71 - 75 |
Remodeling of Hand Representation in Adult Cortex Determined by Timing of Tactile Stimulation Wang XQ, Merzenich MM, Sameshima K, Jenkins WM |
75 - 78 |
Synchronization of Neuronal-Activity in Hippocampus by Individual GABAergic Interneurons Cobb SR, Buhl EH, Halasy K, Paulsen O, Somogyi P |
78 - 81 |
Mechanosensory Signaling in C-Elegans Mediated by the GLR-1 Glutamate-Receptor Maricq AV, Peckol E, Driscoll M, Bargmann CI |
82 - 85 |
Synaptic Code for Sensory Modalities Revealed by C-Elegans GLR-1 Glutamate-Receptor Hart AC, Sims S, Kaplan JM |
85 - 88 |
Clustering of Shaker-Type K+ Channels by Interaction with a Family of Membrane-Associated Guanylate Kinases Kim E, Niethammer M, Rothschild A, Jan YN, Sheng M |
88 - 91 |
Cloning of a New Cytokine That Induces IFN-Gamma Production by T-Cells Okamura H, Tsutsui H, Komatsu T, Yutsudo M, Hakura A, Tanimoto T, Torigoe K, Okura T, Nukada Y, Hattori K, Akita K, Namba M, Tanabe F, Konishi K, Fukuda S, Kurimoto M |
92 - 96 |
A Eukaryotic Transcriptional Repressor with Carboxypeptidase Activity He GP, Muise A, Li AW, Ro HS |
96 - 98 |
N-Glycans as Apical Sorting Signals in Epithelial-Cells Scheiffele P, Peranen J, Simons K |
99 - 100 |
Queen-Victorias-Gene - Hemophilia and the Royal-Family, by D.M. Potts, W.T.W. Potts Sykes B |
99 - 100 |
The Quest for Anastasia - Solving the Mystery of the Lost Romanovs, by J. Klier, H. Mingay Sykes B |
100 - 100 |
Mendel,Gregor - The First Geneticist, by V. Orel Bowler PJ |
101 - 101 |
My Own Right Time - An Exploration of Clockwork Design, by P. Woodward Foulkes P |
101 - 102 |
Artificial Minds, by S. Franklin Sejnowski TJ |
102 - 102 |
The Food System - A Guide, by G. Tansey, T. Worsley Traill B |
103 - 104 |
Lost Moon - The Perilous Voyage of Apollo-13, by J. Lovell, J. Kluger Gee H |
103 - 104 |
The Apollo Adventure - The Making of the Apollo Space Program and the Movie Apollo-13, by J. Kluger Gee H |
104 - 105 |
Natures Keepers - The New Science of Nature Management, by S. Budiansky Pimm SL |
105 - 106 |
A History of Scientific Thought - Elements of a History of Science, by M. Serres Knight D |
106 - 106 |
Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets - The Search for the Million Megaton Menace That Threatens Life on Earth, by D. Steel Ahearn M |
107 - 108 |
Why Freud Was Wrong - Sin, Science and Psychoanalysis, by R. Webster Swales PJ |
108 - 109 |
Biology Takes Form - Animal Morphology and the German Universities, 1800-1900, by L.K. Nyhart Maienschein J |
109 - 110 |
Technology in the Hospital - Transforming Patient-Care in the Early 20th-Century, by J.D. Howell Bynum WF |
110 - 110 |
The End of the Future - The Waning of the High-Tech World, by J. Gimpel Sardar Z |
110 - 110 |
Visions of the Future - The Distant Past, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, by R. Heilbroner Sardar Z |
111 - 112 |
The Faber Book of Science, by J. Carey Gratzer W |
112 - 112 |
The Pill - A Biography of the Drug That Changed the World, by B. Asbell Davenporthines R |
113 - 114 |
Schliemann of Troy - Treasure and Deceit, by D.A. Traill Snodgrass A |
113 - 113 |
The Golden Helix - Inside Biotech Ventures, by A. Kornberg Greenberg DS |