

Nature, Vol.396, No.6707 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0028-0836 (Print) 

In this Issue (59 articles)

97 - 97 Sharing research tools is a tradition worth defending
97 - 97 Time to lift embryo research ban
99 - 99 Lifting the lid on a mediaeval mystery
Abbott A
99 - 100 US court backs authors in fight over article reproduction rights
Dalton R
100 - 100 UK initiatives aim to boost high-tech investment
Masood E
101 - 101 Changes in store for Japan's vet colleges
Saegusa A
101 - 101 Private observatories seek public funding
Macilwain C
102 - 102 NASA is urged to use less home grown technology
Reichhardt T
102 - 102 India agrees to conduct AIDS vaccine trials
Jayaraman KS
102 - 102 Italian charity offers an alternative to the concorsi
Abbott A
103 - 103 Highbrow 'club' seeks the common touch
Masood E
103 - 103 UN climate organization faces criticism
104 - 104 Company seeks strict controls on access
104 - 104 Breakthrough stirs US embryo debate ...
Butler D
105 - 105 Swiss to vote on ban on in vitro fertilization
Bahnsen U
105 - 105 ... while Europe contemplates funding ban
Butler D
108 - 108 Coordinating European public health
Tibayrenc M
108 - 108 Time to take a healthier view of history
Haznedaroglu IC
108 - 108 Argentinian science down but not out
Grigera JR
108 - 108 No rustling at Roslin
Bulfield G
109 - 110 Rickettsia, typhus and the mitochondrial connection
Gray MW
110 - 111 Superconductors - Mesoscopic magnetism
Sigrist M
110 - 110 Rickettsia in medicine and history
111 - 112 Protein transport - Life and death of a signal peptide
von Heijne G
113 - 113 Chronology - Friday XIII
Battersby S
114 - 115 Solar physics - The Sun at small scales
Thomas JH
115 - 116 Developmental genetics - Too much sex is bad for males
Swain A, Lovell-Badge R
117 - 117 Daedalus - Glass is for ever
Jones D
118 - 118 Obituary - Demetrios Papahadjopoulos (1934-98)
Nicolau C, Gregoriadis G
119 - 122 Cell suicide for beginners
Raff M
123 - 123 Visible viruses
Kemp M
125 - 126 Glutamate-receptor genes in plants
Lam HM, Chiu J, Hsieh MH, Meisel L, Oliveira IC, Shin M, Coruzzi G
127 - 128 Hotspotting called into question - Reply
Wessel P, Kroenke L
127 - 127 Hotspotting called into question
Aslanian D, Geli L, Olivet JL
128 - 128 Music training improves verbal memory
Chan AS, Ho YC, Cheung MC
129 - 129 What remains to be discovered : Mapping the secrets of the universe, the origins of life, and the future of the human race
Zimmer C
130 - 130 The word on the street : Fact and fable about American English
Showalter E
130 - 131 The raptor and the lamb : Predators and prey in the living world
Turner JRG
131 - 132 The floating egg : Episodes in the making of geology
Torrens HS
132 - 132 Of two minds : The revolutionary science of dual-brain psychology
McManus C
133 - 140 The genome sequence of Rickettsia prowazekii and the origin of mitochondria
Andersson SGE, Zomorodipour A, Andersson JO, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Alsmark UCM, Podowski RM, Naslund AK, Eriksson AS, Winkler HH, Kurland CG
141 - 142 Discovery of a young nearby supernova remnant
Aschenbach B
142 - 144 Emission from Ti-44 associated with a previously unknown Galactic supernova
Iyudin AF, Schonfelder V, Bennett K, Bloemen H, Diehl R, Hermsen W, Lichti GG, van der Meulen RD, Ryan J, Winkler C
144 - 146 Paramagnetic Meissner effect in small superconductors
Geim AK, Dubonos SV, Lok JGS, Henini M, Maan JC
147 - 149 Phonon density of states and negative thermal expansion in ZrW2O8
Ernst G, Broholm C, Kowach GR, Ramirez AP
149 - 152 Five parametric resonances in a microelectromechanical system
Turner KL, Miller SA, Hartwell PG, MacDonald NC, Strogatz SH, Adams SG
152 - 155 Generalized syntheses of large-pore mesoporous metal oxides with semicrystalline frameworks
Yang PD, Zhao DY, Margolese DI, Chmelka BF, Stucky GD
155 - 159 Low interannual variability in recent oceanic uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Lee K, Wanninkhof R, Takahashi T, Doney SC, Feely RA
159 - 161 Seismic and hydrothermal evidence for a cracking event on the East Pacific Rise crest at 9 degrees 50 ' N
Sohn RA, Fornari DJ, Von Damm KL, Hildebrand JA, Webb SC
161 - 164 Navigation through vector addition
Etienne AS, Maurer R, Berlie J, Reverdin B, Rowe T, Georgakopoulos J, Seguinot V
165 - 168 State-dependent receptive-field restructuring in the visual cortex
Worgotter F, Suder K, Zhao YQ, Kerscher N, Eysel UT, Funke K
168 - 173 The nuclear hormone receptor SEX-1 is an X-chromosome signal that determines nematode sex
Carmi I, Kopczynski JB, Meyer BJ
173 - 177 Late embryonic lethality and impaired V(D)J recombination in mice lacking DNA ligase IV
Frank KM, Sekiguchi JM, Seidl KJ, Swat W, Rathbun GA, Cheng HL, Davidson L, Kangaloo L, Alt FW
177 - 180 The murine gene p27(Kip1) is haplo-insufficient for tumour suppression
Fero ML, Randel E, Gurley KE, Roberts JM, Kemp CJ
180 - 183 The protein kinase Pak3 positively regulates Raf-1 activity through phosphorylation of serine 338
King AJ, Sun HY, Diaz B, Barnard D, Miao WY, Bagrodia S, Marshall MS
184 - 186 Histone acetyltransferase activity of CBP is controlled by cycle-dependent kinases and oncoprotein E1A
Ait-Si-Ali S, Ramirez S, Barre FX, Dkhissi F, Magnaghi-Jaulin L, Girault JA, Robin P, Knibiehler M, Pritchard LL, Ducommun B, Trouche D, Harel-Bellan A
186 - 190 Crystal structure of a bacterial signal peptidase in complex with a beta-lactam inhibitor
Paetzel M, Dalbey RE, Strynadka NCJ
190 - 198 Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence (vol 393, pg 537, 1998)
Cole ST, Brosch R, Parkhill J, Garnier T, Churcher C, Harris D, Gordon SV, Eiglmeier K, Gas S, Barry CE, Tekaia F, Badcock K, Basham D, Brown D, Chillingworth T, Conner R, Davies R, Devlin K, Feltwell T, Gentles S, Hamlin N, Holroyd S, Hornsby T, Jagels K, Krogh A, McLean J, Moule S, Murphy L, Oliver K, Osborne J, Quail MA, Rajandream MA, Rogers J, Rutter S, Seeger K, Skelton J, Squares R, Squares S, Sulston JE, Taylor K, Whitehead S, Barrell BG
190 - 190 Reconciling the spectrum of Sagittarius A* with a two-temperature plasma model (vol 394, pg 651, 1998)
Mahadevan R