

Nature, Vol.481, No.7382 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0028-0836 (Print) 

In this Issue (47 articles)

409 - 409 Access all areas
410 - 410 Notes on screen
410 - 410 Fertile union
411 - 411 Cultural history holds back Chinese research
Gong P
417 - 418 Caution urged for mutant flu work
Butler D
419 - 419 UK sets sights on gene therapy in eggs
Callaway E
420 - 420 Research in Asia heats up
Reich ES
421 - 423 Candidates play to the right on science
Young S
423 - 424 French institute prepares for gene-therapy push
Abbott A
424 - 424 Gemini's twin telescopes reboot (vol 481, pg 251, 2012)
Hand E
Marchant J
Giles J
433 - 435 Oil's tipping point has passed
Murray J, King D
436 - 437 Provocative questions in cancer research
Varmus H, Harlow E
438 - 439 Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: The Life and Work of Joseph Rotblat
Rees M
440 - 440 A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing
Scharf C
443 - 443 Pause on avian flu transmission studies
Fouchier RAM, Garcia-Sastre A, Kawaoka Y
443 - 443 Train local experts to help conserve forests
Peters CM, Alexiades M, Laird SA
443 - 443 Biobank donors should have a say
Spencer B, Koutaissoff D, Lehr HA
444 - 444 James Crow (1916-2012) OBITUARY
Kondrashov A
446 - 446 Neuroscience Spikes timed through inhibition
Medina JF
447 - 447 Sync or sink?
Khodakhah K
448 - 449 ASTRONOMY A new class of planet
Southworth J
449 - 450 SOCIAL SCIENCE Hunter-gatherer cooperation
Henrich J
450 - 452 NANOTECHNOLOGY Shape matters
Glotzer SC
452 - 453 LASER SCIENCE Even harder X-rays
Marangos J
453 - 455 STEM CELLS The right neighbour
Shestopalov IA, Zon LI
454 - 454 TECHNOLOGY A deeper peek into living organisms
Cesari F, Nath D
455 - 456 DRUG DISCOVERY Chemical beauty contest
Leeson P
457 - U65 Endothelial and perivascular cells maintain haematopoietic stem cells
Ding L, Saunders TL, Enikolopov G, Morrison SJ
463 - U72 A PGC1-alpha-dependent myokine that drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and thermogenesis
Bostrom P, Wu J, Jedrychowski MP, Korde A, Ye L, Lo JC, Rasbach KA, Bostrom EA, Choi JH, Long JZ, Kajimura S, Zingaretti MC, Vind BF, Tu H, Cinti S, Hojlund K, Gygi SP, Spiegelman BM
469 - U80 X-ray structures of LeuT in substrate-free outward-open and apo inward-open states
Krishnamurthy H, Gouaux E
475 - U85 Transiting circumbinary planets Kepler-34 b and Kepler-35 b
Welsh WF, Orosz JA, Carter JA, Fabrycky DC, Ford EB, Lissauer JJ, Prsa A, Quinn SN, Ragozzine D, Short DR, Torres G, Winn JN, Doyle LR, Barclay T, Batalha N, Bloemen S, Brugamyer E, Buchhave LA, Caldwell C, Caldwell DA, Christiansen JL, Ciardi DR, Cochran WD, Endl M, Fortney JJ, Gautier TN, Gilliland RL, Haas MR, Hall JR, Holman MJ, Howard AW, Howell SB, Isaacson H, Jenkins JM, Klaus TC, Latham DW, Li J, Marcy GW, Mazeh T, Quintana EV, Robertson P, Shporer A, Steffen JH, Windmiller G, Koch DG, Borucki WJ
480 - 483 Generation of scaled protogalactic seed magnetic fields in laser-produced shock waves
Gregori G, Ravasio A, Murphy CD, Schaar K, Baird A, Bell AR, Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Bingham R, Constantin C, Drake RP, Edwards M, Everson ET, Gregory CD, Kuramitsu Y, Lau W, Mithen J, Niemann C, Park HS, Remington BA, Reville B, Robinson APL, Ryutov DD, Sakawa Y, Yang S, Woolsey NC, Koenig M, Miniati F
484 - 487 Light-cone-like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system
Cheneau M, Barmettler P, Poletti D, Endres M, Schauss P, Fukuhara T, Gross C, Bloch I, Kollath C, Kuhr S
488 - 491 Atomic inner-shell X-ray laser at 1.46 nanometres pumped by an X-ray free-electron laser
Rohringer N, Ryan D, London RA, Purvis M, Albert F, Dunn J, Bozek JD, Bostedt C, Graf A, Hill R, Hau-Riege SP, Rocca JJ
492 - U103 Pathway complexity in supramolecular polymerization
Korevaar PA, George SJ, Markvoort AJ, Smulders MMJ, Hilbers PAJ, Schenning APHJ, De Greef TFA, Meijer EW
497 - U109 Social networks and cooperation in hunter-gatherers
Apicella CL, Marlowe FW, Fowler JH, Christakis NA
502 - U114 Purkinje neuron synchrony elicits time-locked spiking in the cerebellar nuclei
Person AL, Raman IM
506 - 510 Clonal evolution in relapsed acute myeloid leukaemia revealed by whole-genome sequencing
Ding L, Ley TJ, Larson DE, Miller CA, Koboldt DC, Welch JS, Ritchey JK, Young MA, Lamprecht T, McLellan MD, McMichael JF, Wallis JW, Lu C, Shen D, Harris CC, Dooling DJ, Fulton RS, Fulton LL, Chen K, Schmidt H, Kalicki-Veizer J, Magrini VJ, Cook L, McGrath SD, Vickery TL, Wendl MC, Heath S, Watson MA, Link DC, Tomasson MH, Shannon WD, Payton JE, Kulkarni S, Westervelt P, Walter MJ, Graubert TA, Mardis ER, Wilson RK, DiPersio JF
511 - U126 Exercise-induced BCL2-regulated autophagy is required for muscle glucose homeostasis
He CC, Bassik MC, Moresi V, Sun K, Wei YJ, Zou ZJ, An ZY, Loh J, Fisher J, Sun QH, Korsmeyer S, Packer M, May HI, Hill JA, Virgin HW, Gilpin C, Xiao GH, Bassel-Duby R, Scherer PE, Levine B
516 - U131 Multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry quantifies stem cell division and metabolism
Steinhauser ML, Bailey AP, Senyo SE, Guillermier C, Perlstein TS, Gould AP, Lee RT, Lechene CP
520 - U137 Multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry reveals slow protein turnover in hair-cell stereocilia
Zhang DS, Piazza V, Perrin BJ, Rzadzinska AK, Poczatek JC, Wang M, Prosser HM, Ervasti JM, Corey DP, Lechene CP
525 - 529 Molecular recognition of a single sphingolipid species by a protein's transmembrane domain
Contreras FX, Ernst AM, Haberkant P, Bjorkholm P, Lindahl E, Gonen B, Tischer C, Elofsson A, von Heijne G, Thiele C, Pepperkok R, Wieland F, Brugger B
530 - U147 Structure of the carboxy-terminal region of a KCNH channel
Brelidze TI, Carlson AE, Sankaran B, Zagotta WN
534 - 534 Selective killing of cancer cells by a small molecule targeting the stress response to ROS (vol 475, pg 231, 2011)
Raj L, Ide T, Gurkar AU, Foley M, Schenone M, Li XY, Tolliday NJ, Golub TR, Carr SA, Shamji AF, Stern AM, Mandinova A, Schreiber SL, Lee SW
Greco R