
Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol.79, No.B4 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0957-5820 (Print) 

In this Issue (6 articles)

197 - 205 Novel cloud chamber design for'transition range' aerosol combustion studies
Cameron LRJ, Bowen PJ
206 - 210 How frequent are major industrial accidents in Europe?
Kirchsteiger C
211 - 217 Study of activated carbon after oxidation and subsequent treatment characterization
Saha B, Tai MH, Streat M
218 - 232 Optimization of process parameters for glycol unit to mitigate the emission of BTEX/VOCs
Braek AM, Almehaideb RA, Darwish N, Hughes R
233 - 243 An indoor air quality model that includes the sorption of VOCs on fabrics
Elkilani A, Bouhamra W, Crittenden BD
244 - 252 Effects of freeboard volatile release during fluidized bed incineration of a model waste
Marias F, Puiggali JR, Flamant G