155 - 155 |
The Perversity of Inanimate Objects Koshland DE |
157 - 158 |
Health-Care Costs Krugman RD, Fulginiti VA |
157 - 157 |
Health-Care Costs Martin AR |
158 - 159 |
Health-Care Costs Deckert GH |
158 - 158 |
Health-Care Costs Debakey ME |
159 - 159 |
Single Molecules Observed by Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (Vol 262, Pg 1422, 1993) Betzig E |
159 - 159 |
Hearing Process Proves a Challenge for Ori (Vol 260, Pg 1714, 1993) Anderson C |
164 - 165 |
Research-and-Development Budget - More Wins Than Losses Mervis J, Anderson C, Marshall E |
165 - 166 |
United-States Science Policy - Ostp Plans a Blueprint for Research Mervis J |
166 - 166 |
Russian Science - Battle Expands over Shrinking Budget Allakhverdov A |
167 - 168 |
Mars-Observer - Management Faulted in Postmortem Travis J |
167 - 167 |
Astronomy - A Scheme for a High-Flying Scope Finkbeiner A |
168 - 169 |
United-States-Japan Collaboration - Academic Biotech Deals Offer More Promise Than Product Valigra L |
170 - 170 |
National Laboratories - Doe Finds Physics Archives May Be Too Hot to Handle Anderson C |
171 - 172 |
Rise and Fall of the Y-Chromosome Morell V |
172 - 172 |
Infectious-Diseases - Unveiling a Tuberculosis Drug Target Travis J |
173 - 175 |
Ancient Tropical Climates Warm San-Francisco Gathering Kerr RA |
175 - 175 |
Population-Genetics - A Family Tree of European Bears Dorozynski A |
180 - 181 |
What Is a Whale Berta A |
181 - 183 |
What Are We - Where Did We Come from - Where Are We Going Oneill L, Murphy M, Gallagher RB |
183 - 184 |
Surprising Signals in Plant-Cells Jones AM |
185 - 190 |
Carbon Pools and Flux of Global Forest Ecosystems Dixon RK, Brown S, Houghton RA, Solomon AM, Trexler MC, Wisniewski J |
191 - 197 |
The Transfer-RNA Identity Problem - A Search for Rules Saks ME, Sampson JR, Abelson JN |
198 - 200 |
Observed Impact of Snow Cover on the Heat-Balance and the Rise of Continental Spring Temperatures Groisman PY, Karl TR, Knight RW |
201 - 203 |
Nanometer Spatial-Resolution Achieved in Hard X-Ray-Imaging and Laue Diffraction Experiments Bilderback DH, Hoffman SA, Thiel DJ |
203 - 205 |
Free-Radical Side-Chain Bromination of Alkylaromatics in Supercritical Carbon-Dioxide Tanko JM, Blackert JF |
205 - 207 |
Quantum Yield for Production of Ch3Nc in the Photolysis of Ch3Ncs Alvarez RA, Moore CB |
207 - 210 |
Structure of Solidified Colloidal Array Laser Filters Studied by Cryogenic Transmission Electron-Microscopy Kamenetzky EA, Magliocco LG, Panzer HP |
210 - 212 |
Fossil Evidence for the Origin of Aquatic Locomotion in Archaeocete Whales Thewissen JG, Hussain ST, Arif M |
212 - 215 |
An Inverted Double Seismic Zone in Chile - Evidence of Phase-Transformation in the Subducted Slab Comte D, Suarez G |
215 - 218 |
Modes of Tilting During Extensional Core Complex Development Coleman DS, Walker JD |
218 - 221 |
Turbulent Mixing Under Drifting Pack Ice in the Weddell Sea Mcphee MG, Martinson DG |
221 - 223 |
Root-Knot Nematode-Directed Expression of a Plant Root-Specific Gene Opperman CH, Taylor CG, Conkling MA |
224 - 227 |
Crystal-Structure of the DNA-Binding Domain of the Heat-Shock Transcription Factor Harrison CJ, Bohm AA, Nelson HC |
227 - 230 |
Inha, a Gene Encoding a Target for Isoniazid and Ethionamide in Mycobacterium-Tuberculosis Banerjee A, Dubnau E, Quemard A, Balasubramanian V, Um KS, Wilson T, Collins D, Delisle G, Jacobs WR |
230 - 232 |
Degeneration of a Nonrecombining Chromosome Rice WR |
232 - 234 |
Innervation of the Heart and Its Central Medullary Origin Defined by Viral Tracing Standish A, Enquist LW, Schwaber JS |
235 - 237 |
The Adjuvant Effect of Interleukin-12 in a Vaccine Against Leishmania-Major Afonso LC, Scharton TM, Vieira LQ, Wysocka M, Trinchieri G, Scott P |
237 - 240 |
Phase-Shifting of the Circadian Clock by Induction of the Drosophila Period Protein Edery I, Rutila JE, Rosbash M |
252 - 253 |
Science and Anti-Science, by G. Holton Hollinger DA |
252 - 253 |
Visions of Caliban, by D. Peterson, J. Goodall Cartmill M |
253 - 254 |
Nobel,Alfred - A Biography, by K. Fant Travis AS |
254 - 255 |
The Quantum-Theory of Motion - An Account of the de Broglie-Bohm Causal Interpretation of Quantum-Mechanics, by P.R. Holland Goldstein S |
255 - 256 |
Human Gene Mutation, by D.N. Cooper, M. Krawczak Kazazian HH |