735 - 735 |
The Path to Research Prioritization Koshland DE |
737 - 738 |
Alloimmunization to Prevent AIDS Kiprov DD, Sheppard HW, Hanson CV |
737 - 737 |
NIH Neural Transplantation Funding Widner H |
738 - 739 |
Astronomy - Of Fundamental Value Bailey ME |
739 - 739 |
The U5 and U6 Small Nuclear RNAs as Active-Site Components of the Spliceosome (Vol 262, Pg 1989, 1993) Sontheimer EJ, Steitz JA |
739 - 739 |
Involvement of U6 snRNA in 5’ Splice-Site Selection (Vol 262, Pg 2035, 1993) Kandelslewis S, Seraphin B |
739 - 739 |
The Deadly Latur Earthquake (Vol 262, Pg 1666, 1993) Gupta HK |
744 - 746 |
Research-and-Development Budget - Growth in Hard Times Mervis J |
746 - 746 |
Foundations - Hughes to Add 49 New Investigators Marshall E |
747 - 747 |
National-Science-Foundation - Researchers Sue to Get Reviewer Names Marshall E |
747 - 747 |
Scientific Misconduct - Academy Warns Against Slipping Ethics Anderson C |
748 - 748 |
Department-of-Energy - National Labs Under Review, Again Anderson C |
748 - 748 |
Genetic-Engineering - Safety Concerns Halt UK Study Kingman S |
749 - 749 |
The Message from CERN - Help Wanted Flam F |
749 - 749 |
SSC Aftermath - Physicists Struggle for Consensus About the Future Flam F |
750 - 750 |
Chernobyl Explosion - Inside Look Confirms More Radiation Travis J |
750 - 751 |
Astronomy - Gloomy Picture for Photo Astronomers Travis J |
751 - 751 |
Greenhouse Chemistry - Methane Increase Put on Pause Kerr RA |
752 - 752 |
Science Policy - United-States Research Forum Fails to Find a Common Front Mervis J |
754 - 756 |
Cell Suicide - By Ice, Not Fire Barinaga M |
756 - 757 |
Space Physics - Solar Physicists Peer into a Mysterious Furnace Glanz J |
758 - 758 |
Evolutionary Biology - Will Molecular-Data Set the Stage for a Synthesis Cohen J |
759 - 760 |
Planetary Science - A New Portrait of Venus - Thick-Skinned and Decrepit Kerr RA |
769 - 770 |
Protein-DNA Recognition - New Perspectives and Underlying Themes Vonhippel PH |
771 - 776 |
Population-Policy Options in the Developing-World Bongaarts J |
777 - 784 |
Coupling of Local Folding to Site-Specific Binding of Proteins to DNA Spolar RS, Record MT |
785 - 787 |
Destruction Rate of H-3+ by Low-Energy Electrons Measured in a Storage-Ring Experiment Sundstrom G, Mowat JR, Danared H, Datz S, Brostrom L, Filevich A, Kallberg A, Mannervik S, Rensfelt KG, Sigray P, Afugglas M, Larsson M |
787 - 791 |
Hubble-Space-Telescope Observations of Comet-P/Shoemaker-Levy-9 (1993E) Weaver HA, Feldman PD, Ahearn MF, Arpigny C, Brown RA, Helin EF, Levy DH, Marsden BG, Meech KJ, Larson SM, Noll KS, Scotti JV, Sekanina Z, Shoemaker CS, Shoemaker EM, Smith TE, Storrs AD, Yeomans DK, Zellner B |
791 - 793 |
Theoretical Evidence for a C-60 Window Mechanism Murry RL, Scuseria GE |
793 - 795 |
Suppression of Rupture in Thin, Nonwetting Liquid-Films Yerushalmirozen R, Klein J, Fetters LJ |
796 - 800 |
The Timing of High Sea Levels over the Past 200,000 Years Gallup CD, Edwards RL, Johnson RG |
800 - 802 |
Nanowire Array Composites Huber CA, Huber TE, Sadoqi M, Lubin JA, Manalis S, Prater CB |
802 - 805 |
Green Fluorescent Protein as a Marker for Gene-Expression Chalfie M, Tu Y, Euskirchen G, Ward WW, Prasher DC |
805 - 807 |
RNA Polymerase-II Initiation-Factor Interactions and Transcription Start Site Selection Li Y, Flanagan PM, Tschochner H, Kornberg RD |
808 - 811 |
Transcriptional Activation Modulated by Homopolymeric Glutamine and Proline Stretches Gerber HP, Seipel K, Georgiev O, Hofferer M, Hug M, Rusconi S, Schaffner W |
811 - 814 |
Promoter-Selective Transcriptional Defect in Cell-Cycle Mutant Ts13 Rescued by Htaf(II)250 Wang EH, Tjian R |
814 - 817 |
Mapping the Lectin-Like Activity of Tumor-Necrosis-Factor Lucas R, Magez S, Deleys R, Fransen L, Scheerlinck JP, Rampelberg M, Sablon E, Debaetselier P |
817 - 820 |
Mesodermal Patterning by a Gradient of the Vertebrate Homeobox Gene Goosecoid Niehrs C, Steinbeisser H, Derobertis EM |
820 - 823 |
Neuronal-Activity During Different Behaviors in Aplysia - A Distributed Organization Wu J, Cohen LB, Falk CX |
823 - 826 |
In-Vivo Ca2+ Dynamics in a Cricket Auditory Neuron - An Example of Chemical Computation Sobel EC, Tank DW |
826 - 828 |
Prevention of Vertebrate Neuronal Death by the Crma Gene Gagliardini V, Fernandez PA, Lee RK, Drexler HC, Rotello RJ, Fishman MC, Yuan J |
837 - 838 |
The Golem - What Everyone Should Know About Science, by H. Collins, T. Pinch Segerstrale U |
838 - 839 |
Flora of North-America North of Mexico, by Flora-Of-N-Amer-Editorial-Committee Ornduff R |
839 - 841 |
Bacterial Conjugation, by D.B. Clewell Shapiro JA |
841 - 842 |
Dyslexia and Development - Neurobiological Aspects of Extraordinary Brains, by A.M. Galaburda Hynd GW |