302 - 302 |
The future of US science policy Ehlers VJ |
302 - 303 |
Wheat domestication Jones MK, Allaby RG, Brown TA |
303 - 303 |
Wheat domestication Hole F |
303 - 304 |
Wheat domestication - Response Heun M, Borghi B, Salamini F |
304 - 305 |
Aging and endocrinology Watson RR |
305 - 306 |
Aging and endocrinology Mazur A |
306 - 307 |
Immediate release of crystallographic data : A proposal Wlodawer A, Davies D, Petsko G, Rossmann M, Olson A, Sussman JL |
306 - 306 |
Aging and endocrinology - Response Lamberts SWJ |
307 - 307 |
Polar wander and the Cambrian (vol 316, pg 5, 1998) Torsvik TH, Evans DA |
307 - 307 |
Synchrotron collaboration Bunker G |
312 - 313 |
Has French AIDS research stumbled? Balter M |
313 - 313 |
The twin icons of French AIDS research Balter M |
315 - 315 |
Science in society - Cloning plan spawns ethics debate Kestenbaum D |
315 - 316 |
Global change - The hottest year, by a hair Kerr RA |
316 - 317 |
Earth observation - Europe forges a plan in collaboration with industry Gavaghan H |
317 - 317 |
Plant breeding - Biotech firm in high-nicotine intrigue Marshall E |
318 - 318 |
NASA headache - II - Goldin may cancel NASA Earth probe Lawler A |
318 - 318 |
NASA headache - I - AXAF delay threatens station, Hubble Lawler A |
319 - 321 |
Teaching the spinal cord to walk Wickelgren I |
320 - 320 |
Watching "walking" nerves learn Wickelgren I |
322 - 322 |
Astronomy - Intruder in a star's dust glimpsed Irion R |
322 - 322 |
Astronomy - Hubble sees all the light there is Irion R |
323 - 324 |
Cancer research - Peptide-guided cancer drugs show promise in mice Barinaga M |
324 - 324 |
Infectious disease - Sequence offers clues to deadly flu Vogel G |
325 - 326 |
Archaeology - Sea-floor dust shows drought felled Akkadian empire Kerr RA |
326 - 327 |
Materials science - Getting a 3D view of surfaces Taubes G |
327 - 327 |
AIDS research - Chemokine mutation slows progression Balter M |
330 - 331 |
The Kyoto negotiations on climate change : A science perspective Bolin B |
332 - 332 |
The sea surface and global change. Wanninkhof R |
333 - 334 |
Tweaking the human circadian clock with light Oren DA, Terman M |
334 - 335 |
Telomeres and senescence : Ending the debate de Lange T |
335 - 336 |
A new opportunity in silicon-based microelectronics Yates JT |
336 - 337 |
Reprolysins and astacins ... Alive, alive-O Weinmaster G |
338 - 341 |
Memory suppressor genes : Inhibitory constraints on the storage of long-term memory Abel T, Martin KC, Bartsch D, Kandel ER |
342 - 345 |
Resilient quantum computation Knill E, Laflamme R, Zurek WH |
345 - 348 |
Absence of a spin gap in the superconducting ladder compound Sr2Ca12Cu24O41 Mayaffre H, Auban-Senzier P, Nardone M, Jerome D, Poilblanc D, Bourbonnais C, Ammerahl U, Dhalenne G, Revcolevschi A |
349 - 352 |
Extension of life-span by introduction of telomerase into normal human cells Bodnar AG, Ouellette M, Frolkis M, Holt SE, Chiu CP, Morin GB, Harley CB, Shay JW, Lichtsteiner S, Wright WE |
353 - 355 |
Shape transition of germanium nanocrystals on a silicon (001) surface from pyramids to domes Medeiros-Ribeiro G, Bratkovski AM, Kamins TI, Ohlberg DAA, Williams RS |
356 - 358 |
Accurate experimental electronic properties of DL-proline monohydrate obtained within 1 day Koritsanszky T, Flaig R, Zobel D, Krane HG, Morgenroth W, Luger P |
358 - 362 |
Space geodetic observations of Nazca-South America convergence across the central Andes Norabuena E, Leffler-Griffin L, Mao AL, Dixon T, Stein S, Sacks IS, Ocola L, Ellis M |
362 - 365 |
A search for endogenous amino acids in martian meteorite ALH84001 Bada JL, Glavin DP, McDonald GD, Becker L |
366 - 369 |
Isotopic evidence for a terrestrial source of organic compounds found in martian meteorites Allan Hills 84001 and Elephant Moraine 79001 Jull AJT, Courtney C, Jeffrey DA, Beck JW |
369 - 373 |
Import of mitochondrial carriers mediated by essential proteins of the intermembrane space Koehler CM, Jarosch E, Tokatlidis K, Schmid K, Schweyen RJ, Schatz G |
373 - 377 |
Helicobacter pylori adhesin binding fucosylated histo-blood group antigens revealed by retagging Ilver D, Arnqvist A, Ogren J, Frick IM, Kersulyte D, Incecik ET, Berg DE, Covacci A, Engstrand L, Boren T |
377 - 380 |
Cancer treatment by targeted drug delivery to tumor vasculature in a mouse model Arap W, Pasqualini R, Ruoslahti E |
381 - 384 |
Chemokines and the arrest of lymphocytes rolling under flow conditions Campbell JJ, Hedrick J, Zlotnik A, Siani MA, Thompson DA, Butcher EC |
384 - 388 |
Structure of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein bound to the SL3 Psi-RNA recognition element De Guzman RN, Wu ZR, Stalling CC, Pappalardo L, Borer PN, Summers MF |
389 - 393 |
Genetic restriction of AIDS pathogenesis by an SDF-1 chemokine gene variant Winkler C, Modi W, Smith MW, Nelson GW, Wu XY, Carrington M, Dean M, Honjo T, Tashiro K, Yabe D, Buchbinder S, Vittinghoff E, Goedert JJ, O'Brien TR, Jacobson LP, Detels R, Donfield S, Willoughby A, Gomperts E, Vlahov D, Phair J, O'Brien SJ |
393 - 396 |
Characterization of an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus isolated from a child with a fatal respiratory illness Subbarao K, Klimov A, Katz J, Regnery H, Lim W, Hall H, Perdue M, Swayne D, Bender C, Huang J, Hemphill M, Rowe T, Shaw M, Xu XY, Fukuda K, Cox N |
396 - 399 |
Extraocular circadian phototransduction in humans Campbell SS, Murphy PJ |
399 - 403 |
Postsynaptic membrane fusion and long-term potentiation Lledo PM, Zhang XY, Sudhof TC, Malenka RC, Nicoll RA |
403 - 406 |
A potassium channel mutation in neonatal human epilepsy Biervert C, Schroeder BC, Kubisch C, Berkovic SF, Propping P, Jentsch TJ, Steinlein OK |
407 - 409 |
An Arabidopsis MADS box gene that controls nutrient-induced changes in root architecture Zhang HM, Forde BG |
410 - 411 |
Superconductivity - Fingerprinting vortices with smoke Gammel P, Bishop D |
412 - 412 |
Lactamase live! Sikorski R, Peters R |
412 - 413 |
Droplet discovery Sikorski R, Peters R |
413 - 413 |
Jamming spam Sikorski R, Peters R |